Furthermore, dimorphic expressions of dmrt1s were evident at different stages of gonadal development or recrudescence in catfish. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. The level of band sharing values within the catfish populations were 0.26 +/- 0.021 for Banaras, 0.60 +/- 0.033 for Bhubaneshwar and 0.377 +/- 0.058 for Hussainabad respectively. Trauma 46(5)53-67, 2004. distinct decrease in all except inorganic phosphate was observed in the fry stage. This may be the reason that catfish population is lacking genetic diversity in major riverine system of India. This means that eating wild-caught catfish can be better for you as it can help you maintain a healthy, low ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Inhibitor studies and immunoblot analyses further demonstrated that arsenic-induced HKM apoptosis involved activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, a well-characterized caspase-3 substrate. Genetic similarity and diversity of catfish Clarias batrachus (Linn.1758) populations collected from three regions of Indian riverine system were examined using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). It would be a very good idea to add this fish to yor diet. 2020 diagnosis or treatment. Catfish are a type of white fish that can live in both freshwater and saltwater. Functional annotation of these miRNAs indicated their involvement in diverse biological Government bodies & organizations should come fo, & women for human resource development & dexterity, culture & disease management. P.S, Singru . Gen Comp Endocrinol. Help through the learning environment of the teachers or the teaching organizations; let the learners have projects to complete learning. Coal mining generates huge quantity of toxic effluent which consistently pollutes the neighboring wetlands where the local inhabitants regularly cultivate edible fishes. FAO has published several reports of culture &, will enable sustainable development in the yield and, has exceptionally well tolerance level in varied, environment that suggests an advantageous, rough light on the adaptation strategy of a species, confounding effect in the evaluation of toxicity h, conducted ; Naqvi et al(1993) evaluated the severe, rtilizer diammonium-phosphate compared to urea in, Effect of pollutants as pesticides, drugs, radionucleids (Joy & Sathyanesan 1981)& heavy, (Kirubagaran&Joy1990), kidneys (Kirubagaran & Joy, Organ & system specific effects as on neural system (Jyothi &, attacharya 2007), DNA damage & apoptosis (Datta, practice habitat protection and implement stringent, Immune response & Host parasite interaction in, by experimental or wild infection as well as by, studied immune system in the species.Observations, ental parameters can through light on the modification on, eutic possibilities.Observation of molecular (Joshi, pathogens (Majumdar et al 2007) & parasites, mptomatic diagnosis.Swain et al(2004)reported the. Frying produced the highest water loss and fat gain (P < 0.05). Get contact details and address | … The mir-455 is النجاحِ المستقبلي لها وتعزيز قدراتها على مواكبةِ بيئتها التنافسية وتحقيق أهدافها الاستراتيجية، كما يَستمدُ البحث أهميته مِنْ حاجةِ البيئةِ الاقتصاديةِ العربيةِ بشكلٍ عام إلى إجراءِ المزيدِ مِنَ الدراسات في هذا المجال الحيوي والحديث سواء أكانتْ على المستوى الاكاديمي أو على المستوى العملي، لما لهُ مِنْ أثر كبير في تفعيل حركة البحث العلمي في هذا المجال وتسليط الاضواء عليهِ، إذْ تتمثلُ مشكلة البحث في إغفال الوحدات الاقتصادية لأهمية الإفصاح البيئي في تقاريرها وكشوفاتها المالية وعلاقة هذا الإفصاح بمستوى أدائها المالي، الأمر الذي ينعكسُ على قراراتها الاداريةِ وبالأخص القرارات المتعلقة بالاستثمار البيئي وتطوير المنتجات الصديقة للبيئةِ وتأثير ذلكَ على تقدير المستثمرين للقيمة السوقية للوحدات الاقتصادية وإقبالهم على الاستثمار في أسهم تلك الوحدات، عليه فإنَّ هدف البحث ينصبُ أساساً على تحديدِ مدى تأثير الإفصاح البيئي بمستوياته المختلفة في التقارير المالية على الأداء المالي للوحدات الاقتصادية، وهو بذلك يفترض فرضية اساسية واحدة مفادها: "لا توجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الأداء المالي للشركات الصناعية المدرجة في سوق عمان للأوراق المالية ومستوى إفصاحها البيئي"، ولغرض اختبار الفرضية الأساس للبحث تَمَّ اعتماد دراسة عملية للتقارير المالية المنشورة لعينة مؤلفة مِنْ (28) شركة مِنَ الشركات الصناعية المدرجة في سوقِ عمان للأوراق المالية للمدة مِنْ 2009 - 2013، وقدْ خَلُصَ البحثُ إلى مجموعةِ استنتاجات أهمها: عدم وجود متغير معين مِنْ متغيرات الإفصاح البيئي، على مختلف مستويات التحليل التي اعتمدها البحث، يفسرُ بشكلٍ كاملٍ العلاقة بين الإفصاح البيئي والاداء المالي، كذلك لم تفصح التقارير والقوائم المالية للشركات الصناعية الأردنية عينة البحث عن أي مِنَ الآثارِ الماليةِ نتيجة أدائها لأنشطة أو عمليات بيئية، حتى وإنْ كانتْ في شكل تقارير منفصلة, أو في الإيضاحات المرفقة بتلكَ القوائم والتقارير. It also means that, as predators, catfish have the potential to grow into quite large fish. Trauma 43(2):39-68, 2001. She is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach with a Master of Science in Organ, Tissue, and Cellular Transplantation and a Ph.D. in Bioengineering. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in children of normal weight and height was of 3.4 %, 6.4 % in short stature, 15.7 % in overweight and 38.4 % in obesity. Get best price and read about company. The valorisation of these products may stimulate the development of aquaculture production and consumers’ interest in Europe. The present investigation is aimed to study the variability and relatedness among a Nuclear Protein coding Gene among candidates of two different fish groups, the Carpfishes and the Catfishes by the Phylogenetic tree topologies resulting from four different computational models as Maximum parsimony (MP), Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA), Minimum evolution and Neighbor Joining Method. Magur Fish Seed. Americans consume 15 pounds of seafood per year on average. Catfish have both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Partial harvest of magur may start after 50–60 days of culture (except in carp polyculture), when some specimens reach marketable size (above 200 g). s of the Developing Embryos of a Freshwater Catfish, ammonium phosphate on liver, kidney & muscle 5'-. Effect of feeding, spawning & size on ch. are equally significant for successful outcome. Catfish is an excellent source of protein. All figure content in this area was uploaded by Surajit Debnath, All content in this area was uploaded by Surajit Debnath on Feb 28, 2015. Target prediction of these putative miRNAs resulted in the The coefficient (r value) of 0.992 in experiment 1 and 0.993 in experiment 2 along with regression slopes suggested a positive correlation (0.01 level) between RNA: DNA ratio and specific growth rate. Chemosphere: Mercury and Selenium in European Catfish (Silurus glanis) From Northern Italian Rivers: Can Molar Ratio Be a Predictive Factor for Mercury Toxicity in a Top Predator? Bioaccumulation of nickel & vanadium in ts of the catfish. You probably already know that you’re supposed to be eating fish twice a week. Catfish is listed as one of the 'best choices' of fish you could consume. The aims of this study were to evaluate the nutritional quality (proximate composition, amino and fatty acid profiles, cholesterol and mineral contents) of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and determine the effect of different cooking methods (grilling, boiling and frying) on biochemical composition. Results showed that accumulation of metals in fish tissues were in the following order: liver > kidney > air breathing organ (ABO) > gills > skin > brain > muscles. Kirsten has a Master of Science in Nutrition and Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. Here early and post-embryonic stages of C. batrachus were described through microphotographs. Fish is packed with many nutrients that most people are lacking. The degree of similarity within Hussainabad population varied from 0.125 to 0.842 based on average level of band sharing (BS) values. evolutionary trait. Significantly higher (P < 0.05) growth rates and feed conversion efficiency were evident in fish fed with higher protein diet. It is named for its ability to "walk" across dry land, to find food or suitable environments. The research reveals many important conclusions were one of them; there is no intelligible and direct impact for variables of environmental disclosure at the varies levels of industrial companies, then research sample has impacted on indicator ratios of financial performance, as well as the financial reports of Jordanian industrial companies, which is research sample, has no any disclosure about financial impacts on its environmental activities. Adeolu said that this made it necessary for the fish to be consumed in moderation to prevent health complications. showed that it claded with L. indicus from Indian Isolate with a sequence similarity index of 99%. These are … functions. Keymaster. Multiple dmrt1s (dmrt1a and dmrt1c) were obtained from Clarias batrachus as well. Catfish Health Benefits:-The following are the health benefits of catfish. Changes in the phosphorus-containing metabolites were monitored by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance in the developing embryos of Clarias batrachus. Significantly indifferent (P > 0.05) values of protein utilization were found in-between the both (higher and lower) protein diets. Kidney of Clarias batrachus infected with Procamallanus showed varying degrees of histopathological alterations on 15, 30, 45 and 60 days post-infection. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed the presence of multiple dmrt1s with high levels of dmrt1a in adult testis but not in ovary. S, Mazumder. the major studies carried out by the physiologists, contributed immensely in our understanding the life & biology of, with respect to the conditioning and the growth factors unlike many, A comparatively simple culture characteristic with, excellent nutritional profile (Rui et al 2007) makes, common perception of easily digestible high grade protei, content may be instrumental towards its high acceptan, 2011 International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal, IPCBEE vol.13 (2011) © (2011)IACSIT Press, Singapoore. interference. . Length-weight relationship (LWR) of 661 numbers of hatchery-produced magur, Clarias magur of all the life stages such as hatchlings, fry, fingerlings, juveniles, and adults were studied. In addition, the study also indicates a role of p38–JNK pathway in arsenic-induced HKM apoptosis in C. batrachus. ), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science: Copper, Cadmium, Chromium and Lead Bioaccumulation in Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes Fossilis (Bloch) and Freshwater Mussel, Lamellidens Corrianus Lia and to Compare Their Concentration in Sediments and Water of Turag River. Among the various tissues the highest accumulation of most of the metals was recorded in the liver (2.05–271.28 mg/kg dry weight) and lowest in the muscles (1.39–30.27 mg/kg dry weight), while the concentration of metals in other tissues ranged in between. This probably indicates toward a less selective pray catch and omnivorous food habit of the exotic breed as well as of its high feed conversion efficiency. after which it decreased in the fry stage to 6.98 units. genes from the contigs, ESTs, and BAC end sequences of commercially important catfish, 3-4 silver carp fishes can be released in the pond so that they can eat excessively producing phytoplankton and keep environment good. However, if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to select farmed catfish over wild catfish. G, Narayan. Clarias batrachus ... How many magur fish can I farm in 8 khata pond. (L.), Low concentration of arsenic could induce caspase-3 mediated head kidney macrophage apoptosis with JNK–p38 activation in Clarias batrachus, Histopathological manifestations in kidney of Clarias batrachus induced by experimental Procamallanus infection, Book Review: The Hungarian-Rumanian Land Dispute. N, Subhedar. Treatment of methyl testosterone (MT) during early stages of gonadal sex differentiation resulted in adult males. وإنَّما اكتفتْ بالإشارةِ لها ضمن تقرير مجلس الادارة وبشكلٍ وصفيٍ وليسَ بشكلٍ كميٍ أو ماليٍ. The results from the present study indicate that there is great degree of genetic similarity between Bhubaneshwar and Hussainabad populations where as Banaras catfish population is distinct. Catla is a fish with large and broad head, a large protruding lower jaw, and upturned mouth. and achieves the Web-based Learning (WBL). The Asian catfish C. batrachus, popularly known as magur in India, has high aquaculture potential in Asia due to its food and medicinal value, This volume constitutes an analytical study of one of the most complicated problems arising out of the readjustment of political and property relations consequent upon the Peace Treaties. Intensive culture of Clarias batrachusis done in many states, since it requires no special treatment and growth factors for culture, as such work on immunostimulatory aspects in this fish will serve to increase the fish production and help in solving the national food problem to some extent. Preincubation with apocynin and diphenyleneiodonium chloride, both selective inhibitors of NADPH oxidases, prevented p47phox translocation, ROS production and HKM death. C. batrachus Interestingly, we also obtained MT-treated fishes having ova-testis gonads. Each 159 gram serving of channel catfish also has the following vitamins and minerals: Catfish also have small amounts (between 1 and 4 percent) of most other essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron and manganese. cs of nature sometimes bring about unique combinations of factors, itions. Although the many species of catfish can vary substantially, it's generally considered to be an affordable, versatile fish regardless of where it's found. me financial assistance to attend ICAAA , 2011. FAO data also divulge the regular growth in the global production, processing & subsequent earning from different catfish varieties (global market value ≈800000 USD) (Fig 2). Phylogenetic Inference from th, e Correlation of Some Microsatellite DNA Segments for, K, Raghuveer. Terms of Use Arsenic-induced HKM death was apoptotic in nature as evident from DNA gel, Annexin V–propidium iodide, Hoechst 33342 staining and TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assays. In the reciprocal hybrids of C. batrachus x H. fossilis, the satellite ladder contains the bands of both parental species. NIH: Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Health Professionals, NIH: Vitamin B12 Fact Sheet for Health Professionals, NIH: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. Seasonal, of mate, breeding ground, endocrine secretion, instinct & rhythm.The timeliness of sexual maturation, e for the newcomers & guarantees survival.Several, like photoperiod, temperature, water current etc &, also follow some rhythms & have precise adaptive, Recent studies on Population Genetics & diversity of, nsulin Like Growth Factor–I, Debnath 2010;Growth, Khedkar et al (2009) studied genetic similarity &, ronmental conditions,migration or by inbreeding during, diversity can lead to depression in growth & disease, of this species that necessitates habitat protection to, .Phylogenetic inference from the correlation, mad & Hasnain (2006) reported correlation between, muscle myofibrils & myosin of some air-breathing, asis due to our concern in sustainability, greener, es on physiology, genetics & general biology are, r to put forward conservation protocols and to propose, consumers made the species suitable for meticulous, rameters.According to FAO estimates the demand for catfishes throughout, with its several beneficial aspects remain as a hit among the, the genetic resources of this species from unwanted, rable, the fish geneticists & the government bodies, onsumption of this excellent fish species is the call, in the rural water bodies with very little infrastructure development, tion of the workers, market regulation etc together, & therefore much more viable in economic point of, rward for training of the rural unemployed youth, enhancement related to technical know-how of, agro finance bodies may be approached for capital. Catfish is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Confused over Fish names? Siddhi Camila Lama is an independent science, travel, and gastronomy writer. It was quantified in serum: glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and insulin; HOMA index was calculated. MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs which play significant role in RNA Catfish are actually considered to be the largest freshwater fish in Europe. There, the privilege of confiscation, called "retention and liquidation," was denied to Rumania. SELFNutritionData: Fish, Catfish, Channel, Farmed, Raw, The American Midland Naturalist: Channel Catfish Habitat Use and Diet in the Middle Mississippi River, Food Distribution and Research Society: Consumer Preferences for Delacata Catfish: A Choice Experiment With Tasting, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition: Comparative Study of Proximate, Fatty and Amino Acids Composition of Wild and Farm-Raised African Catfish Clarias gariepinus in Kaduna, Nigeria, NSF All Catfish Species Inventory: Catfish Families and Groups, SELFNutritionData: Fish, Catfish, Channel, Wild, Raw, PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION, 10 percent of the daily value (DV) for vitamin E, 38 percent of the DV for thiamin (vitamin B1), 7 percent of the DV for riboflavin (vitamin B2), 18 percent of the DV for niacin (vitamin B3), 10 percent of the DV for pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). They also contain other nutrients, like choline and are good sources of healthy, essential fats. Higher lipid deposition (P < 0.05) in whole body and liver was observed with increasing dietary lipid level at each protein diet and as higher (P < 0.05) for the lower protein diets. Murrel Fish Farming Project Report. In nearer future, the lack in genetic diversity can lead to inbreeding which can be resulted in poor growth and disease susceptibility, Bhubaneshwar and Hussainabad catfish population may have this problem. awning & related changes, arificial spermiation, a number of modulators & methods (Raghuveer &, ation events & developments (Nath & Maitra 2001), n function as well as molecular biology since it has its origin in this, ogy in the species describes nural and sense organ, 999) studied the phosphorus containing metabolites of, (L.) by NMR. We had earlier demonstrated that chronic exposure (30 days) to micro-molar concentration (0.50 μM) of arsenic induced head kidney macrophage (HKM) death in Clarias batrachus. Here, we report cloning of multiple dmrt1s, a full-length and two alternative spliced forms from adult catfish (Clarias gariepinus) testis, which encode predicted proteins of 287 (dmrt1a), 253 (dmrt1b) and 233 (dmrt1c) amino acid residues respectively. S, Dey. The present work deals with mining of the conserved miRNA and their target genes from the contigs, ESTs, and BAC end sequences of commercially important catfish, Clarias batrachus, from India. of Tripura Hapania, Traditional wisdom a propos the nutritional benefits of Indian catfish, & adequate good cholesterol (HDL concentration >1, in some parts of India, particularly in West Bengal &, lly remained a strike among the pregnant & lactating. The major constrain behind culturing this species is scanty knowledge on larval rearing and fourth day mortality syndrome. Exposure of HKM to arsenic induced the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase family (MAPK) proteins including c-Jun NH2-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38). Magur is a clever, fast moving fish. The LWR of magur all the life stages were estimated and the equations are as follows, hatchlings W=0.0052*L1.282 (r²=0.8784), fry W=0.0088*L3.028 (r²=0.8113), fingerlings W=0.0065*L3.226 (r²=0.8906), juveniles W=0.0028*L3.420 (r²=0.8175), and adults W=0.0017*L3.491 (r²=0. The polymorphic bands in these populations ranged from 26.5 to 30.5. Her writing has been featured in publications like Gastro Obscura, BrainFacts, and Medium's One Zero. diversity.This may be due to rearing in the same envi, several generations.In nearer future, the lack in genetic, resistance.Islam et al(2007) described the ge, Bangladesh & mentioned the potentialities for improving the species through selective breeding.Their study, revealed a recent bottleneck in some wild populations, increase the population size & lower the vulnerability of, Padhi et al(1998)characterized the MboI satellites in, of some microsatellite DNA segments for indirect assessment of genetic diversity in, been described (Debnath & Gupta 2009).In a study Ah, biochemical properties & adaptive diversity of skeletal, Fisheries & aquaculture is gaining additional emph, solutions, conservation & food security.Detail studi, therefore in a fish species very much relevant in orde, newer & improved culture practices.Establishment of, popularity as a freshwater culturable fish species among, Asians in particular. This fish also gives your nutrient intake a healthy boost. The species is well adapted in virtually all, Tripura is considered as a medicinal fish & traditiona, mothers, the elderly & children.Many a times consumption of “Magur” (Local name of, prescribed prophylactically to the anemic & malnourished individuals as well as for, Bengal & Tripura have much potential towards liveli. R, Gupta. Rumania denied that the restriction as to "retention and liquidation" imposed upon her, applied to anything but exceptional war measures, for example, the sequestration of the property of alien enemies, and had no application to agrarian land reforms, which applied to all inhabitants. Among African-Americans, fish oil supplements lowered this risk by 77 percent, compared with participants who took only a placebo. The researcher has been specified appropriate recommendations according to the conclusions that have been reached. Some new varities of fishes, i didnt know the name of others, but still got a lot of help from the fishmongers at the souk. regulation against tampering with the environment. Here's the catch: You can easily cancel out these health benefits if the fish you eat is contaminated with mercury, antibiotics, or harmful chemicals like PCBs. Hungary protested that the agrarian law, as applied to these owners of land, was a violation of the Treaty of Trianon, forbidding "retention and liquidation" of Hungarian property in Transylvania, as well as of the Minorities Treaty between Rumania and the Allied Governments. Public Health Nutrition: A Review of Guidance on Fish Consumption in Pregnancy: Is It Fit for Purpose? Habitat protection & sustainable c, between government bodies with respect to skill up grada, with the scientific community ensuring timely deliver, therefore culture practices will be much easier to follow, view. Clarias batrachus Looking at the benefits associated with magur, Narayan immediately agreed to experiment the fish breeding process. Real-time RT-PCR analysis during testicular cycle showed higher levels of dmrt1 transcripts in preparatory and pre-spawning when compared with spawning and post-spawning phases. FAO data also divulge the. fundamental processes sustained in nature. AK, Medda. microbial toxins enable our understanding of host par, factors of culture practices.Effects on a host with a pathogen load may be useful to propose preventive, protocols & vulnerability assessment.Dash et al (2003), relating to infection load with that of the environm, (Kumari & Sahoo 2005)will help to evaluate therap, 1982)& organ specific responses (Ruhela et al 2008) to, (Sharma & Saxena 2001)will help to standardize sy, purification & characterization of immunoglobulins from, toxins (Majumdar et al 2007) may be extended for th, Biological rhythms ensure the balance of numerous, changes influence physiology of animals in terms of cellular (Tripathi et al 2005)& molecular (Sarkar &, Subhedar 2001)cascades in various ways. K.P, Joy. Eating fish benefits the entire body, including the brain. MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs which play significant role in RNA interference. Mineral source. 2012; ... Fishes are believed to be medicinal in some parts of India and it is traditionally favoured among children, the elderly, pregnant women, immuno-compromised or ill people, ... Magur, Clarias batrachus is generally widely distributed throughout India and attain a marketable size of 100-150 g within 10-12 months of the culture period fetching high economic value. On the potential of aquaculture. This fish is of great demand due to high market value in India and Bangladesh. None of these phosphometabolites exhibited any significant change in their concentration up to the blastula stage, whereas The Asian catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758), known as magur, is a popular food fish of Asian countries for its medicinal value. An 8-week feeding trial was conducted in a recycling water system at 28 ± 1 °C to investigate protein to energy ratio (P/E ratio) in African catfish Clarias gariepinus (10.9 ± 0.04 g). Women’s Polytechnic, Govt. In the present study the concentration of heavy metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, Cd, Pb and Cr were analyzed in the water and various tissues of edible catfish Clarias batrachus reared in a pond receiving effluents from Rajrappa coal mine, Jharkhand, India. . The infected kidney showed variable sized glomeruli, cloudy swelling in tubules, vacuolar/atrophic degeneration, fibrosis, mild degenerative changes in distal convoluted tubules, enlarged Bowmen's capsule, necrotic changes as well as increased granulation and hyperplasia in proximal convoluted tubules after 15 days. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Share on Pinterest. AK, P&ey. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. হাইব্রিড মাগুর চাষ village fisheri magur #Catfish #Magurfish #Traveltride Like share and subscribe A total of 138, 1 and 1 conserved pre-miRNA sequences, were The first mitotic cleavage occurred at 62 minutes post-fertilization resulting in 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 blastomeres, followed by development of morula, blastula and gastrula stages. C batrachus (L.). Catfish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids , vitamin B12 and protein. Kirsten Nunez, MS is a health and lifestyle journalist based in Beacon, New York. Effects of probiotics encapsulated and ascorbic acid enriched chironomid midge larvae as live feed on growth and survival of 12 day old Clarias batrachus juveniles (average weight 0.4 ± 0.06 g) were observed with feeding experiment for four weeks. Contains of Catfish. Health benefits Of Rohu fish . Get Magur Fish at best price from Magur Fish Retailers, sellers, traders, exporters & wholesalers listed at ExportersIndia.com. A.J, Sakharkar. The samples of study consist of industrial companies listed on Amman Stock exchange between 2009-2013 years ago. e appraisal of perspective immunization protocols. Current hatchery techniques for seed production of the species involves fertilization of stripped eggs using ground testes suspension from a sacrificed male. Target prediction of these putative miRNAs resulted in the identification of 66,758 and 18,747 target genes in C. batrachus and Danio rerio, respectively. We conclude that exposure to micro-molar concentration of arsenic induces ROS generation through the activation of NADPH oxidases, which in turn causes caspase-3 mediated HKM apoptosis. reverse BAC end sequences. Importance of research depends on environment importance through necessary to keep it and doesn't cause any environmental damages by exercise various activities of economic units, as well as the importance of environmental disclosure in their financial reports, so the environmental disclosure considers one of the modern orientations to prepare the financial reports and it attracts attention of users of these reports whether investors, customers or other parties such as government organizations or environmental organization, and its reflection on the future success and enhancing its ability to keep up with the competitive environment and achieve its strategic goals, as well as importance of research depends on the needs of Arabic economic environment in general to more than of studies in this new and important field in both academic or practical level. The arrangements required for conducting magur breeding were done in consultation with Dr AK Sahu from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. This paper illustrates the significant content of serum HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and reviews.