How to Keep a Palm Alive in the Winter. If you live in tropical or subtropical regions, winter plant care is not as important a consideration but if you live in temperate climes, like we do in Melbourne, and are growing tropical plants – most indoor plants – you’ll need to give them a little more support over winter to ensure they can cope with the cold. Other than being a colorful decoration, indoor plants can also purify the air, improve your health, and help increase your focus. A majesty palm in dry soil will respond by turning brown at the tips and edges. So light is a necessity if you intend to keep your tropicals alive and actively growing all winter. Keeping the Plants Alive. As either a container plant or landscaping plant, a palm tree (Arecaceae) provides bold, evergreen foliage and a tropical-looking growth form. Danielle Ernest: The definition of over-wintering means to care for a plant (annual or tropical) that typically doesn't make it through the winters in your zone by bringing that plant into your home - living area, basement, garage - to keep it alive from year to year. 1. Learn How to Keep Houseplants Alive in Winters as dipping temperature and cold, harsh days can make them difficult to survive, even indoors.. Winter brings short days, fluctuating cold temperatures, low humidity, and limited sunlight, making it tough for indoor plants to grow.Here are some essential steps that you can take on to Keep Houseplants Alive in Winters. Plus four practically indestructible indoor plants for lazy decorators. By providing your plant with a good environment and the correct amount of water and nutrients, you can make sure that your indoor plant stays alive. Palms are generally easy to care for, as long as their tropical nature and growing requirements are taken into consideration. Think you’ve killed your indoor plants? Indoors, majesty palm grows best when you give it the conditions it needs to thrive. though, is knowing how to keep your plants alive, especially when you are away. Keep artificial lights on for about 16 hours each day. No matter the season, most plants tend to like moderate conditions, so tweak your heat or AC accordingly. The truth is that indoor plants require some additional attention to ensure that they stay alive. By leaving plants in black plastic pots (the type they come from the nursery in), you can slot them into your more decorative pots and change them as often as you like. In many cases, decreased growth indoors is common. FERTILIZER. Indoor plants require fertilizer more often as the nutrients in the soil get used up by plants Create a space for your plants in a room that receives bright or filtered sunlight six to eight hours each day. This is a normal adaptation to the low light and dry air indoors. While they require some maintenance, there’s a good chance these plants will endure your neglectful habits — providing you with all those great benefits. Here’s how to keep your plants alive while you’re on vacation. "Indoors, plants can be temperamental, and rare plants are rare for a reason." The ideal light and humidity for many tropical plants may be more than your home can provide. For those challenged with keeping plants thriving, we developed this list of the 25 easiest indoor plants to keep alive. This will keep the plant alive and active during the winter months. Plants. Winter has come and gone and now that sunny holiday destination beckons. Plants are heartier than we make them out to be and can survive without human interference for a while. Chinese Evergreen or aglaonema, is a genus of flowering plants from the Araceae family with 22 known species.. We prize them as garden plants in warmer parts of New Zealand but bird of paradise (Stelitzia reginae) is now a rock-star house plant… We want them around us at work, at home, indoors and out. Some plants are a bit more difficult to keep alive as they require certain levels of humidity, consistent temperature levels, or specific amounts of water. What about your plants, though? I was sold. Here are a few tips on how to care for your indoor plants… 1. Orchids are tropical plants that grow in the wild by attaching to other plants. Two tricks to keep a lid on it: Keeping the terrarium closed is what keeps the humidity in your terrarium and keep your plants happily thriving. Here’s your guide to becoming plant parent of the year By Katja Vuji ć. Zebra plants, orchids, and gardenias can be difficult to keep alive. Bring your tropical plants indoors before nighttime temperatures drop below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. They are a few plants that like to have very moist soil, but most of the time, plants do better when you let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Indoor plants benefit from a spell outside once in a while. Aloe Vera. 1. How to Overwinter Tropical Plants as Houseplants. Make sure the outside position is similar to the inside one. Consider potted plants that can ride out winter indoors: An easy way to keep warm weather plants around is by leaving them in planters and then simply bringing them inside once the temperature drops too low outdoors. Increase the light. Be sure that each remaining stem has two or three leaf nodes left in place. If this is not possible, hang fluorescent shop lights or special grow lights in the area where you will keep your plants. Take note of these noteworthy additions to your home. Many tropical plants grow to quite large sizes. Tropical hibiscus, jasmine, bougainvillea and small citrus trees will do quite well indoors if they’re in a bright spot where temperatures are at least 60 degrees. Once we have chosen the correct houseplant, given it the light, humidity and water and soil that it requires, the next step is keeping them alive. Heat generated from fridges and heaters can make indoor plants too warm, so keep … There are however several tropical house plants that that do very well in these rigid conditions and here are 10 most popular of them.. Related: Low light house plants, air purifying plants, small and large indoor plants and indoor vine plants. Bird of paradise. I always have a lot of plants inside during the winter for just that reason, and then once it warms up again, back outside they go! For small to medium size pots, it is a good idea to have a rotation system. Native to the tropical regions of Madagascar, in the west Indian Ocean off the east coast of southern Africa, the plant enjoys bright light and consistently moist, but not soggy, soil. How to keep your indoor plants alive through the winter 1. I hope you liked this post on flowering indoor plants that are easy to keep alive. They originate from the tropical and sub-tropical areas of Asia and New Guinea. Your plant will not like this treatment and will lose almost all its leaves, but with this kind of cold treatment plus minimal watering (only water it enough to keep it from dying out completely), you can at least keep it alive until spring. With many varieties to choose from that generally require minimal care, there is a palm plant for just about any room in your home. Then it will recuperate when you move it to back to brighter conditions and start to water it again. We love 'em. Take your pick from this lust-worthy line-up of indoor plants, plus top tips on how to keep them alive . They won’t appreciate it when you’re off somewhere enjoying yourself instead of taking care of them. That’s why it’s a good idea to prune them in the late summer, cutting all the branches back by a third. All hope is not lost, however; an orchid can thrive indoors if it’s potted in loose bark potting mix, placed in indirect sunlight, provided with enough humidity, and not overwatered. If you have a sunny window where the air temperature stays about 60-70 degrees, you can keep most tropicals growing and possibly even blooming right through the winter. By The Block | 8 months ago. Tropical plants are some of the prettiest indoor plants, and they’re easy houseplants too. How to keep your indoor plants alive. Keep Indoor Plants Alive With These Non-Basic Tips. Most indoor plants tend to be native to tropical or subtropical countries, so their natural growing climate is similar to the temperature inside most homes, between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 85°. Indoor plants are great for creating a more welcoming room in your house. Keep the soil moist but not wet. The trick to keeping and maintaining your indoor greenhouse. Peacock and Wandering Jew plants shouldn't be kept in direct sunlight because it could impact the color of their leaves. Water: Overwatering is probably the most common reason a plant doesn’t thrive. Learn everything you need to know about growing tropical plants indoors including how to water plants, humidity, tropical plant fertilizer, houseplant bugs, and much more in this detailed tropical … Chinese evergreen care is not too demanding making the plant a good choice for those new to indoor gardening. Because if left outside, it would not be able to survive due to the level of coldness in your growing area. Adjust indoor conditions. Naturally, my eyes immediately gravitated to plants that required very little natural light, and to my delight, many of them were tropical in appearance, stemming from the rainforest. In this situation, you may not have room in your home to store your plants. Plants outside tend to be well suited for the climates they live in but when you bring a plant inside things can change. Water and humidity are the next issues. Not exactly the atmosphere we provide for them indoors. If you grew a few tropical plants in your garden this summer, here are some ways to keep them alive indoors until next spring. Keeping plants alive isn’t as hard as you think it is. One of the problems that many house plants face are low light, cool-ish temperatures, and, perhaps worst of all, low humidity. Plants such as tropical hibiscus, for example, can put on too much size over summer to be moved indoors easily for autumn. Frothy fronds, sculptural stems and bead-like trails of foliage. MyDomaine / Grace Kim. Please share it and also follow me on social media for updates on future posts. With this tiny houseplant guide (appropriately sized for my studio space), I could finally navigate the world of low-light indoor plants with confidence. Growing plants indoors can be a fun hobby for you and your family, but keeping your indoor plants alive can be tricky. Palms are attractive and versatile plants, making them popular as indoor or patio container plants. Therefore, a little ingenuity is called for: "If there is no lid on your terrarium, you can use a glass plate on the top," Carr suggests, "or if it's a narrow-necked bottle, use a lightbulb to block the opening and create extra humidity." Can we blame them? Other flowering indoor plants that are easy to keep alive that you could try include Medinilla, Gardenia, Goldfish plant, Fittonia, Gloxinia, Lipstick Plant, and Peace lily. Don’t stress about your indoor plants if you have an extended trip on the horizon. Bougainvillea, jasmine, citrus, hibiscus … The thing is, though, growing plants indoors successfully isn't always easy.