Females weigh between 1,600 and 2,600 pounds and stand about 16 feet tall. However, the skin is a blessing as well, it is one of the best camouflages, it blends so well with the African soil, confusing the potential predators. Newborns are about 2 m (6 ft.) tall and weigh 70 kg (150 lb. The giraffe diet consists most often of their favorite meal: the leaves of acacia trees. Male: An old male. In other countries, such as Tanzania, poaching is associated with declines. Giraffes are the tallest mammals on Earth. During copulation, male giraffes stand almost straight up on their hind legs, resting their front legs along the female's flanks, an awkward posture that would be unsustainable for more than a few minutes. It's unclear what the purpose of ossicones are; they may help males to intimidate one another during mating season, they may be a sexually selected characteristic (that is, males with more impressive ossicones may be more attractive to females), or they may even help to dissipate heat in the blazing African sun. Now, here are 14 facts about giraffes you will find interesting and fun: 1. In fact, giraffes have 4 stomachs, the extra stomachs assisting with digesting food. An old giraffe will have darker spots than the younger one. Facts about Giraffe: 11-15. After you learn something, Do Something! 1. Giraffes have teeth! A giraffe eats hundreds of pounds of leaves each week and must travel miles to find enough food. 10. Giraffes are the tallest living animals in the world, according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. (272 kilograms). You would think that this means they have much more neck bones than humans do… right? Naturalists have recognized nine separate subspecies: the Nubian giraffe, the reticulated giraffe, the Angolan giraffe, the Kordofan giraffe, the Masai giraffe, the South African giraffe, the West African giraffe, the Rhodesian giraffe, and Rothschild's giraffe. The male giraffe is generally heavier and taller than the female giraffe. Interesting facts about giraffes include… One of the most recognized features of the giraffe is its long neck. 12.) Giraffe guide: species facts, lifespan and habitat. Over short distances, giraffes can run at speeds up to 35 mph. A giraffe's neck weighs about 270 kilograms (600 pounds) and is about 1.8 meters (6 feet) long, and its legs are as long as its neck. 17. A Giraffe’s tongue is a bluish-purple color and can be as long as 17 to 20 feet or 45 to 50 cm. Giraffe are the tallest creatures in the world. They live up to 25 years in the wild. Like camels, they don't need to drink on a daily basis. Their long necks, regal stance, and beautiful features make them seem almost surreal, despite the fact that they roam the African plains with very real danger all around them. Facts about Giraffe: 16-20. Giraffes are able to … German ecologist Axel Janke has argued that multi-local DNA analysis of giraffe genetic structure shows that there are actually four separate giraffe species: These suggestions are not accepted by all scholars. Bulls sometimes battle one another by butting their long necks and heads. Their long necks, richly patterned coats, and stubby ossicones on their heads make them the most easily recognizable of all the animals on earth. In 2016, some scientists released a study that claims genetic differences among giraffe populations indicate the existence of four distinct giraffe species. Giraffes are the tallest living animals in the world, according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. The giraffe's height also helps it to keep a sharp lookout for predators across the wide expanse of the African savanna. A giraffe’s tongue can be up to 20 inches long! Even though they’re tall, they don’t sleep a lot. Giraffes are the tallest of all land animals; males (bulls) may exceed 5.5 metres (18 feet) in height, and the tallest females (cows) are about 4.5 metres. The tongue has a thick tough layer that protects it from being cut by thorns. Giraffes are incredibly unique in a number of different characteristics as well as their record-breaking stature. Find out how to take action here. Giraffes can be found across the African Savannah where they primarily feast on the leaves of Acacia trees. Behind their beautiful appearance with a unique fur, long neck, and unparallel tallness, some peculiarities define them as unique animals in the world. The main plant varies between members of the Acacia tree; giraffes are the only predator for acacia trees over 10 feet tall. Giraffes are ruminants, mammals equipped with specialized stomachs that "pre-digest" their food; they're constantly chewing their "cud," a mass of semi-digested food ejected from their stomach and in need of further breakdown. Newborns are about 2 m (6 ft.) tall and weigh 70 kg (150 lb.). The 11 facts you want are below, and the sources for the facts are at the very bottom of the page. With those extra long legs it is not surprising that a giraffe's neck is too short to reach the ground! Learn all about these impressively tall mammals, including key species facts, their diet and best places to see them in their natural habitat in our expert giraffe guide. However, an insufficiently wary giraffe can easily be ambushed at a water hole, since it has to adopt an ungainly posture when taking a drink. Giraffe Facts: 10 Fun Facts about Giraffes. The giraffe is the tallest animal in … The giraffes characteristic long legs and neck make them tallest mammal on earth. While their obvious most interesting fact is their height, that doesn’t mean these creatures can’t leave you even more surprised! Giraffes Are as Tall as a 2-Story House; Giraffes Necks Grew Over Time … Over Millions Of Years 2. Giraffes are the tallest land animals. There’s just something about these long-necked animals that captures our imagination. Female giraffes can become pregnant at 5 years old. Saving Kordofan giraffe in Chad April 9, 2019 Twiga Tracker – Using modern technology to save giraffe and their habitat April 26, 2018 GCF Update – February 2017 February 8, 2017 The Giraffes weighs over 4,000 pounds, which is about 1,900 kg. However, giraffes do not have front teeth. Giraffes are the tallest land animals on earth thanks in part to their distinctive necks which alone can reach almost 2 meters in height. Female giraffes give birth when standing up. These unusual looking creatures have long necks and eat from the tops of trees. The giraffe’s extraordinarily long neck is only one of many adaptations that provide examples of interesting biological concepts. Long-Necked – Much of these creatures’ height comes from their lengthy necks, which can measure well over 6 feet long alone! - Source 2. Giraffes are classed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), because of ongoing habitat loss (deforestation, land use conversion, expansion of agriculture and human population growth), civil unrest (ethnic violence, rebel militias, paramilitary and military operations), illegal hunting (poaching), and ecological changes (climate change, mining activity). Male giraffes use their necks for fighting, swinging them from side to side to headbutt their opponent. An average adult uses most of its time eating and could eat over 45 kg (100 lb.) On the top of a giraffe's head are ossicones, unique structures that are neither horns nor ornamental bumps; rather, they're hardened bits of cartilage covered by skin and anchored firmly to the animal's skull. Giraffe facts continue to fascinate people of all ages. Here are some other fun bits of giraffe information for kids: Giraffes have been living on this planet for more than thirty million years. When fully grown, male giraffes can attain a height of almost 20 feet—most of that, of course, taken up by this mammal's elongated neck—and weigh between 2,400 and 3,000 pounds. The special adaptations of giraffes help us learn about evolutionary theory and the nature of life on Earth. Amazing Facts About the Giraffe. The giraffe can grow up to a height of around 4-5 m high. 13. The gestation period for giraffes is approximately 15 months. Scientists believe the age of a giraffe can be estimated from the spots. Other Fun Facts About Giraffe. At birth, calves are about five and a half feet tall, and at about one-year-old, they are 10.5 feet tall. Giraffes were recently added to the IUCN’s Endangered Species List, with several subspecies currently listed as critically endangered. Giraffes give birth standing up. Interestingly, giraffe sex can provide clues about how dinosaurs like Apatosaurus and Diplodocus had sex—doubtless equally quickly, and with roughly the same posture. Herds forage together. They have long tongues, and no teeth at the front of their top jaw, which helps them to rip leaves from branches. There are also isolates, male bulls who live alone. They’re too short to bend back down! Giraffes are classified by IUCN’s Red List as vulnerable of extinction. Giraffes are herbivores (plant-eaters) and typically eat up to 75 pounds of food in a day. Giraffes only need to drink once every several days; they get most of their water from the luscious plants they eat. 13.) Behind their beautiful appearance with a unique fur, long neck, and unparallel tallness, some peculiarities define them as unique animals in the world. Giraffes are the tallest mammal in the world. Giraffes feed on leaves and shoots of tall trees; usually acacia trees. Giraffe are already extinct in at least seven countries in Africa. Male giraffes do a lot of weird stuff you know, well, to test if a female is fertile, they test her urine. This article about baby giraffe has 22 facts about Africa’s cutest newborn, including why they need the dramatic head-first drop. Giraffes love the Acacia Tree and most of all its leaves. Just how tall is a giraffe and how do they drink? A giraffe's legs alone are taller than many humansâabout 6 feet . As the animal lives in the savannah and woodlands, leaves from trees and fruits are its main sources of food. Giraffes are the tallest living animals in the world. A baby Giraffe can walk within an hour after being born. A giraffe’s tongue is very long, at nearly two feet in length. 10 interesting facts about giraffes. These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles an hour over longer distances. READ MORE: Animals in Kenya (A Guide to 40 Species) The creatures can turn black or white and make inexplicable noises at night. Tallest giraffes have recorded heights up to 5.9 m. Such a large animal weighs 800- 1900 kg- which is quite heavy in itself. Fun Giraffe Facts for Kids. 13 fascinating facts about giraffe: There are four distinct species of giraffe: Northern giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis, Southern giraffe giraffa, Reticulated giraffe G. reticulata and Masai giraffe G. tippelskirchi. Interesting Facts About the Giraffe. The 21-inch tongue helps them pluck tasty morsels from branches. That makes the giraffe the tallest living animal on earth. All rights reserved. Even so, giraffes continue to harbor surprising facts. Male versus female – Key stats and facts about giraffe. Once a giraffe reaches adulthood its height is often enough to protect it from lions. Here are some interesting facts about giraffes! Giraffe Characteristics https://patreon.com/freeschool - Help support more content like this! Male giraffes are known to engage in a ritualized display of dominance called “necking” and this involves head-butting each other’s bodies. Aug 31, 2020 - Explore Gina Walters's board "Giraffe facts", followed by 219 people on Pinterest. – Darker skin as the individual matures. The giraffe can grow up to a height of around 4-5 m high. Facts About Giraffes Skin. Giraffe are exceptional pollinators. Giraffes use their height to good advantage and browse on leaves and buds in treetops that few other animals can reach (acacias are a favorite). Although giraffes are very tall, they don’t sleep much. Facts about Giraffes 1. 11. Even the giraffe's tongue is long! © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- One strange fact thing giraffes is that even though they have such long necks, they still have the same number of bones in their necks as do most other mammals (seven). Female giraffes can give birth at any time throughout the year. Like most artiodactyls, giraffes are sexually dimorphic—that is, males are significantly bigger than females, and the "ossicones" atop their heads have a slightly different appearance. Aug 8, 2019 - Explore Sonia Childers's board "Fun facts about giraffes" on Pinterest. The most common herd is made up of adult females and their calves, and a few males—these are typically between 10 and 20 individuals, although some can grow as large as 50. These gentle giants are the world’s tallest living land animals. A truly a unique species, giraffes are found only in sub-Saharan Africa and can reach unbelievable heights. See more ideas about Giraffe, Giraffe facts, Giraffe art. Wild giraffe are sadly declining, mainly due to habitat loss caused by increasing agriculture.People still poach them for their tail hair, pelts and meat. WATCH: These Rare Giraffes Were Killed Just for Their Tails, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/g/giraffe.html. 1) Giraffes are found in the dry savannahs of Africa, where they roam among the open plains and woodlands. 3. Here’s 17 interesting facts about Giraffes to help clue you in on some of the more fascinating bits and pieces about them. So here’s a look at 50 fascinating facts about Giraffes, including the most common subspecies, their diets, and what’s being done to save them. Giraffe facts! Amazing giraffe facts. by Sonja Faul April 21, 2017. written by Sonja Faul. Giraffe Facts for Kids. 1. The Giraffes foot is about 11 inches or 30 cm. Over short distances, giraffes can run at speeds up to 35 mph. Giraffe facts. The killing of three rare Kordofan giraffes inspired a filmmaker to transform his anger into action. The tallest recorded male was 5.88 m (19.3 ft) and the tallest recorded female was 5.17 m, they have seven vertebrae in their necks, the same as most mammals but the axis joint is modified to allow the head to lift to a 180 degree angle. Giraffes are complex animals that possess many impressive features. Before mating, the female giraffe will first urinate in the mal Facts about Giraffe Behaviors. One of our favourite fun facts about giraffes is that they are beautiful pollinators to many plant species. Interesting facts about giraffes include… One of the most recognized features of the giraffe is its long neck. But looks can be deceptive. Even though they’re tall, they don’t sleep a lot. Most zoo giraffes are either the reticulated or Rothschild variety, which are roughly comparable in size but can be distinguished by the patterns of their coats. They are an endangered species. Fun Giraffe Facts and Photos. 2) Well known for their long necks, these gentle giants are the world’s tallest living land animals. Giraffes have the biggest heart on earth, weighing around 11 Kilogram and 2 feet Long, pumping blood of 60 litres a minute around the gigantic body with a pressure twice as human beings. Studies show that giraffe cows stay with the same group at least as long as six years. ). The giraffe’s tongue is an amazing feat of nature. A newborn giraffe is about 6 feet (1.9 meters) tall at birth and weighs about 150 pounds (68 kilograms). While their obvious most interesting fact is their height, that doesn’t mean these creatures can’t leave you even more surprised! Giraffes use very little communication that can be heard by humans. Their young endure a rather rude welcome into the world by falling more than 5 feet to the ground at birth. Giraffes grow about 4 feet (1.2 meters) in their first year of life. 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Male giraffes are known to engage in a ritualized display of dominance called “necking” and this involves head-butting each other’s bodies. It’s time for the lowdown on one of nature’s gentle giants! They can run 10 hours after birth. Giraffes subsist on a variable vegetarian diet that includes leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. The Giraffe’s Neck. Spatial Ecology and Habitat Use of Giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis) in South Africa. Even newborn giraffes stand at about 6 feet tall, making them taller than most adult humans. Find out more about their habitat and other fun giraffe facts. Facts About Giraffes Heart. These infants can stand in half an hour and run with their mothers an incredible ten hours after birth. Adult giraffes measure around 14.1–18.7 feet in height. Conservation Status. See more ideas about Giraffe, Giraffe facts, Giraffe art. Up until recently, the consensus has been there is only one species of giraffe with multiple subspecies. Traditionally, all giraffes belong to the same genus and species, Giraffa camelopardalis. Young bachelor males who are old enough to fend for themselves form temporary herds of between 10 and 20, essentially training camps in which they play and challenge each other before leaving the group to become isolates. Characterized by its long legs, long neck, and distinctive spotted pattern, many people first believed the giraffe was a cross between a leopard and a camel, which is reflected in its scientific name, Giraffa camelopardalis. Uniquely patterned gentle giants, giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. Their long legs and necks help them to eat leaves at the top of tall trees that other animals cannot reach. This means that they have more than one stomach. Technically, giraffes are classified as artiodactyls, or even-toed ungulates—which puts them in the same mammalian family as whales, pigs, deer, and cows, all of which evolved from a "last common ancestor" that probably lived sometime during the Eocene epoch, about 50 million years ago. ", African Lion Facts: Habitat, Diet, Behavior, Social Networks, Long-Term Associations and Age-Related Sociability of Wild Giraffes. The Giraffe’s heart can weigh as much as 24 pounds or 11 kg. 13 fascinating facts about giraffe: There are four distinct species of giraffe: Northern giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis, Southern giraffe giraffa, Reticulated giraffe G. reticulata and Masai giraffe G. tippelskirchi. Most of them get around 10 minutes to two hours of sleep per day. Even newborn giraffes stand at about 6 feet tall, making them taller than most adult humans. Evolution gives us another one of our giraffe facts: giraffes have extremely long tongues. So check out these top thirty fun facts about giraffes right here! Size. Typically, these fascinating animals roam the open grasslands in small groups of about half a dozen. Giraffe Facts Some of your most frequently asked questions answered. This allows it to clean its ears with its tongue. You know they're tall—the tallest mammals in the world, in fact—but here are 20 other fun facts about these leggy herbivores. They have long tongues, and no teeth at the front of their top jaw, which helps them to rip leaves from branches. Herds have a home range that averages about 100 square miles, and the herds intersect, sharing one another's ranges without a social issue. indicate the existence of four distinct giraffe species. Giraffes consume over 35 kilos of food per day. (1,360 kg). 2. Giraffes are considered the gardeners of the savannah because how they eat gives the acacia trees their distinctive shape. New-born giraffes stand at around 6 feet tall, making them taller than most adult humans. Giraffe, (genus Giraffa), any of four species in the genus Giraffa of long-necked cud-chewing hoofed mammals of Africa, with long legs and a coat pattern of irregular brown patches on a light background. – Larger and longer horns on the head (up to 5”/13 cm). They practice what adult males do during mating season, for instance: male giraffes will engage in "necking," in which two combatants jostle one another and attempt to land blows with their ossicones. The giraffe's stature can be a disadvantage as wellâit is difficult and dangerous for a giraffe to drink at a water hole. Are There Different Types of Giraffes? At an average height of around 5 m (16-18 ft.), the giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world. in diameter. In reality, humans and giraffes have the same number of nec… They can have one calf at a time. Giraffes are incredibly unique in a number of different characteristics as well as their record-breaking stature. Adult giraffes can reach heights of 14 to 19 feet tall, and their legs and necks are both about 6 feet long. With over one million people watching the live stream of April the giraffe giving birth and Earth Day right around the corner, I thought it appropriate to share some facts about giraffes you might not know. 1. Giraffes are among the most awe-inspiring creatures on the planet. Check out our ten facts about the beautiful giraffe…. 1. Adult giraffes can reach heights of 14 to 19 feet tall, and their legs and necks are both about 6 feet long. Many young giraffes, called calves, die from lion attacks during their first year of life. Each adult giraffe weighs about 1,700 pounds and needs as much as 75 pounds of plants each day. The giraffe ranks among the most familiar of the zoo and park animals. Their favorite food? Giraffes are very social animals and tend to travel in small groups known as towers. The tallest giraffe ever recorded at 19.3 feet. However, giraffes have a rough tongue, lips, and palate that are adapted to the task. Perhaps one of the most fun facts about giraffes is that giraffe tongues are extremely dexterous. For a giraffe, its biggest … One of the giraffe facts you can’t miss: A group of giraffes is called a “tower,” which is only fitting as it is the tallest animal on Earth. Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America. Giraffe tongues are dark blueish in colour, which is thought to be a form … Male giraffes average 1,192 kg (2,628 lb) whereas females weigh up to 828 kg (1,825 lb). During the wet seasons, food is more plenty than in the dry season. GiraffeFacts for Kids. Because of their long legs, giraffes can run very fast, reaching speeds of up to 56 km/hr when running short distances. A giraffe eats hundreds of pounds of leaves each week and must travel miles to find enough food. A male giraffe can weigh as much as a pick up truck! Take a look below for 25 more interesting and weird facts about giraffes. Granted, very few animals (other than humans) tend to linger in the act of mating, but at least giraffes have a good reason to rush. Giraffes use their necks to reach the tender leaves on the tops of the trees in their native habitat of the African savannas. Their long legs and necks help them to eat leaves at the top of tall trees that other animals cannot reach. Take a look below for 25 more interesting and weird facts about giraffes. 18. While no two individuals have exactly the same pattern, giraffes from the same area appear similar. They look down on the rest of us from about six foot (about 1.8m) and when fully grown their legs alone are taller than most humans. They carry a baby for 15 months and give birth while standing up. Giraffes also get most of the water that they need from these leaves. Fun Facts about Giraffes Summary. Well, there you have it – 11 awesome facts about giraffes that … How fast do baby giraffes grow? This is an animal learning video you will not want to miss! The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world at an average height of around 5 m (16-18 ft.), with even new-born babies being taller than most humans.. Giraffes live primarily in savanna areas in the sub-Saharan region of Africa.. Their bobbing walk, where both legs on one side are lifted in unison, looks positively relaxed. Female giraffes give birth standing up. – Heavier (973-1395 kg). They carry a baby for 15 months and give birth while standing up. Giraffe guide: species facts, lifespan and habitat. At birth, calves are about five and a half feet tall, and at about one-year-old, they are 10.5 feet tall. How many vertebrae are in that long neck? Multi-Locus Analyses Reveal Four Giraffe Species Instead of One, Giraffe Demography and Population Ecology, Giraffa camelopardalis (amended version of 2016 assessment). Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period. Despite giraffes having amazingly long necks, they actually can’t use them to pick anything up off the ground with. Giraffes are the tallest mammal in the world. Giraffes range in the wild throughout Africa, but are most often found are in combined savannas and woodlands. Their skin is undoubtedly beautiful, this is both a blessing and a curse at the same time, one of the reasons the giraffes are decreasing is poaching for their skin. Giraffes are weaned at 15–18 months, although some suckle up to 22 months of age. Just how tall is a giraffe and how do they drink? Their babies are usually 6 ft long and weigh around 70 kg. Fun Facts about Giraffes. Male giraffes do a lot of weird stuff you know, well, to test if a female is fertile, they test her urine. Most giraffes … Giraffes live in Africa, mainly in open forests, savannas, and grasslands. 16. Female giraffes can become pregnant at 5 years old. In some countries in southern Africa, hunting giraffes is legal, especially where populations are increasing. Leaves from the tops of acacia trees. A giraffe's neck alone is 6 feet (1.8 meters) long and weighs about 600 lbs. When kids learn about nature, one of their favorite subjects is giraffe facts. (680 kg), while males grow up to 18 feet (5.5 m) tall and weigh up to 3,000 lbs. Mothers will occasionally whistle to warn or call their young but most communication is done infrasonically, with moans and grunts far too low for humans to hear. The gestation period for giraffes is approximately 15 months. Giraffes use their tongues to reach in and out of branches to pluck the most succulent buds from trees. Here are 29 interesting Giraffe facts. 1. These gentle giants are the world’s tallest living land animals. See more ideas about Fun facts about giraffes, Giraffe, Giraffes cant dance. Other interesting facts about giraffes. Most giraffes … 1) There Are Four Giraffe Species In 2016, scientists made a blockbuster discovery about the world’s tallest land mammals: giraffes actually come in four separate species. Such contests aren't usually dangerous and end when one animal submits and walks away. A tower will generally consist of one leader, who is a male Giraffe, and around 14 other female Giraffes … 1. Sexual maturation occurs about 5 years of age, and females generally have their first calves at 5–6 years. Well, there you have it – 11 awesome facts about giraffes that you most likely did not know. of leaves and twigs daily. Facts about Giraffes 1. Giraffes eat most of the time and, like cows, regurgitate food and chew it as cud. Giraffes are the tallest land animals. Previously, scientists thought that giraffes all belonged to one species, with many subspecies, but this assumption has been overturned. Their legs alone are taller than many humans—about 6 feet. They even ogled a Chinese emperor during the 1400s. 10 Fun Facts About Giraffe . Giraffes use their necks to reach the tender leaves on the tops of the trees in their native habitat of the African savannas. Facts about Giraffes. They have a diverse diet which can include as much as 93 different species of plants; but typically, only about a half dozen of those plants make up 75 percent of their summer diets. Nile crocodiles have been known to chomp on the necks of full-grown giraffes, drag them into the water, and feast at leisure on their copious carcasses. I wonder since they have such a big heart if they are kind. Giraffe are endangered It’s not a fun fact about giraffes, but this is the most important giraffe fact you need to be aware of. Facts About Giraffes Kick. Tallest giraffes have recorded heights up to 5.9 m. Such a large animal weighs 800- 1900 kg- which is quite heavy in itself. Learn all about these impressively tall mammals, including key species facts, their diet and best places to see them in their natural habitat in our expert giraffe guide. Facts about Giraffes Giraffes are complex animals that possess many impressive features. 1-5 Giraffe Facts 1. Typically, such herds are egalitarian, with no clear leaders or pecking order. Giraffes seem like relatively clumsy creatures, thanks to their cumbersome-looking limbs and top-heaviness. Giraffes exhibit a number of physiological adaptations that allow them to successfully survive with such long necks. Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) are quadrupeds, four-legged hooved mammals who roam the savannas and woodlands of Africa. They are social creatures who mostly live in one of two types of herds: adult females and their offspring, and bachelor herds. Since adult giraffes can only get a few servings with each bite, they spend most of their time eating to meet their caloric need of around 35 kilos. Here we listed most interesting giraffe facts, that most peoples don't know. With such a massive body, it makes sense that th… They give birth standing up. Giraffes are ruminants. Learn all about giraffes with these giraffe facts for kids! A giraffe's neck alone is 6 feet (1.8 meters) long and weighs about 600 lbs. The giraffe's skull has an upper and lower jaw filled with teeth and molars that facilitate the grinding of food. Aug 31, 2020 - Explore Gina Walters's board "Giraffe facts", followed by 219 people on Pinterest. Giraffe are currently the tallest terrestrial mammal and largest ruminant alive, well known for their long necks giraffe can grow to 5.5 m tall. 17. The animal's legs are also 6 feet long.Females grow up to 14 feet (4.3 m) tall and weigh up to 1,500 lbs. Giraffes eat most of the time and, like cows, regurgitate food and chew it as cud. Giraffes are the tallest mammals on planet. The young calves learn to stand just 30 minutes after birth. Interesting facts about giraffe can help kids get excited about learning facts about nature. There are nine subspecies of giraffe. The Acacia tree has very nasty thorns and it is the long tongue of the Giraffe that can reach the top of the tree with its tastiest leaves. Giraffes are the tallest living animals in the world. 1. What do giraffes eat? Once a giraffe has reached its adult size, it's extremely unusual for it to be attacked, much less killed, by lions or hyenas; instead, these predators will target juvenile, sick, or aged individuals. Females are slightly shorter than the males. Learn surprising giraffe facts, such as why they need such enormous hearts and how they get by on less than thirty minutes of sleep each day. Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. To do so they must spread their legs and bend down in an awkward position that makes them vulnerable to predators like Africa's big cats. – Larger than female (up to 5.7 m in height; females +/- 60 cm shorter). 12. When they run for longer stretches, they can attain speeds of … Giraffes are weaned at 15–18 months, although some suckle up to 22 months of age. Giraffes have beautiful spotted coats. You know they're tall—the tallest mammals in the world, in fact—but here are 20 other fun facts about these leggy herbivores.