It also has no problem working on short mana, and can use cheap interaction spells to stay afloat while setting up Dig Through Time. }
It packs plenty of interactive elements, such as Thoughtseize, Fatal Push, Censor, and Drown in the Loch to keep opponents off balance. Both card types have their weaknesses: Counterspell doesn’t play to the board, and Terminate can’t always play effectively on the stack. Instant (16) 2 Censor 4 Dig Through Time 4 Fatal Push 1 Hero's Downfall 1 Mystical Dispute 4 Opt. Working with some of the brightest young minds in American Magic, Oliver Tiu, Oliver Tomajko, Max Mick, Noah Walker, Marcus Luong, and Roshen Eapen, we locked in Dimir Inverter and did not look back. Far better than any sideboard plan revolving around The Scarab God or Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver, Coax is an easy one-of, and can be found with Dig Through Time and flashed back with Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy in case you mill it. All you are really doing is cycling, cast DTT and removal. Yanked from bulk boxes around the world, the Pioneer all-star known as Inverter of Truth is the linchpin of the deck. Both decks did get hit with bans before evolving to perfected final forms, and if Wizards of the Coast (WotC) gives us a little bit of time to figure out the format, I suspect that we haven’t seen the best that Inverter has to offer. Dimir Inverter is a rare breed: it’s a creature-based combo deck that gets to ignore removal spells a good chunk of the time. The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed. There is no surprise there! Support the channel today! Dimir Inverter is a combo-control deck that aims to exile its library with Inverter of Truth and then win with either Thassa’s Oracle or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. The sacrifice ability does provide a little extra value later in the game if you have extra mana lying around. If you can believe it, Inverter of Truth is the worst card in the Dimir Inverter seventy-five! Last weekend, we saw the first round of Regional Players Tour events in Brussels and Nagoya. Burkhart easily navigated the mirror-match, defeating Ingram 2-0, before moving on to face the #8 seed Zachary Kiihne (Mono-Red Aggro) in the semifinals. It still nabs all types of interaction spells and Digs. Ari Lax shares his insights. Dimir Inverter by Corey Burkhart. max-width:100%;
Should action be taken on the deck and if so, what? Both Thassa’s Oracle and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries can win the game once your library is empty, but Inverter is really the only way to enable them. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Drown in the Loch, though, is a contentious card. As the metagame for Pioneer evolves following the overflow of companion decks to the format, older decks are adjusting and adapting. Mono-Red has just enough speed to outrace Inverter; Mono-Black has a slightly slower clock, but packs enough discard spells to trip up Inverter players. By Alex Ullman / February 9, 2020 February 10, 2020. Dredgeless is your typical “Dump stuff in my graveyard and get value out of it” style deck, reminiscent of … That bodes well for games against most of the traditional midrange decks of Pioneer. Dimir Inverter was the deck to beat in both events, and things didn’t go spectacularly well for those attempting to do so — Inverter took six of the sixteen potential Top 8 slots between both events. By Martin Juza / April 14, 2020 April 14, 2020. Jace, Wielder of Mysteries is both a win condition and a source of consistent card advantage in this deck. Consider this fairly standard Twin list from its heyday: UR Twin, Gabriel Fehr (GP Puerto Alegre) Once an opponent has a Lotus Field on the battlefield, Mystical Dispute actually has no text. Not so with a single Coax from the Blind Eternities in the sideboard. One solution is to stay straight two-color and get a little bit radical in deck construction, breaking a few rules: Yes, that is a 23-land deck. All Magic: the Gathering dual lands that produce blue and black mana, updated to Commander Legends. Checkout Acquireboard. Playtest v1. Edit. But I have a burning desire to keep playing Pioneer, at least as long as Inverter of Truth is a legal card. And one card in graveyard is a great place to be if you’re trying to win with Inverter of Truth + Thassa’s Oracle. ... Pioneer Premier #12090331 on 02/15/2020 . The monster from Pioneer named Dimir Inverter. It may end up being worth a copy as pseudo-land number 24 or 25. Pioneer has been - and will always be - a budget player’s friend. Sort of a Splinter Twin with even higher-quality individual creature components, Dimir Inverter looks like a worthy villain and a possible ban-worthy deck, given enough time for the best build to come out.. Why such an early and assertive call of a possible Tier 0 archetype? In contemporary Magic more than ever, screw beats flood, and if we’re looking to set up a quick combo in Game 1 while being less likely to flood out as we slow down later in games, we will need to alter the mix of lands and spells here. After realizing the amazing synergy between Ordeal of Thassa and Lurrus, it seemed like it could be a great budget deck to get into the format. Despite an ostensibly successful 10-6 finish at Players Tour Phoenix, my tournament was disappointing at a lot of key moments. Additionally, against Lotus Field, the card is shameful. Brutality is extra-nice because it plays well against the Pack Rat plan in the mirror match while not being dead if the opponent does not have Pack Rat. After seeing Dimir Inverter run the tables in both Brussels and Nagoya, I’m interested to see if anyone has found a solid answer to it in time for Players Tour Phoenix this weekend. My list for the tournament was (of course) unique, but used the same basic core. I won 100% of my games with inverter casting dig through time. 4 Inverter of Truth 3 Thassa's Oracle. Upvote 0. Additionally, three-of Thought Erasure is a critical piece of supplemental disruption for opposing combo and control decks, and surprisingly plays well against the Torbran, Thane of Red Fell red decks. By Martin Juza / April 14, 2020 April 14, 2020. Card Kingdom 362.33 - 392.83 . Two copies in the sideboard is more than enough at the moment. What will falter in Standard? Thoughtseize is on the shortlist for best card in Pioneer, and it excels in Dimir Inverter. By last weekend Dimir Inverter put itself back on the map by winning the Pioneer Super Qualifier, but even more startling was the deck just behind it in the Top 4 (there only because its pilot conceded the semifinals to the winning player): an 80-card Dimir Inverter deck adapted to support Yorion, Sky Nomad. Dig Through Time may not be a combo piece in this deck, but it’s an indispensable combo enabler. As such, this will be a shorter analysis than most. The “Surveil 1” ability is occasionally nice, too. Play inverter, play wincon. dimir inverter pioneer sunofnothing. To be fair, Extraction is in the deck more because it can kill Spell Queller than anything else. Derrick Davis won the Pioneer Classic with Sultai Delirium – a deck that didn’t make the elimination rounds of the Open despite it being the second-most played deck – while not worrying about facing Dimir Inverter as the deck didn’t make the Top 8 in the Sunday event. Card Kingdom 253.56 - 261.56 . Format: Pioneer. Sullivan’s Satchel: Despise VS Duress, Arabian Nights Mountains, And The Worst Sports City. Dimir Inverter Updated Deck Guide – Pioneer. text-align:center;
Card selection and advantage is also important for combo-control strategies, so Opt, Dig Through Time, and Omen of the Sea are crucial to the deck’s success. In the games where you need to win quickly, Dig Through Time can find both pieces of the combo and while emptying your graveyard so Inverter of Truth can do its thing. Normally overpowered two-card combo decks at least do the metagame the courtesy of playing a ton of bad cards…. First, in a matchup where there are few creatures around to attack it down, it’s an extra card every turn. After all, metagames can correct, right? Dimir Inverter 2/15 Pioneer UB (Dimir) MrSensei2001. However, drawing an Inverter with Jace or Oracle is much better than drawing a Splinter Twin without a Deceiver Exarch; this 6/6 flyer can still put away the game with just a few swings. Spirits, Mono-Black Aggro, and smaller versions of Mono-Red can cross the finish line before a Thassa’s Oracle shows up to ruin their fun. Sultai Delirium: YawgmothPT. Official blog for Card Kingdom, delivering Magic: The Gathering cards and supplies from Seattle to the world since 1999. corey burkhart dimir inverter pioneer. By now, you're probably familiar with Magic’s newest format, Pioneer. Magic sates his desire for competition and constant improvement. Dig can also help you just play a control game by giving you both card advantage and selection, which is fairly rare in Pioneer. In order to make sure your graveyard is small enough to win the game, the deck has maxed out on Dig Through Time to delve cards away. If control and combo start to dominate Pioneer, this will become the standard, but in a format where Mono-Red Aggro and Mono-Black Aggro are premier decks, it’s important to play four copies of the card. Latest Set: Theros Beyond Death. 5 Fun Partner Combinations in Commander Legends, 5 New Historic Decks with Kaladesh Remastered, Commander Legends Upgrade Guide: Reap the Tides, Commander Legends Upgrade Guide: Arm for Battle. It’s worth at least two slots, but in a metagame dominated by mirrors and Lotus Field, it’s fine to play three or even four copies. Basically it turns a small graveyard into a one-card graveyard pretty efficiently. Notice how we’re often mentioning small numbers of cards with the logic that “They can be found with Dig Through Time?” Narset, Parter of Veils is Dig Through Time five and six. Censor hasn’t seen much play outside of Standard, but it seems to be making itself a name in Pioneer. I played Dimir Inverter in Pioneer and Dimir in both drafts, and despite loving my decklist, there were just a few missed chances, games that slipped out of reach despite what looked like a commanding advantage early on. While most sorcery-speed cantrips are more powerful, Opt allows you to use your mana effectively in a deck with a higher density of instants. dimir inverter of truth Pioneer UB (Dimir) Burnman. Whether Dimir Inverter is comboing quickly or grinding out a long game, the disruption suite is the backbone of the deck. Dimir Inverter in Pioneer is not only on top of the format, it appears to be getting stronger. Dimir Dredgeless. Protecting Jace from creature attacks is especially important if you need to use him to combo off. It’s also solid against Mono-Black Aggro and any lingering Llanowar Elves decks that crop up, and the ultimate is a decent way to win games if you’re unable to combo for some reason. Spirits, meanwhile, has enough speed and disruption to create a nightmare match-up for Inverter. . The simple answer is aggro decks. The deck size is relevant now that some pilots are building Dimir Inverter as an 80-card deck with … Check out Martin Juza's updated deck guide . This phenomenon happened twice before in recent memory, with two decks that did later see cards banned: Four-Color Saheeli and Temur Energy. But there’s another route. Obviously Dig Through Time is the most overtly broken card in the deck, but Jace is the scariest one when it goes unanswered. I love Dig Through Time and Narset, Parter of Veils so much, I just have to play even more copies of that effect! Jund Death's Shadow risks being stuck in Modern's past. (Notice Dimir Charm as a weird one-of that can kill Spell Queller and hit Lotus Breach’s powerful sorceries?). How will Cedric finish? Going forward, this is a great base to work from: A few important notes for deck tuners and developers: Pack Rat is significantly worse as a sideboard plan with open decklists. TCGPlayer 357.79 - 261.23 . Discovery, in particular, has a great additional mode for fighting opposing planeswalkers, but it’s possible that sorcery speed on the front half is too great a drawback. Did Dimir Twin Break Pioneer? As always, if you agree with my assessment, think I missed something, or just want to leave general feedback, you can find me on Twitter at @RappaciousOne! Sure, Lotus Field and Underworld Breach won the weekend in Phoenix, but Inverter has the tools to compete through any metagame and varied hate cards. Dimir Inverter Ally Warfield 53rd Place at Star City Games Team Open on 2/1/2020 . Sorcery (6) 2 Thought Erasure 4 Thoughtseize. Remember, that creature was banned in Modern and Legacy. Check out Martin Juza’s updated deck guide. Liliana, the Last Hope is your ace in the hole against Bant Spirits. God-Pharaoh's Gift never dominated Standard, so why is it doing so well in Historic? Edit. Each of those cards was a key components to one of the format’s four most popular combo decks: Dimir Inverter, Kethis … Editor’s Note: Inverter of Truth has been banned in Pioneer effective August 3, 2020. Our card selection, already top-notch, gets even better with the addition of Omen of the Sea (though I’m still not certain that we should be playing Omen over, say, Discovery // Dispersal or Strategic Planning). Edit Live Edit. It uses Inverter of Truth to exile most of your deck and then Thassa's Oracle or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries to win the game. My metagame read was such that I expected to need the extra percentage against the non-aggro decks, which ended up being more correct than not. That’s about the bare minimum investment level it takes to play this fantastic game, and now you can play the best format for that same price.