Have you ever cried after meditation? I started crying after 25 minutes of meditation. To get the latest updates from Meditation without Mumbo Jumbo to your inbox, enter your email ID below: Studying Liberal Arts at Young India Fellowship, Class of 2017-18. On every level our culture teaches us, from birth to death, to suppress what we feel for the greater good. Welcome to Spiritual Forums!. 4. In meditation, one often becomes aware of more thoughts than one notices when one is normally awake. However, I am slowly realizing that to be actually able to feel our emotions and express it is a sign of courage. And that is perfectly okay. This often leads to crying and release of fear-based emotions with tears as you move towards love and peace. To suppress our opinions in case they cause trouble. Let those tears flow and continue with your meditation practice. You feel subtly protected and guided by this presence and that sometimes lead to tears of joy during meditation. The simple answer to this question is it means nothing. Maybe it was a way of me letting go of something? Meditation by it’s very nature, is a route into our deep mental/emotional and spiritual levels and so we cannot expect the only outcome to be peaceful relaxation, but that emotional release may also manifest as tears, anger, or agitation as negativity is … 5 Reasons Crying After Meditation Is Perfectly OKAY. The sad ubiquity of the phrase “It’s OK to…” in Anglo-USian culture is a measure of how both repressed and conformist late capitalist society is. When you first experience intense crying after meditation, it may be uncomfortable. Meditation by it’s very nature, is a route into our deep mental/emotional and spiritual levels and so we cannot expect the only outcome to be peaceful relaxation, but that emotional release may also manifest as tears, anger, or agitation as negativity is released. Here are 5 reasons why it is perfectly OKAY to let it all go and cry during meditation: One thing that is common among all people reporting tears during meditation is that almost all of them feel better afterward. I started meditating about a month ago and repressed emotions come up rather easily, but oddly. About – Contact – Sitemap – Privacy Policy, Guide To Meditation During Coronavirus Quarantine. For those unaccustomed to it, meditation refers to “enlightenment.” Some may even use Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir, “eat, pray love.” Here’s the thing though, there’s a lot more to meditation than you might think. 10 August. My main instrument is the gong but I have also acquired a set of crystal singing bowls for the 7 chakras. If you are driving, drive. In meditation, one often becomes aware of more thoughts than one notices when … Recently she left her demanding job to be more available to her family, making a wobbly transition from yoga teacher only in her free time, to yoga teacher a lot more of the time, occasional blogger, health nut, … Allow yourself to have all those feels. Some prefer to practice crying meditation on their own while others prefer to practice within a group. I can’t stop crying lately. Meditation focuses on cleansing you from within and thus, you cry: When I constantly focused on why do I cry when I meditate, I realized that it is because I cleanse my soul when I am meditating. But when I meditate, I can't help but to think of all these things I repressed every … Some find it very relaxing, some have vivid visions. We are accustomed to thinking and believing that we are just this physical body which is separate from one another. However, I still had no idea what just happened. Crying meditation is about releasing the build up of emotions so inner peace and bliss can be experienced. Yes! I learned to meditate when I was 17. After I got done, for some reason Idk why but I just felt like I wanted to cry, and kind of even had a few tears. Yet others experience clearing symptoms such as crying … Natalie de Caires hails from beautiful Barbados, is passionate about healthy living and has been teaching yoga for over 10 years. Choosing to cry is also choosing not to care about the opinions of others. Let them exist and observe them as they are without getting attached or justifying their existence with stories. We are accustomed to thinking and believing that we are just this physical body which is separate from one another. I felt sad the whole day, I just feel like crying out loud and I keep thinking about God. Crying is a form of release. I learned to meditate when I was 17. This can include everything from your diet to your job to the people you spend time with. If you're taking a shower, do it fully. The tears continued even after the meditation stopped. ... 5 Reasons Crying After Meditation Is Perfectly OKAY. I had no idea what was happening as I had not expected this at all. Focus on nothing else but on whatever you are doing. My … ... Like Loading... Related. this morning I did a short five minute breathing excercise while doing my activities around the house. It was not sadness but perhaps tears of joy during meditation. Or maybe I didn’t want that feeling… And, it is not something to get excited about as well. So, when we begin to have a glimpse of what lies beyond this body- an eternal consciousness that is ever present and ONE with all, there is a profound sense of joy and peace. This is one of the main It is perfectly OK to cry during a meditation. For those unaccustomed to it, meditation refers to “enlightenment.” Some may even use Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir, “eat, pray love.” Meditation News. When I do my sessions I enjoy playing and people often go very deep into meditation, sleeping. But what happened after that is quite funny. Crying after meditation is a similar response, and it’s a sign that you’ve tapped into a reflective state. What's going on? Finally, I hope that by reading this article, you now know what to expect during meditation. Yet it is a fact that we all keep strong emotions and traumas hidden (or trapped) within our subconscious minds. My main instrument is the gong but I have also acquired a set of crystal singing bowls for the 7 chakras. Over the period of time, I have realized that crying after meditation can have a significant effect on your overall mental well-being.Â. You should not attach any importance to it. Thus, one cries for various reasons, but generally crying is caused by an outburst of emotion. Thoughts are always present in the mind. crying during / after meditation. After you have allowed yourself to relax for awhile, depending upon whether or not your crying was intense or light, write down the first feelings that you feel, and remember that there are no “wrong feelings”, only honest ones. What comes to mind when you hear the word meditation? I wasn’t sobbing and I wasn’t really sure why I was crying. Tags I started crying after 25 minutes of meditation., meditation, peace, self care, sfw, text, zen. I shed lot of tears during meditation. You should not attach any importance to it. Joined: Nov 10, 2010 Messages: 1 Likes Received: 0 Trophy Points: 1. Any thoughts on the first two? I did Discover Meditation CD 2 last night which was about 10 mins of mantra meditating, and ended up crying (during the music segment). Some find it very relaxing, some have vivid visions. In fact, you should let it all go instead of stopping your practice and suppressing your feelings again. I had a similar experience when I went to a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat and it was once again an unforgettable experience. Most notably, one night, I began mediating, and I saw what I knew was the sun surrounded by … I felt very safe and secured during my meditation. Q: “What does it mean when one cries during meditation?” A: It is a simple thing. IN fact, please look at this as a benefit of meditation. In society, many of us (particularly males) have been told that we must not cry. When meditation takes me away from the usual distractions and forces me to focus on how I feel, I feel pure grief, and it really fucking hurts. As a child she always wanted to be a Naturopath or Nutritionist. It is what it is. Scientific studies have validated this and shown that people do feel better after a good cry. So basically, after crying during meditation, or in any other occasion, you get rid of stress hormones and feel a sense of relief. 17 Insanely Successful Celebrities Who Meditate Daily. Be part of the drive. But hold on and experience it fully. Crying after meditation is normal, and everyone from newbies to experienced yogis has cried after meditation. It may have happened in your yoga class or during meditation. An emotional release. If you are driving, drive. Meditation Benefits. Crying allows you to get rid of all that toxicity that was seemingly contained. You may not remember the exact memory that triggers those feelings but you always remember how you feel. This could be why LoraC is feeling clumsy and tripping. I think this is an emotional outburst or any unresolved sadness which resurfaces from the subconscious mind for dilution. It was a guided chakra meditation by Doreen Virtue. Do You Really Need A Meditation Cushion To Meditate? Hey there! She has just begun her blogging career and loves to write about various topics such as natural health remedies, meditation, self development and yoga. Even after I ended the meditation, I could feel the strong waves of energy and vibration. Crying is simply due to some emotions which are neither good or bad. To suppress our emotions to keep things nice. No matter the source or type of feeling, don’t worry or think too much about these emotions. It’s just the beginning! Let me settle the matter: it’s ok to do anything that doesn’t hurt anyone else. It’s not something to get worried about. Crying is an emotion that helps you let go of all those fears, negative energies and cluttered factors that have been stressing you. Even the act of handing someone a … When you try this technique, don’t be surprised if you find that you have lots of repressed emotions that you’re not letting out. Top 10 Countries where Meditation is Popular, How To Prevent Back Pain During Meditation, How To Use Mala Beads In Meditation | Meaning & Benefits, There’s the belief that meditation enhances empathy, Some studies reveal that mediation improves your brain’s function, Physical discomfort/joint pain caused by staying in the lotus pose position, Thoughts about your spirituality which create immense feelings of gratitude, Getting flashbacks of poor decisions and actions from the past that create a sense of guilt, Feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem caused by introspection, Meditation may tap into bad experiences that make you feel uncomfortable and sad. Even the act of handing someone a handkerchief can also be saying " OK, you have cried enough. In meditation, the mind starts undergoing a change. Sometimes during those moments when your thoughts get silent, you intuitively get aware of the presence. How I hate my life as a human and I have this wish that I just want to leave this world and go to God. It can weaken your mind-body coordination. Crying is a powerful way to let go of sadness and anger, past hurts, grief and wounds. So often in life situations that are sad to us are not given the honor of emotional release that is required. and I found tears coming up into my eyes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the middle of that meditation, something related to angels came up. So if you can understand what you can do when strong emotions arise. Be part of the drive. After I got done, for some reason Idk why but I just felt like I wanted to cry, and kind of even had a few tears. Or you met someone who awakened your heart chakra. Maybe it was a way of me letting go of something? It shows our vulnerability and that we are not emotionally dead from inside. Hoping these as well as new sensations continue as I journey ahead. Don’t worry that you’re doing something wrong. Or these may simply be emotions of fear, self-criticism, hopelessness, anxiety or any emotion which takes you away from joy. In this digital age, you have probably come across several podcasts, or social media influencers express their confidence in meditation. We created this community for people from all backgrounds to discuss Spiritual, Paranormal, Metaphysical, Philosophical, Supernatural, and Esoteric subjects. Question: I am 45 years old woman. The beginning of meditation. It doesn’t matter whether you’re doing mindfulness meditation or Vipassana meditation or any other type of meditation. However, crying after meditation is often a sign that you’ve got into touch with your inner being that is always present and whose basic nature is that of love and joy. Remember that even though these negative emotions seem overwhelming, nothing is permanent. It may also be due to some conditioning and beliefs. There were days that I had so many troubles and worries in my life, and I wanted to keep myself stable. Crying meditation can be a powerful and cleansing practice to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed and pent-up with emotion and/or busyness. Crying during and after meditation? Do not worry or overthink about any particular sadness or memory that might have caused this. After that, one may resume the semi-lotus position again. I’ve been crying at the end of all my meditations of the past week. Once they stopped after few minutes that seemed like an eternity, I felt a strange sense of calm and peace. I believe that you meditating and crying after is your mind’s way of realizing that you still have a lot of emotions to work through. Later, as these effects become more intolerable and affect one's meditation, then one may stretch out one's legs until the numbness or pain is considerably reduced. This "sister meditation" to the OSHO Dynamic is best done at sunset or in the late afternoon. Should You Meditate In The Morning Or At Night? Crying After Meditation Feeling like crying after meditation is not unusual, or indeed something to be ashamed or worried about. In meditation, the mind starts undergoing a change. A teaching I have learn through meditation is doing whatever you do fully. Thank you for sharing ð. Thus, one cries for various reasons, but generally crying is caused by an outburst of emotion. It is perfectly OK to cry during a meditation. Crying after meditation is a similar response, and it’s a sign that you’ve tapped into a reflective state. To suppress our opinions in case they cause trouble. We live in a suppressive culture. Shedding tears is a sign of emotional cleansing that often precedes mental calm and peace after meditation. After all, in meditation, our ultimate aim is to learn that nothing is good or bad. Anything that stirs your heart too much, anything that takes possession of you, … is too much, that you cannot contain and it starts overflowing â that brings tears. It changes from the normal state, which for most people is a state of oscillation, wavering and wandering. Quote. 0. I’ve never heard them from anyone but me, and Infant Massage Instructors trained by my organization. The sensation will begin during meditation and continue long after my meditation is over. I’m Ashley, I am a Spiritual mindset & Empowerment coach, specializing in Energy Work, Manifestation, Emotional empowerment, subconscious reprogramming, and naturally Kundalini awakening.The Awakened State is a Place of Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance helping you on your spiritual journey.. Let's Heal & Manifest intentionally using the Mind-Body to 4 min read. I felt very safe and secured during my meditation. I need to meditate but meditation dissolves into tears, tone after time. Share your experience in the comments below. My dog is dying of cancer. 4) After a two month break, the meditation started slow, but then the visions started again; instead of visions from far away, they were of mundane things, but out of time. I use crying meditation regularly in my own personal practice – either to connect with my feelings about the common humanity in our experience of suffering, or as a way to … If you start crying after meditation, the first thing you should do is not try to suppress this emotion. When I do my sessions I enjoy playing and people often go very deep into meditation, sleeping. The person may have known about it or, more likely, they’ve opened your heart chakra spontaneously. Question: I am 45 years old woman. Crying after meditation – Is It Normal? Also, share this article on Facebook and Twitter with your friends and family. Shedding tears during meditation is simply an outlet of buried emotions. It was overwhelming physically and mentally, at a point I almost feared my heart would stop. Meditation Benefits. Meditation is the closest thing to a happy pill that I’ve found. There is usually a trigger for the heart chakra awakening to take place. These emotions may be a result of some memory of a significant event in your childhood that left a deep impression on you. It doesn’t matter. Learn more about crying, plus get tips to help prevent or stop your tears. Enjoy your shower with bliss. ð. I started to cry at the end. Meditation has been scientifically proven to strengthen the immune system, reduce blood pressure and the risk of stroke, minimize pain sensitivity, enhance cognitive function, and even grow a bigger brain. When you first begin a meditation practice, you begin to see your anxious mind going from one thought to another. 3) even when meditating in a completely dark room, I can see a white glow. This meditation will help you to understand what it happening in your nind. Feelings of happiness and being at peace; Thoughts about your spirituality which create immense feelings of gratitude The presence that is aware- simply aware of your existence. However, crying after meditation is often a sign that you’ve got into touch with your inner being that is always present and whose basic nature is that of love and joy. Crying meditation can be a powerful and cleansing practice to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed and pent-up with emotion and/or busyness. So, if you too have found yourself shedding tears during meditation, don’t worry. Yes! These feelings of peace and joy indicate that there is nothing inherently wrong with crying after meditation. Here are some of the main reasons why people meditate. I remember taking a walk to my favorite nearby park and crying privately about how terrible … Crying in Meditation. It was as if a load has been lifted from my shoulders. Crying after meditation can be as a result of good and bad experiences. Lots of love to you. Crying Meditation. Read this article to learn more about why it happens and what to do if it does. Also, once you release all these emotions, you’ll be happy to know that your future meditation sessions will result in healing, peace of mind as well as contentment. After reading what you wrote I understand what is happening more. PCT is not rare. I thought I'll do a 30 mins session today. I have been doing group sound baths at yoga studios for about a year now. So my advice would be to embrace what you feel and get all them feels out so you can replace it … The 7 Chakras – What They Mean and How To Balance Them, A Guide To Meditation Crystals For Beginners. After my daily meditation session I felt an overwhelming presence of powerful love in me. Take 15 minutes out of your busy day to relax and let go of any negative or difficult emotions you have been holding on to. 3 Min read. Think of it as an emotional release and cleansing of pent-up thoughts and feelings that you often suppress in your waking life. Comments. (I think doctors should prescribe meditation, not medication.) this morning I did a short five minute breathing excercise while doing my activities around the house. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It was a guided chakra meditation by Doreen Virtue. Just observe them mindfully and if you feel like crying, simply let them go with tears. It’s really sad that people feel they need permission to cry under any conditions. Hey guys ! This meditation is an excerpt from the book: www.flhighwithme.com Sending good vibes your way for liking, sharing, and/or subscribing to my channel! Welcome to Spiritual Forums!. Self-care is important, too. Think of it in this way, are there times when you received troubling news but never reacted because you were probably in a public place? The reason is not mysterious. We live in a suppressive culture. Meditation taps into all those bottled up emotions, in a process known as “ama.” Meditation also accesses emotions stored in our subconscious. I wasn’t sobbing and I wasn’t really sure why I was crying. This might be a tricky point to consider especially if you are one of the skeptics or still a beginner to meditation practice. meditation your mind is focused upon your inner state, you are unable to control your emotions. Focus on nothing else but on whatever you are doing. Read More . Reasons for crying after meditation. Flashbacks could lead to trauma as well as panic. More recently I have started the So Hum meditation and it has stirred up lots of emotions. Not everyone experiences this. As for her crying more readily, it's just possible that some emotions are being released as a result of the deep relaxation in the meditation. What's going on? This feels life … In no time, I began sobbing uncontrollably with my eyes still closed. However if one is sitting on an armchair, then there is no grounds for such complaints. If you're taking a shower, do it fully. A teaching I have learn through meditation is doing whatever you do fully. Self-expression is another way of taking the lid off and letting out some steam. Natalie de Caires hails from beautiful Barbados, is passionate about healthy living and has been teaching yoga for over 10 years. What are the Different Types of Meditation? Often one feels that one is not as … So, even if you have never experienced tears during meditation, that’s also perfectly alright. It all unloaded in crying tears of joy and gratitude for almost ten minutes.It was great to read your description of what I still can not describe. Positive. In fact, it affects a significant amount of sexually healthy adults. Check out 14 Vipassana centres in India where you can go for a free meditation retreat for 10 days! By Hayley Barzetti. Crying after Meditation Meditation. But this was different. 14 Vipassana Centres in India You Can Visit For A Free Meditation Retreat, 17 Insanely Successful Celebrities Who Meditate Daily, 5 Reasons Crying After Meditation Is Perfectly OKAY, 7 surprising facts you did not know about Vipassana meditation, All about Igatpuri Vipassana meditation centre- Dhamma Giri. Blogger and digital marketing professional. These are my observations 3 months after trying out Headspace. We created this community for people from all backgrounds to discuss Spiritual, Paranormal, Metaphysical, Philosophical, Supernatural, and Esoteric subjects. To deal with crying is to deal with your emotions during meditation crying is nothing but the physical manifestation of your emotions, thoughts, sensations etc. I knew I was following what my guided meditation said, and I also felt relaxed and happy after. I still remember the time I cried during meditation for the first time. When I was still new in practicing meditation, I was unsure if I’m doing it right. Feeling like crying after meditation should not be a surprise. When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily. m In Meditation. You have tackled it the right way. Hayley is a blogger for Reality Pathing. Crying after Meditation Meditation. Once you get habitual in observing them in a non-attached and non-judgemental manner, you begin to tap into the inner reservoir of peace. To suppress our emotions to keep things nice. You will experience various sensations during meditation. Crying is a sign of strength because it is a demonstration of a completely comfortable relationship with the self. For example, one of my first crying meditations I remember as a child involved feelings of absolute sadness and grief when my family and I moved far away from the only neighborhood and friends that I knew, to another state. As mentioned earlier, meditation could result in an overspill of emotions, and for people with mental health issues, these emotions might be too much to handle. Society has conditioned us to believe that crying is a sign of weakness and tears are something to be repressed and stopped. Choosing to cry and feel is a choice in the interest of one’s emotional health. And too much yawning incurs during the whole process of meditation. Limited Time Only, My bestselling course on personal development https://www.udemy.com/course/personal-development-simplified/learn/ FREE for … Leave a Reply Cancel reply. It is a release of a lot of pent up stress and sadness and also anger... it is very good for you because you are releasing much needed pent up anxiety of many many years... it is actually very beneficial for you..... continue to enjoy your meditation and dont worry eventually you will stop crying.. it is just happening now because you are resolving some heavy emotional stuff :):).. I receive this question so many times, so I thought I would start a thread on this one. Q: “What does it mean when one cries during meditation?” A: It is a simple thing. Such emotional release can occur with any meditation practice. Other researchers from Yale University believe that crying is good to restore emotional balance , whereas other studies highlight the fact that tears can kill bacteria and help cleanse the eyes, therefore … Feeling like crying after meditation should not be a surprise. In society, many of us (particularly males) have been told that we must not cry. I felt lighter, and freer, like a weight had been released from my shoulders…. I read somewhere that tears are ways in which a soul cleanses itself. Too much meditation can make you "spacey" and ungrounded. Hi everyone, I'm a meditation newbie and have been reading up on the different styles, and trying the demos (only Lifeflow and Discover Meditation so far). So, if someone tells you it’s madness, consider it as just one of many meditation myths and continue your practice. Often one feels that one is not as pure as one would like to be. What comes to mind when you hear the word meditation? Loves to play with words and self-expression through writing is his superpower. My prayers are with your dog and you and hope you feel your emotions fully and able to let go of them eventually. “Grounding meditation can help us calm ourselves so we can listen more deeply to the crying and sense whether it is due to needs not being met or a need for emotional release.” I was so inspired, reading these words. However, keep in mind that you don’t get too attached with these sensations during meditation. IN fact, please look at this as a benefit of meditation. Discussion in 'Meditation Chatter Box' started by crystal_clover, Nov 10, 2010. crystal_clover Member. I still remember the time I cried during meditation for the first time. Express the emotion in private to yourself. What did you feel? Even better would be that you are no longer afraid to experience the full effects of meditation and are ready to get Zen. An emotional release. Often in that state, you may begin to cry. Or maybe I didn’t want that feeling… This isn’t the first time I’ve meditated however this was the first time I’ve cried after. Crying after sex is something that many people experience. There’s only one instance where crying after meditation isn’t a good thing, which is when you are suffering from significant mental health issues. On every level our culture teaches us, from birth to death, to suppress what we feel for the greater good. You don’t need to worry about you crying during or after a meditation … More recently I have started the So Hum meditation and it has stirred up lots of emotions. Enjoy your shower with bliss. And at times, you get filled with gratitude and overwhelm when you first encounter this divine presence. Re: Crying during breath work, pulling the mind out of the body meditation « Reply #6 on: May 12, 2020, 01:21:33 PM » I've been doing the breath work, pulling the mind out of the body meditation, every morning for almost a month now. Then later, if you happen to run into a friend who asked how you were doing, you found yourself bawling your eyes out? What does it mean when you cry during a meditation session? I have been doing group sound baths at yoga studios for about a year now. During this process, you may end up bursting into tears. Truly believes that ideas have the power to change the world but first, one has to look within for self-discovery. Quote. meditation your mind is focused upon your inner state, you are unable to control your emotions. Crying in Meditation. You may find that doing some journaling around what is coming up can be a cathartic experience as well, and it may prove be a form of meditation for you as you navigate the temporary discomfort. Crying after sex, or PCT, is a sudden and often unexplained feeling of sadness, irritation, or anxiety. This isn’t the first time I’ve meditated however this was the first time I’ve cried after. TRE featured as one of the biggest wellness trends in Harpers Bazaar - 10th Dec 2018 Shaking Meditation 'TRE (Tension & Trauma Exercise), dubbed 'shaking meditation', involves a series of controlled shaking exercises that aim to … How was your experience? In fact, I had not cried in years as far as I could remember. During meditation, old emotions often arise to the surface and trigger uncomfortable feelings. You may feel physical symptoms, such as waking up at random hours of the night, sweating, crying, or even literally feeling an intense rush of energy going up your spine. It changes from the normal state, which for most people is a state of oscillation, wavering and wandering. Note that by releasing these emotions, it saves you from a future outburst that could happen at work or home in front of the kids. I receive this question so many times, so I thought I would start a thread on this one. A bout four days into my first meditation retreat, I started crying. If you meditate when you cry, try these two meditations: The first technique is a Buddhist insight meditation. Reality Pathing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Tags I started crying after 25 minutes of meditation., meditation, peace, self care, sfw, text, zen. Hey guys ! I am sorry to hear about your dog and I hope you find the courage within to deal with it. So, be aware of any sensations during meditation or any feelings that come up. Hey Ankit, that is beautiful! Thank you so much for this post. People suffering from anxiety and depression require professional help and shouldn’t use meditation as a solution. fivebells Veteran Veteran. The main ones being: Two types of raw emotions are released during meditation, namely, positive and negative. Very well said Mike! When I want to cry, I can't because my body has gotten so used to pushing everything down, my throat starts to hurt no matter how hard I try. If this happens to you, there’s no need to get all worked up. During each 21-Day Meditation Challenge, we receive questions from participants who are curious about the sensations they experience during meditation, including everything from tingling feelings in the body and sleepiness to the desire to cry or laugh out loud.. During meditation, crying is a way your body unleashes the energy within. After crying that day, I felt better. I know that budha existed…but after him i couldnt get to know another name….it may be that nature plans of originating and not just by meditation you can become budha Its the lord of the universe to decide n plan it so leave to the lord Today the world thinks that meditation can transform you to budha….which in my opinion is false. I have been suppressing & it’s built up… I will try to stop suppressing in my life and release the tensions. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website. ... (talk therapy) and medications. There is no right or wrong way to progress in meditation. Just trust the process and keep meditating. Don’t try to justify them or feel guilty of still having them. Recently she left her demanding job to be more available to her family, making a wobbly transition from yoga teacher only in her free time, to yoga teacher a lot more of the time, occasional blogger, health nut, super mama and author. Crying after meditation can be as a result of good and bad experiences. When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. While meditating I feel total sadness and I cry every morning. You feel a sudden need to make radical changes in your life.