qty. The upper surface of the carpet tack strips should now be coplanar or nearly so with the horizontal plane of the highest point of ridge 35. Carpet Trim (87) Model# 18529 $ 7 84. The overall width w2 of carpet tack strip threshold 10 from the opposing lateral edges of the receiving wings 40 could be 7.8". Repeat the process along the entire doorway until no portion of the carpet edge remains visible. 42. , , FURNITURE; DOMESTIC ARTICLES OR APPLIANCES; COFFEE MILLS; SPICE MILLS; SUCTION CLEANERS IN GENERAL, Carpet fasteners; Carpet-expanding devices ; Laying carpeting; Tools therefor, Laying carpeting, e.g. For example, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, the height of first tapering section 35a, designated as h2, could be 0.06″, and the height of second tapering section 35b, designated as h3, could be 0.135″. Since both edges of the carpet are tucked into the opposing receiving cavities underneath a wide central portion of the threshold, a smooth transition from one carpet to the other is accomplished. The width and thickness of carpet threshold 10 and central portion 20 are a matter of design choice that can be varied to fit a particular application. Step 3 Trim … A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: the distance between opposing outer edges of said central portion is between 5 and 6 inches, the thickness of the carpet tack strip threshold is between 0.25 and 0.75 inches, the distance between the opposing outer edges of the receiving wings is between 7 and 8.5 inches, the height of the first tapering section is between 0.01 … Carpet tack strips nailed down through opposing receiving wings (40) secure the carpet along the carpet tack strip threshold. As the carpet is stretched onto the carpet pins, the edge of the carpet is inserted into receiving cavity 30. The threshold is precut to a standard door width, or cut to the width of the doorway, and glued to the wood or concrete subfloor before the carpet in adjoining rooms is installed. The second tapering section or lower ridge 35b is less steep than first tapering section 35a and has a height larger than first tapering section 35a as measured parallel to the vertical, and is inclined in the opposite direction from section 35a. In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, the height of first tapering section 35a, designated as h2, could be 0.06″, and the height of second tapering section 35b, designated as h3, could be 0.135″. The width of ridge 35, designated as w3, could be 0.078" while the horizontal distance from the top of ridge 35 to the outer edge of receiving wing 40, designated as w4, could be 0.910". In both preferred embodiments, the thickness of carpet tack strip threshold 10, designated as hi, could be 0.5". A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: the distance between opposing outer edges of said central portion is 1.75", the thickness of the carpet tack strip threshold is 0.5", the distance between the opposing outer edges of the receiving wings is 4.05", the height of the first tapering section is 0.06", the height of the second tapering section is 0J35", the horizontal distance from the top of the ridge to the inner edge of the receiving wing is 0.078", the horizontal distance from the top of the ridge to the outer edge of the receiving wing is 0.910", the horizontal distance from inner edge of the receiving wing to the outer edge of the receiving wing is 0.832", the thickness of the receiving wing is 0.05", the radius of curvature of the cavity is 0J42", the vertical height of the geometric center of the cavity is 0.269". The first tapering section or upper ridge 35a is very steep inclining from top to bottom towards an imaginary longitudinal central plane along the longitudinal axis of The process is repeated for the carpeting from the adjoining room for the opposing side of carpet tack strip threshold strip 10. for pricing and availability. The upper surface of the carpet tack strips should now be coplanar or nearly so with the horizontal plane of the highest point of ridge 35. In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, the width w1 of central portion 20 from opposing lateral edges could be 1.75″. The individual components result in change of level differences which could create a tripping hazard. This problem is eliminated because opposing receiving cavities 30, located on opposite sides of central portion 20 and extending from the outer edges of the central portion, receive the carpet edges and prevent fraying. PA/a/2002/011903, Country of ref document: As the carpet is stretched onto the carpet pins, the edge of the carpet is inserted into receiving cavity 30. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. The carpet tack strip is comprised of numerous carpet pins set typically at an angle of about 60 degrees and extending from the surface of the tack strip a distance of advantageously 7/32". The width of receiving wings 40 may vary according to application but must at least be of sufficient width to receive the carpet tack strip and the carpet pad. 71. Every seam and grout line presents an opportunity for stains that will be an eyesore. £14.71 £ 14. The inwardly facing pins will grab the carpet and hold it firmly in place. A2, Designated state(s): Hello, Sign in. The carpet installer then stretches the edge of the carpet onto the pins of the tack strip. The outer edges 42 of the upper portion of central portion 20 taper slightly downwardly so that the bottom edges of the double doors will be guided onto the upper surface 20a of central portion 20 as the doors are put in the shut position. In a hotel/motel situation, this gap is highly undesirable since occupants in adjoining rooms require complete privacy from each other. Starting at one end of the loose carpet, set the head of the kicker about 2 in. Privacy Policy The carpet installer can now install the pad underlayment in each of the adjoining rooms flush to the edge of the carpet tack strips. For example, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, the height of first tapering section 35a, designated as h2, could be 0.06", and the height of second tapering section 35b, designated as b.3, could be 0J35". In certain situations this may be desirable, such as a family traveling together including parents who want to supervise their children staying in the adjoining room. Second, carpet edges that are taped together or glued across the doorway threshold tend to fray and the joint tends to weaken. Since the majority of double door jambs in hotel and motel applications have uniform dimensions, it is advantageous to manufacture carpet tack strip threshold 10 with the dimensions listed herein. It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold with receiving wings for receiving a carpet tack strip for gripping the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. INC VAT. In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, the overall width w2 of carpet tack strip threshold 10 could be 4.05″. [0008] It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold with receiving cavities for receiving and tucking the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. Benefits of Longer Thresholds. The carpet tack strip threshold has a walking surface area which exceeds federal requirements of 0.5 for a slip-resistant surface when tested in accordance with ASTMD-2047, James Machine Coefficient of Friction, and is structurally stable. The invention has been described in detail, with particular emphasis being placed on the preferred embodiments thereof, but variations and modifications may occur to those skilled in the art to which the invention pertains. Sort By Featured. 2, receiving wings 40 extend outwardly relative to the central plane and laterally from opposite sides of the lower portions of the central portion 20 for receiving a carpet tack strip and a portion of the carpet pad beneath the carpet. It provides a smooth transition of carpets over the threshold of double doors from adjoining rooms in hotels and motels. The central portion 20 of the carpet threshold 10 has an upper surface 20a which extends laterally outward from an imaginary longitudinally extending central plane. 2001986227, Country of ref document: The carpet tack strip is comprised of numerous carpet pins set typically at an angle of about 60 degrees and extending from the surface of the tack strip a distance of advantageously {fraction (7/32)}″. Blue Hawk 1-in Blue Tack Strip. The carpet tack strip threshold has a wide central portion which separates opposing cavities designed for receiving and tucking the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. threshold 10, and has a small height as measured parallel to the vertical. Carpet Transition Strip (24) Model# HW87172 $ 22 92. Carpet from the adjoining room can now be installed on a continuous, even surface extending from the pad underlayment over the carpet tack strip and into receiving cavity 30. 2 Remove Metal Carpet Nail Strips; 3 carpet thresholds; 4 Install Tack … into concrete. It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that is simple to use and has a small number of pieces. Carpet tack strips could be packaged with the carpet tack strip threshold 10 and cut to length at the installation site. Cutting through carpet seams can be a real bugger if you don't have the proper tools. It provides a smooth transition of carpets over the threshold of double doors from adjoining rooms in hotels and motels. Adjoining rooms so equipped have a double set of doors which require the occupant from each room to open the respective door in order to open a passage between the adjoining rooms. 1 is a front perspective view of the preferred embodiment of a carpet tack strip threshold; [0017] FIG. 4, ridge 35 has two outwardly tapering sections extending downwardly from the top of ridge 35 before terminating at receiving wing 40. ], AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE TR, PAGES 1/5-5/5, DRAWINGS, REPLACED BY NEW PAGES 1/5-5/5; DUE TO LATE TRANSMITTAL BY THE RECEIVING OFFICE, Carpet installation system for use in an aircraft, Decreasing hydrocarbon, hydrogen and carbon monoxide concentration of a gas, Molding bracket for covering the end of a panel subject to thermal expansion, Equipment for the production of building panels, Finishing device for walls, ceilings or wall bases, with finishing strip, mounting profile and retaining element, Method of making a glue-down prefinished wood flooring product, Hook and loop anchor sheet module with overlapped edges and sufficient mass to resist buckling, System of floor covering and locking, equipment of, for example batten manufacture, Flooring material comprising board shaped floor elements which are joined vertically by means of separate assembly profiles, Wooden flooring strip with enhanced flexibility and straightness, Removable bridge profile for floor joints, Modular decking plank, and decking structure, Profile for covering and leveling the transition between panels of different thicknesses, Glue-down prefinished wood flooring product, Designated countries for regional patents, Ep: the epo has been informed by wipo that ep was designated in this application, Wipo information: entry into national phase, Wipo information: published in national office, Wipo information: withdrawn in national office. A central strip on the threshold divides the carpet from adjoining rooms while providing a smooth transition between adjoining carpets. The carpet must be measured carefully to allow for the stretching while at the same time leaving enough of the carpet edge extending past the position of the carpet pins to be snugly tucked into receiving cavity 30. TrafficMaster Silver Hammered 144 in. Available in light-duty residential through heavy-duty commercial applications.. Quality floor … A carpet tack strip threshold (10) for installation in the threshold area of double doorways of the type commonly found in hotels and motels and the like. In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, the overall width w2 of carpet tack strip threshold 10 could be 4.05". Compare. Be careful, the blades are extremely sharp. However, I can tell you in the literally thousands of installations I've seen with stretch in carpet using tack strip in doorways is the way that a residential installation is done. The carpet installer can now install the pad underlayment in each of the adjoining rooms flush to the edge of the carpet tack strips. A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: said central portion is made from vinyl. [0002] The present invention relates generally to a flooring adapter device, and more particularly, to an improved stretch-in carpet threshold between the double doors in adjoining rooms in hotel/motel facilities. Referring now to Figure 5, carpet tack strip threshold 10 is shown in the intended use with the edge of the carpet inserted into receiving cavity 30. Next step is attaching the carpet strip near the finished wood floor. The prior art consists of carpet transition devices and methods which require the use of several individual components to hold the edges of carpets from adjoining rooms together through a doorway. Threshold strips can be installed when laying a new floor or later when a new door is fitted, and are particularly suited to natural or manufactured floor types. Walter | Haverfield LLP (CLEVELAND, OH, US), Click for automatic bibliography A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: said central portion, said cavities and said ridge are made from vinyl. A carpet tack strip is nailed to the floor over opposing receiving wings of the threshold for receiving and holding the edge of the carpet. Amazon.com: carpet tack strip. All. [0014] FIG. There are numerous ways to make the transition, but with carpet and tile … direct tile edge, or it can span the slight gap between the tack strip and the tile edge. A carpet tack strip is nailed to the floor over opposing receiving wings of the threshold for receiving and holding the edge of the carpet. © 2004-2020 FreePatentsOnline.com. Get it as soon as Thu, Dec 3. 1 Year Guarantee; Bulk Save - View offer. Affix the tack strip to the floor using subfloor nails and a hammer. [0023] Referring now to FIG. Yes they left extra carpet over it so the carpet itself extends out to the hall where we will be putting bamboo BUT this leaves the tack strip too far into the room to be under a threshold (is it supposed to be?) Tack strip | Carpet Accessories . Attaching The Carpet Tack Strip. The carpet tack strip threshold has a wide central portion which separates opposing cavities designed for receiving and tucking the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. Compare; Find My Store. The central portion 20 of the carpet threshold 10 has an upper surface 20a which extends laterally outward from an imaginary longitudinally extending central plane. Threshold 61mm WideCarpet Door Plate Aliminium Threshold 3ft Length. FREE Delivery. The ends of the carpet are inserted and tucked into receiving cavities located on opposing sides of the threshold. It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that can be glued to wood and concrete subfloors. Figure 5 is a side view of a carpet tack strip threshold shown in use with one carpet installed over the receiver wing and inserted into the carpet receiver opening and a tack strip installed over the receiver wing for securing the carpet thereto. 56. This threshold area may be carpeted, tiled, or covered with a floor covering to match one or both of the adjoining rooms. TrafficMaster … ex. and not even butted up against the threshold. Figure 3 shows a side view of a carpet tack strip threshold 10 showing receiving cavities 30 on opposing sides of central portion 20. All rights reserved. Item #472936. $13.86 $ 13. Since the majority of double door jambs in hotel and motel applications have uniform dimensions, it is advantageous to manufacture carpet tack strip threshold 10 with the dimensions listed herein. Set the tack strip down approximately ½-inch away from the hard floor surface. 10. The edges of the carpet are stretched and inserted into a receiving cavity formed in each of the opposing sides of the threshold. Covers the join between two carpets. 8. The upper surface of the pad underlayment should now also be coplanar with the upper surface of the carpet tack strip and the horizontal plane of the top edge of ridge 35. It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that can seal the gap between the door and the floor to prevent noise, odors, light and drafts from traveling between adjoining hotel or motel rooms. from the tack strip and nudge the carpet tight against the wall. The edges of the carpet are stretched and inserted into a receiving cavity formed in each of the opposing sides of the threshold. A carpet tack strip is a piece of wood typically measuring ¼″ thick by 1″ wide and usually is manufactured and sold in four foot lengths. [0022] Referring now to FIG. 9. The outer edges of central portion 20 taper slightly downward for guiding the bottom edges of the double doors onto the upper surface 20a of central portion 20 as the doors are put in the shut position. x 1-3/8 in. I assume the threshold goes right under the door, right? & Terms of Use. The radius of curvature of cavity 30 could be 0J42" while the vertical height of the geometric center of cavity 30, designated as h5, is 0.269". Click & Collect Deliver -+ Update. [0009] It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold with receiving wings for receiving a carpet tack strip for gripping the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. A step-down threshold is used when the new floor is higher than your carpet, as might be the case when installing carpet next to thick tile. TrafficMaster Pewter Fluted 36 in. 5 is a side view of a carpet tack strip threshold shown in use with one carpet installed over the receiver wing and inserted into the carpet receiver opening and a tack strip installed over the receiver wing for securing the carpet thereto. A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: said central portion is made from rubber. The width of receiving wings 40 may vary according to application but must at least be of sufficient width to receive the carpet tack strip and the carpet pad. Wide x 4 ft. Long Carpet Tack Strip for Wood or Concrete Subfloors (3-Pack) with 44 reviews and the #6 Zinc-Plated Carpet Tacks (17-Pack) with 7 reviews. Get it Wednesday, Nov 25. TrafficMaster Hardwood 1-7/16 in. [0018] FIG. Carpet tack strips nailed down through opposing receiving wings secure the carpet along the carpet tack strip threshold. x 1 3/8 in. 1, shown is a preferred aspect of a carpet tack strip threshold 10 for use in joining the edges of the carpeting in the doorway double doors of adjoining rooms in hotels and motels. [0012] It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that is simple to use and has a small number of pieces. Carpet tack strips are then cut to length and nailed to the subfloor over opposing receiving wing portions of the threshold. Other options New from £5.86. Referring now to Figure 2, receiving wings 40 extend outwardly relative to the central plane and laterally from opposite sides of the lower portions of the central portion 20 for receiving a carpet tack strip and a portion of the carpet pad beneath the carpet. Model #HP-25C(CARB) Compare; Find My Store . Carpet tack strips could be packaged with the carpet tack strip threshold 10 and cut to length at the installation site. If you’re dealing with a corner or a small area, you can use a knee kicker alone (see Photo 3). When you’re dealing with doorways and high traffic areas, you’re bound to have more dirt tracking across the space. Central portion 20 is extra wide to span the distance between the double doors enabling the carpet threshold 10 to extend the entire width of the doorway. These fit under the carpet and hold it under tension; this style can normally be nailed or glued to your base floor. 7. Be careful not to remove too much of the padding. [0010] It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that can be glued to wood and concrete subfloors. 6. Create a seamless join between two floors of the same height across an internal doorway with a threshold strip. generation, Leaf-Cartwheel Flexure, And Mounting Systems And Methods Utilizing same, Dynamic ball joint handle system for towable item. Second, carpet edges that are taped together or glued across the doorway threshold tend to fray and the joint tends to weaken. 2. Step 2 Measure the carpet padding. Force the carpet into the tack strip with a stiff putty knife. 1. 4. [0007] It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that is used with a carpet tack strip. The process is repeated for the carpeting from the adjoining room for the opposing side of carpet tack strip threshold strip 10. M-D Building Products 85415 Extra Wide 2-Inch by 36-Inch Carpet Trim, Unfinished, Brown, Pack of 1. 86. The tack strips 52 are installed so that the angled carpet pins 56 are facing inwardly toward the imaginary plane extending through the longitudinal axis of carpet tack strip threshold 10. When carpet is installed the sharp nails are angled toward the walls. Privacy Policy We also offer a great range of self-adhesive door thresholds, which stick securely to a hard flooring such as wood or ceramic. Wide x 4 ft. Long Carpet Tack Strip for Concrete Subfloors (100-Pack)-HD-340-P-8 – The Home Depot. 1. PAGES 1/5-5/5, DRAWINGS, REPLACED BY NEW PAGES 1/5-5/5; DUE TO LATE TRANSMITTAL BY THE RECEIVING OFFICE. Threshold Trim (6) Material. for pricing and availability. Press forward on the knee portion of the tool to stretch the carpet, and use a putty knife to tuck the edge of the carpet into the tack strip down in the floor. manufactured and sold in four foot lengths. This problem is eliminated because opposing receiving cavities 30, located on opposite sides of central portion 20 and extending from the outer edges of the central portion, receive the carpet edges and prevent fraying. £5.29. The outer edges 42 of the upper portion of central portion 20 taper slightly downwardly so that the bottom edges of the double doors will be guided onto the upper surface 20a of central portion 20 as the doors are put in the shut position. The distance from the geometric center of cavity 30 to the outer edge of the receiving wing 40, designated as w6, can be 1.357′. It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that is used with a carpet tack strip. The carpet must be measured carefully to allow for the stretching while at the same time leaving enough of the carpet edge extending past the position of the carpet pins to be snugly tucked into receiving cavity 30. The threshold also serves to seal the gap between the bottom of the doors and floor. Nail the tack strip securely to the floor. One of the goals with any threshold is to minimize the seams. The width w5 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.832" while the thickness h4 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.05". In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, the width wl of central portion 20 from opposing lateral edges could be 1J5". Then, use your knee to push the cushion. Item JR-25 is 1 wide, suits nylon carpet and warp-knitted carpet. In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, the height of first tapering section 35a, designated as h2, could be 0.06", and the height of second tapering section 35b, designated as h3, could be 0J35". Pull the carpet over the top using a knee kicker. Cut the edge of the carpet so that it reaches the edge of the tile perfectly. [0020] Referring now to FIG. The foregoing and other objects of the invention are achieved by a carpet tack strip threshold made from vinyl or rubber for receiving the ends of the carpet from adjoining rooms in a hotel or motel. The carpet is stretched onto tacks from a carpet tack strip nailed to the subflooring over a receiving wing portion of the threshold. A carpet tack strip can be installed on each receiving wing 40. The range of threshold and transition profiles provides an extensive portfolio of commercial and DIY products offering performance, function and aesthetics. As a rule of thumb, make sure to install the tack strip for the carpet about 1/4 to 3/8 inches from the edge of the tile. x 1-3/8 in. Hello DIYers...and Professionals :thumbsup: I have a few questions in which I need some help on. Both of cavities 30 begin at the outer edge of central portion 20, curve in a semi-circular fashion, incline downwardly, extending into central portion 20 toward the central plane, and terminate in the central portion 20 at ridge 35. The second tapering section or lower ridge 35b is less steep than first tapering section 35a and has a height larger than first tapering section 35a as measured parallel to the vertical, and is inclined in the opposite direction from section 35a. Leave 1/4 inch space at each end so the tack strip does not touch the door frame.Leave a 1/4 inch gap between the tack strip and the transition also, and nail it into the floor. The carpet threshold 10 acts to seal the gap beneath the double doors preventing drafts, light, odors, and noise from traveling between adjoining rooms. Noise, odor, light and drafts are thus prevented from traveling from room to room through the gap underneath the double doors. threshold 10 for use in joining the edges of the carpeting in the doorway double doors of adjoining rooms in hotels and motels. The outer edges of central portion 20 taper slightly downward for guiding the bottom edges of the double doors onto the upper surface 20a of central portion 20 as the doors are put in the shut position. The width w5 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.832″ while the thickness h4 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.05″. A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: said central portion, said cavities and said ridge are made from rubber. Special carpet cutting blades should be used for this job. For example, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, the width, designated as w1, of central portion 20 from opposing lateral edges could be 5.5″. [0024] The invention has been described in detail, with particular emphasis being placed on the preferred embodiments thereof, but variations and modifications may occur to those skilled in the art to which the invention pertains. VAT Solid Smoked Oak End Profile Threshold, Lacquered, 90 cm The width of ridge 35, designated as w3, could be 0.078″ while the horizontal distance from the top of ridge 35 to the outer edge of receiving wing 40, designated as w4, could be 0.910. The distance from the geometric center of cavity 30 to the outer edge of the receiving wing 40, designated as w6, can be 1.357". BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Field of the Invention, The present invention relates generally to a flooring adapter device, and more particularly, to an improved stretch-in carpet threshold between the double doors in adjoining rooms in hotel/motel facilities. Central portion 20 is extra wide to span the distance between the double doors enabling the carpet threshold 10 to extend the entire width of the doorway. In both preferred embodiments, the thickness of carpet tack strip threshold 10, designated as h1, could be 0.5″. It leaves a tidy, professional finish and ensures no gap is visible where the floors meet. [0005] The present invention is an improvement over the prior art because it is a much simpler design that avoids the multi-piece assembly. Blue Hawk 1-in Blue Tack Strip. 4.6 out of 5 stars 108. This threshold area may be carpeted, tiled, or covered with a floor covering to match one or both of the adjoining rooms. Upper surface 20a is generally flat and smooth. 5, carpet tack strip threshold 10 is shown in the intended use with the edge of the carpet inserted into receiving cavity 30. Buy great products from our Flooring Threshold Bars Category online at Wickes.co.uk. A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: the distance between opposing outer edges of said central portion is between 5 and 6 inches, the thickness of the carpet tack strip threshold is between 0.25 and 0.75 inches, the distance between the opposing outer edges of the receiving wings is between 7 and 8.5 inches, the height of the first tapering section is between 0.01 and 0J inches, the height of the second tapering section is between 0J and 0.2 inches, the horizontal distance from the top of the ridge to the inner edge of the receiving wing is between 0.05 and 0J0 inches, the horizontal distance from the top of the ridge to the outer edge of the receiving wing is between 0.75 and 1.00 inches, the horizontal distance from inner edge of the receiving wing to the outer edge of the receiving wing is between 0.7 and 1.0 inches, the thickness of the receiving wing is between 0.02 and 0.07 inches, the radius of curvature of the cavity is between 0J and 0.2 inches, the vertical height of the geometric center of the cavity is between 0.2 and 0.3 inches. However, this is unsatisfactory for a couple of reasons. delivery. An industry approved adhesive is spread on the bottom surface 10a of a carpet tack strip threshold 10 and then carpet tack strip threshold 10 is firmly pressed onto the substrate. You may be wondering; where's the threshold? wall-to-wall carpeting, Gripper strips; Seaming strips; Edge retainers, GENERAL TAGGING OF NEW TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS; GENERAL TAGGING OF CROSS-SECTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES SPANNING OVER SEVERAL SECTIONS OF THE IPC; TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER USPC CROSS-REFERENCE ART COLLECTIONS [XRACs] AND DIGESTS, TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER USPC, TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER US CLASSIFICATION, Miscellaneous hardware [e.g., bushing, carpet fastener, caster, door closer, panel hanger, attachable or adjunct handle, hinge, window sash balance, etc. The distance from the geometric center of cavity 30 to the outer edge of the receiving wing 40, designated as w6, can be 1.357". And I know some of these questions will be newbie questions...and they are since I'm a newbie, so please forgive me if they sound too simplistic...they are concerning to me though. The individual components result in change of level differences which could create a tripping hazard. The width of ridge 35, designated as w3, could be 0.078″ while the horizontal distance from the top of ridge 35 to the outer edge of receiving wing 40, designated as w4, could be 0.910″. Referring now to Figure 4, ridge 35 has two outwardly tapering sections extending downwardly from the top of ridge 35 before terminating at receiving wing 40. After the adhesive has had time to set, carpet tack strips 52 (only shown on the left side of the figure) are installed onto each of the opposing receiving wings 40 by driving the ⅝″ concrete nails or 1″ wood floor nails (the nails are identified by the numeral 54) through the receiving wings 40 into the concrete or wood substrate beneath. The radius of curvature of cavity 30 could be 0.142″ while the vertical height of the geometric center of cavity 30, designated as h5, is 0.269″. M-D Building Products 43858 M-D Extra Wide Fluted Carpet Trim, 2 in W X 36 in L X 0.3 in H, Pewter, Pack of 1 . EP, Free format text: Beat the holiday bustle. There are some variations on how this is done and some various transitions outside of tack-strip that can be used but again, tack strip is the way that it's done. A carpet tack strip threshold for installation in the threshold area of double doorways of the type commonly found in hotels and motels and the like. The threshold also serves to seal the gap between the bottom of the doors and floor. Amazon's Choice for "carpet threshold strip" Carpet/Flooring Door Strip (3 Pack, Silver) 4.2 out of 5 stars 20. 5. $13.56 $ 13. carpet metal cover strip door plate grip bar trim - threshold silver 900mm 4.5 out of 5 stars (7) 7 product ratings - CARPET METAL COVER STRIP DOOR PLATE GRIP BAR TRIM - THRESHOLD SILVER 900MM 2418275, Country of ref document: Adjoining rooms so equipped have a double set of doors which require the occupant from each room to open the respective door in order to open a passage between the adjoining rooms. Ridge 35 is slightly higher than the bottom of cavity 30. Carpet from the adjoining room can now be installed on a continuous, even surface extending from the pad underlayment over the carpet tack strip and into receiving cavity 30. The carpet tack strip threshold provides a smooth walkway across the threshold between adjoining rooms connected by the double doors in hotels and motels. For example, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, the width, designated as wl, of central portion 20 from opposing lateral edges could be 5.5". Upper surface 20a is generally flat and smooth. The threshold is precut to a standard door width, or cut to the width of the doorway, and glued to the wood or concrete subfloor before the carpet in adjoining rooms is installed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the invention to provide a stretch-in carpet threshold for installation between the double doors in adjoining rooms in hotel and motel facilities. The carpet tack strip threshold has a wide central portion (20) which separates opposing cavities (30) designed for receiving and tucking the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. The carpet may be secured to the carpet pins and tucked into cavity 30 using a special tucking tool or the handle of a hammer. Carpet Trim (29) Model# 06940 $ 9 78. Each. Noise, odor, light and drafts are thus prevented from traveling from room to room through the gap underneath the double doors. Since both edges of the carpet are tucked into the opposing receiving cavities underneath a wide central portion of the threshold, a smooth transition from one carpet to the other is accomplished. Carpet (1) ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ( 78 ) Product code: 31508 Carpet Cover Strip Silver £2.48. The width w5 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.832" while the thickness h4 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.05". In certain situations this may be desirable, such as a family traveling together including parents who want to supervise their children staying in the adjoining room. The carpet installer then stretches the edge of the carpet onto the pins of the tack strip. FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. However, this is unsatisfactory for a couple of reasons. The width and thickness of carpet threshold 10 and central portion 20 are a matter of design choice that can be varied to fit a particular application. CARPET TACK STRIPS BY TRAXX Superior stretch in carpet installation. By using a carpet knee kicker, you can fix your rippled carpet. If necessary, remove the threshold over the rug. AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI FR GB GR IE IT LU MC NL PT SE TR, Kind code of ref document: 4 is a partial detailed side view of a carpet tack strip threshold showing the detail of the carpet receiver opening and the receiver wing; and. The width w5 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.832″ while the thickness h4 of receiving wing 40 could be 0.05″. The first thing to do is to cut the tack strip to the width of the door way. Position the tack strip 1/4 inch away from the tile and with the tacks on top of the strip pointing toward the tile. Use a carpet blade to cut the padding back about ¼-inch from the tack strip. Wide x 4 ft. Long Carpet Tack Strip for Concrete Subfloors (100 strips per Carton) HD-340-P-8 Halex Poplar 1 in. A carpet tack strip threshold (10) for installation in the threshold area of double doorways of the type commonly found in hotels and motels and the like. Cart Hello Select your address Black Friday Deals Gift Cards Best Sellers Customer Service New Releases Find a Gift Whole Foods AmazonBasics Sell Registry Free Shipping Coupons #FoundItOnAmazon Shopper Toolkit Disability Customer Support. 50. A carpet tack strip threshold for installation in the threshold area of double doorways of the type commonly found in hotels and motels and the like. 900mm length. The carpet tack strip threshold provides a smooth walkway across the threshold between adjoining rooms connected by the double doors in hotels and motels. A special tucking tool or the handle of a hammer is used to secure the carpet to the tack strip and tuck the edges of each carpet into the receiving cavities. [0021] FIG. 3 shows a side view of a carpet tack strip threshold 10 showing receiving cavities 30 on opposing sides of central portion 20. Ridge 35 is slightly higher than the bottom of cavity 30. No other method I'm aware of comes close. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a front perspective view of the preferred embodiment of a carpet tack strip threshold; Figure 2 is a top view thereof; Figure 4 is a partial detailed side view of a carpet tack strip threshold showing the detail of the carpet receiver opening and the receiver wing; and. All you have to do it remodel the existing carpet so that it accommodates the transition strip. Visit The Home Depot to buy Halex Poplar 1 in. The tack strips 52 are installed so that the angled carpet pins 56 are facing inwardly toward the imaginary plane extending through the longitudinal axis of carpet tack strip threshold 10. The carpet threshold 10 acts to seal the gap beneath the double doors preventing drafts, light, odors, and noise from traveling between adjoining rooms. MX, Ref document number: The inwardly facing pins will grab the carpet and hold it firmly in place. First, a gap is often left underneath the double doors where drafts, light, odors, such as tobacco smoke, and noise may be carried between the adjoining rooms. beneath. £6.50 £ 6. The radius of curvature of cavity 30 could be 0.142″ while the vertical height of the geometric center of cavity 30, designated as h5, is 0.269″. VAT £2.07. The present invention is an improvement over the prior art because it is a much simpler design that avoids the multi-piece assembly. A central strip on the threshold divides the carpet from adjoining rooms while providing a smooth transition between adjoining carpets. Once carpets from the adjoining rooms are installed and the edges are snug in the respective receiving cavities 30, the carpet tack strip threshold 10 provides a smooth, low profile walking surface for traversing the doorway from one room to another. Item JR-22 is of ordinary width(7/8), suits common carpets such as polypropylene fiber carpet. Solid White Oak Wood-To-Carpet (Semi-Ramp) Threshold, Lacquered, 90 cm £10.80 £12.96 per Length, Inc. VAT Ex. 3. A special tucking tool or the handle of a hammer is used to secure the carpet to the tack strip and tuck the edges of each carpet into the receiving cavities. Some of the most reviewed carpet tack strips are the Poplar 7/8 in. x 72 in. Blue Hawk 1-in Blue Tack Strip. The carpet is installed by using conventional carpet stretching tools to stretch the carpet onto the carpet pins of the tack strip. Item #472935. The upper surface of the pad underlayment should now also be coplanar with the upper surface of the carpet tack strip and the horizontal plane of the top edge of ridge 35. Tack stip of item JR-22 and JR-25 suit carpet installation of small area such as private home and company office. [0013] The foregoing and other objects of the invention are achieved by a carpet tack strip threshold made from vinyl or rubber for receiving the ends of the carpet from adjoining rooms in a hotel or motel. Fold the existing carpet and pad back approximately 1 inch from the threshold. [0011] It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold that can seal the gap between the door and the floor to prevent noise, odors, light and drafts from traveling between adjoining hotel or motel rooms. Model #HP-25W(CARB) Compare; Find My Store. In addition to the carpet pins, the carpet tack strip typically has ⅝″ concrete nails or 1″ wood floor nails equally spaced across the tack strip length to secure the tack strip to the subfloor. A carpet tack strip threshold according to claim 1, wherein: the upper surface of said central portion is generally flat and smooth. 8. in your basket Checkout Now. A3, Ref document number: Once the carpet is seated on the carpet pins, the edge of the carpet is firmly tucked into cavity 30 underneath the outer edges of central portion 20. It is another object of the invention to provide a carpet threshold with receiving cavities for receiving and tucking the edges of the carpet from adjoining rooms. What are some of the most reviewed carpet tack strips? First, a gap is often left underneath the double doors where drafts, light, odors, such as tobacco smoke, and noise may be carried between the adjoining rooms. & Terms of Use. We supply trade quality DIY and home improvement products at great low prices for pricing and availability. An industry approved adhesive is spread on the bottom surface 10a of a carpet tack strip threshold 10 and then carpet tack strip threshold 10 is firmly pressed onto the substrate. The double door configuration creates an extra wide threshold between the floor surface in adjoining rooms. The carpet tack strip threshold has a walking surface area which exceeds federal requirements of 0.5 for a slip-resistant surface when tested in accordance with ASTMD-2047, James Machine Coefficient of Friction, and is structurally stable.