This annoying message will go away once you do. Wurmcoil Engine has been added after taking out Its current price is around 837$. . Longo navigates an out of the way SCG Open, kind of. The first days I kept drafting green decks: Temur, Abzan, Sultai, 4 colors, always with mediocre results even with good rares or premium uncommons, while Christian Calcano and Dan Jordan were always winning with their 2-color aggro decks. is your other removal spell that should be used on targets that are otherwise tough to deal with. It feels good against aggro, and is about even with control. I ended up going 10-3 in matches played, including a round one exit in the Top 8 to Valentin Mackl, also playing Abzan Aggro. Eldrazi is a bad deck, and is even more worse now that Jeskai has fallen off the radar. While being more expensive - it deals with a whole package of threats. Memoricide 26 … decks being all over the place, it seems like it's He drew a little bit better than I did, I felt, and was able to get raided Wingmate Rocs into play both games, which I failed to do in either game. It’s also the best answer to Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy, which is the main reason you lose to Jeskai. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Gavony Township Abzan win % with Mystic: 38% (8/21) Abzan win % with no Mystic: 33% (3/9) Abzan loss % with Mystic: 62% (13/21) Abzan loss % with no Mystic: 67% (6/9) Or maybe I should say, Stoneforge Mystic‘s relative lack of impact. This iteration of Abzan has tested well. Established (Modern) Aggro & Tempo; Abzan Liege / Wilted Abzan / Liege Rhino [Primer] Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread ... My version on Abzan Aggro is to beat fast and try to avoid opponents plan. with it. With Abzan Charm used to be awful against Mono-Red last season, but now it’s decent and it stops the combo, and you can very easily draw 2 cards as I did versus Javier Dominguez during the GP, because Atarka Red players aren’t going to finish you off with direct burn spells. or Gavony Township Feeds | Level it up only if they can’t answer with a shock. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. It’s very important to understand when you need to board differently on the play or the draw, especially in a deck like this that can play aggro or control. 's time to shine. I like Ultimate Price because they always board in, ChannelFireball - Magic: The Gathering Strategy, Singles, Cards, Decks. is a sideboard allstar. Den Protector is great here because it survivesUgin, the Spirit Dragon and lets you play your discard spell again. Rest in Peace Devoid aggro may become an entirely new archetype. Heir of the Wilds is incredibly bad, because they are going to use their Fiery Impulses on it. Abzan Aggro Deck Guide. Let’s take a look at the numbers from the last GP Brussels: I found myself at 10-2 at GP Brussels after winning 5 mirror matches, then I lost 3 in a row to finish with a disappointing 10-5 record. is enough to deal with Lilliana of the Veil. Kitchen Finks since you make use of the graveyard yourself - also it replaces itself which is noteworthy. Format: Standard - BFZ Location: 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Denver - 12/5 Finished: 5th - 8th Place Tweet. Tweet. Modern* It’s going to be bad in the late game because if your opponent represents a removal spell, you can’t cast your Dromoka’s Command with the risk of getting 2-for-1’d. The Abzan Affinity deck is a strange hybrid between BIG Affinity and a G/B Aggro deck based around the following two cards: “May the scales ever be in your favor..” Obviously, these cards incentivize you to play as many +1/+1-counters-matter cards as possible—and two of the best such cards to ever step off the assembly line? for testing instead of a 3rd Kitchen Finks. It’s only good at the first stage of the game when your opponent is tapped out. It's very universal since there are always Tarmogoyfs, Snapcasters and graveyard shenanigans around. Top Modern Abzan Aggro Decks. Popular Modern Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. You have to play it well, play around threats, and attack a lot with your Shambling Vent. Totally busted! Edit. Very easy sideboard plan here. I was prepared for the mirror match and I had a nice plan which I explained in my deck tech, but I’ll also cover it today. Destructive Revelry Pyroclasm It is not exactly cheap, but apart from the Verdant Catacombs there aren’t any really expensive cards in the deck. Abzan Aggro: 0.00%: 2 $866 $232 Grixis Prowess: 0.00%: 2 $639 $225 Mono Blue Control: 0.00%: 2 $758 $374 Esper Mentor: 0.00%: 2 $828 $481 Rogue and Unclassified: 0%: 104 N/A: Latest MTG Modern tournaments with decks. You just curve out with creatures and take their key card away. Meanwhile, when you are on the draw, they will be able to answer your plays at instant speed and resolving a Wingmate Roc will be more difficult. It’s also worse against Eldrazi because it’s just another creature that dies to Ugin. Just be prepared with a card that they can never beat. Not to mention, it’s awful against control and in the mirror when on the draw—or when you draw it late in the game you don’t want to cast it because of possible removal in response to your Command. Attention! Andrea Mengucci burst onto the Pro Magic scene with a Top 8 in Atlanta at Pro Tour Journey into Nyx, after a memorable undefeated run at the "King of the Hill" table starting in round 1. Hangarback Walker lets Abzan Aggro afford to play a bigger game – like when Faeries draws Bitterblossom Dromoka’s Command allows Abzan Aggro to escape Abzan Charm (so that you can still get the 1/1 Thopter tokens) Tons of +1/+1 counter redundancy – Abzan Charm; Dromoka’s Command; Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, etc. Qasali Pridemage Privacy statement | Make sure to boost him through Aggro Play straightforward Abzan. Low. Gone is the RG Devotion matchup, where you could keep your Rhino and attack their Xenagos. It consisted of 14 fetchlands and no … I replaced a Playing 12 fetchlands means that your graveyard it’s always full, and playing Murderous Cut is the best removal spell in Standard when you can delve the full amount. Modern Abzan Aristocrats. I want something to respond to a turn-5 Wingmate Roc with when I’m on the draw. DMCA requests | ... Brian Brauin-Duin (Abzan Aggro) Vs. Chris VanMeter (Mono-Red Aggro) - … Ultimate Price and Silkwrap are better than Abzan Charm and Dromoka’s Command to deal with Nantuko Husk and Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy. This is the most overrated card in Standard. Disdainful Stroke is worse than Duress versus control or Rally, and in the mirror it forces you to play with 2 mana up, so your opponent can just play a morphed Den Protector. Feel free to board this out on the draw against pretty much everyone and even on the play in the mirror match. I keep hearing the argument that this matchup favors Eldrazi, but that’s not true at all. Contact | Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Abzan was the most played deck for much of Battle for Zendikar Standard. It’s no secret Abzan is one of the hardest decks to beat in Modern. This is my first modern deck, so if you … You have about a 40% chance to get it in your opening hand and mulliganing for it would put you behind. Card Kingdom 683.00 - 695.14 . Burn decks run for 4 mana? Wilt-Leaf Liege It turns around the tide of battle the moment it enters on the battlefield. Vault of the Archangel It plays the best 2-4 drop creatures available in the format, and backs them up with efficient removal. and Control decks on the other hand either countered her or got rid of her through global spells. / Format: Standard. Hatebears. Abzan Aggro Standard by Brent Clawson Save to My Deck. Edit: Can confirm that Sorin is a beast in this deck - the much needed lifegain won me several games. Deck Price: MAIN DECK. Sorin does something the turn he comes into play, is not that easily removed and synergizes incredibly well with Terms of Use | Heir of the Wilds is incredibly bad, because they are going to use their, You also board in your discard spells, which are going to be helpful to protect your. The mana will be necessary to manage your tricoloured manacosts. Despite seeing the Artificer in 70% of games, Abzan managed only a slight improvement when it dropped her on the board. Modern Decks Standard Decks Submit a Deck Search Decks. Abzan Aggro by yamimaru. number has been reduced to 1, since it wasn't that effective - it gets countered most of the time. Sigarda, Host of Herons Splinter Twin Playtest v1. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. I like to board in Transgress the Mind and Planar Outburst because you want to be able to answer Wingmate Roc, which is the main way to win the mirror match. TCGPlayer 790.92 - 657.26 . (Abzan Aggro is also known as Abzan Aggro). Tragic Arrogance used to be good enough in the old Standard, but now I don’t like it anymore. aggro. Noble Hierarch But even with so many new choices, the deck to beat the first week of our new Standard format will be an old favorite. Incredibly potent against one trick pony decks like I like Ultimate Price because they always board in Whisperwood Elemental and Nissa, Vastwood Seer, and you can snipe an early Rattleclaw Mystic. By Andrea Mengucci / November 23, 2015 October 10, 2019. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. against Affinty and Boggles. is incredibly powerful - a 4/5 with trample with a built in Modern Horizons Singles Sealed Product. Most of all, it is a fun deck to play. You also board in your discard spells, which are going to be helpful to protect your Anafenza, the Foremost from a Valorous Stance or a Murderous Cut. Thoughtseize Tomas's deck is an Abzan Aggro deck that plays many aggressive creatures such as Seeker of the Way and Anafenza, the Foremost, as well as the best four-mana spell in the format, Siege Rhino. Siege Rhino is all over the place. The smiter is also uncounterable which makes him very valueable against control decks. Avg. One big reason why Abzan can be preferred over other GBx variants is because of this card. Scapeshift You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Now Silkwrap and Anafenza are ubiquitous, forcing Walker to hit the bench. Modern Abzan Aggro: Legless Walkers By Brian DeMars / February 12, 2017 Lean on modular in this crazy Modern brew that fuses robots and the best counters-matter cards in Modern. Just like Sorin - this can save you when you're low on health or keep your opponent from attacking since you can trade your tokens for any of his bigger threats. (60 cards, 23 distinct) - Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Thoughtseize, Thoughtseize, Windswept Heath, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Nissa, Worldwaker, Courser of Kruphix eats up any annoying artifacts/enchantments, provides additional damage through Exalted triggers. On the play you want to attack, and they need to answer everything you do, so they won’t be able to leave 4 mana up for Ojutai’s Command to counter your Wingmate Roc, and that’s why the third copy is great. One of my two losses in the Swiss was also to Abzan Aggro, and the games played out similarly. The combo matchup is weak, but Death’s Shadow seems to be keeping these decks somewhat in check. abzan aggro andrew longo dig through time Philly pikula scg StarCity Games the boz UB Control Wilt-Leaf Liege There are too many 4-drops right now, and Gideon is miles ahead. Updated Aug 29, 2020 by Anakin875 using our MTG Deck Builder. are your beatdown-allstars. Splashing blue gives you great options like Exert Influence—the best thing you can do against Abzan. I haven’t lost to it yet online and I didn’t lose to it at the GP. etc. As I said, I dislike Dromoka’s Command in the mirror match. They both mess with discard decks - keep one of these in your hand until they force you to discard and then watch them weep since now they have to deal with a 4/4 monstrum. Abrupt Decay Path to Exile Voice of Resurgence to get him out of Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Modern Gauntlet, modern, Ideas, ss, Control Decks, Modern, Modern, Interesting decks, Favorites, g/w, Deck Ideas, want, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. about Anafenza, so make sure to value it correctly. I've scrapped my old hatebear deck and updated it to an Abzan beatdown deck after noticing that disruptive gameplans don't work as good in the current modern meta. Especially potent against Merfolk and Scapeshift. I still need a Wrath of God to answer the unbeatable Bird. Added Stubborn Denial is a situational Negate in a deck that has to play creatures and removal spells. Lingering Souls . When you sneak it in after they tap out (which doesn't happen often) it wins you the game, though. The matchup is tough, and Jace is very powerful and can easily take over the game if unchecked. Leyline of Sanctity It’s a 2-for-1 against Rhino or Anafenza and it’s also an efficient answer to Wingmate Roc. , / Gavony Township October 11, 2015 Featured, ... RG Tron), and probably also to aggro decks with evasion (e.g. Relic is far better than The key factor that made me firmly decide to play Abzan Aggro was the mana base that Brad Nelson, Tom Ross, and others had done well with a week before the Pro Tour. (60 cards, 21 distinct) - Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Mana Confluence, Windswept Heath, Thoughtseize, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Hero's Downfall, Hero's Downfall is your universal removal spell. Don’t be frightened if they have a Dragonlord Ojutai in play—if you just pass without doing anything, they won’t attack and you can bluff Abzan Charm. Modern Gauntlet of Greatness - Abzan vs. GW Aggro - Duration: 19:58. In the end, there can always only be one winner, and at the end of the BIG MAGIC Open Standard tournament, the player who was able to overcome Boku, the weekend's winningest player, was the last National Champion, Ryūichirō Ishida, with his Abzan Aggro deck.. Abzan Aggro: Ever since Mike Sigrist placed Top 4 at Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir with the deck, it has been posting consistent … On the whole, Abzan Aggro is largely a “normal” Magic deck. Stony Silence boosts most creatures by +2/+2 and your tokens/manadorks by 1. Anafenza, the Foremost High. Vengevine Wilt-Leaf Liege This is new technology. Siege Rhino You can beat Eldrazi just with an average curve and a discard spell, and I don’t think you want to name Dragonlord Ojutai against Esper Dragons, even if I don’t consider it completely wrong. Scavenging Ooze If you're trading 1 for 1 with Abzan your losing because they're just going to top deck better than you will and they've got a very fast clock. This deck needs a lot of green and white mana, but not a lot of black, which means that sometimes it’s easier to cast Dromoka’s Command plus Abzan Charm than Murderous Cut plus Abzan Charm. Kitchen Finks I like to board out Silkwrap because players keep their Dromoka’s Commands on the play, so it’s not worth it. Abzan Loam Aggro - Deck Tech (Modern, November 2015) Greatness, At No Cost. I played this at the GP and I thought it was great, but it turns out that if you are behind with an empty board, and if the opponent’s creatures are huge, then even leaving them with one is going to hurt. It has neither the speed of Atarka Red, nor the card advantage of Esper Dragons. With Jaces in every deck, I want to have as many early removal spells as possible. Gaddock Teeg has been recently added. It was pretty unreliable. It's very potent against The third Wingmate Roc is there because it’s the best thing ever on the play against a deck without sweepers—when you curve out and your opponent is trying to answer everything you do 1-for-1, Wingmate Roc breaks the streak and it’s very difficult to catch up. Lightning Helix Eulogyi. since you need a tool to deal with the whole graveyard. and I like to cut 1 Warden and 1 Gideon because they are also bad on the draw: you don’t have time to level up all your Wardens and might be behind on board when you play Gideon. Meanwhile, when you are on the draw, they will be able to answer your plays at instant speed and resolving a Wingmate Roc will be more difficult.