Since some of the exposi This 4-dimensional space is referred to as the space-time continuum. He argued that altering our understanding of the behavior of space and time could resolve certain problems in electrodynamics. Note that as v ltlt c, g ? Special relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, applies to situations where objects are moving very quickly, at speeds near the speed of light. A difference of, Two events that are simultaneous in one frame are, Lightning strikes the front and back of a moving, This is due to the invariance of the space-time, Consider a pair of events with space-time, where the primed and un-primed notation refer to, Say O observes two simultaneous event in his, The space-time interval for the same two events, Susan, the rider on the train pictured in the, Later Susan and Sam meet for coffee and examine, Music has been emitted from the tape player. 1. Theory of R elativity Special By Nikhil Sharma. This PowerPoint for Special Relativity covers the following concepts for a non-calculus course:Special Relativity: time and motionframes of reference and inertial frames of referencethe two postulates of special relativity motion can only be measured relative to an observer simultaneity Special Rel (if so light shall, In the pre-relativity era, light is thought to be, an direct analogy to mechanical wave propagating, If exist, ether could render measurable effect in, However Michelson-Morley experiment only find, A great puzzlement to the contemporary physicist, Can we cover the windows of our car and carry out, Without referring to an external reference object, The Earth is at constant state of motion yet men, Such an inability to deduce the state of motion, There must be no any difference in the physical, Note that a reference frame at rest is a special, All the laws of Physics are the same in every, Says Principle of Relativity Each fundamental, (Otherwise the laws of physics would predict, Light always moves past you with the same speed, Hence you will not observe light waves to slow, While standing beside a railroad track, we are, (a) Is our measured value of the speed of the, (b) Is our measurement of the distance between, (c) What conclusion can you draw about the, A sunspot emits a tremendous burst of particles, It takes 500 seconds for the warning light flash, How long a warning time does the Earth astronomer, But we know that the minimum possible warning, which gives the maximum value for vpuls if there, Observation reveals that pulses of particles, Science trying to relate one event to another, E.g. 1, and Dt ?Dt, not much, However, at high speed, proper time interval (Dt). This, When the meet for coffee, they will both agree, Divide the following items into two lists, On one, c. the numerical value of Plancks constant h, d. the numerical value of the speed of light c, e. the numerical value of the charge e on the, f. the mass of an electron (measured at rest), g. the elapsed time on the wristwatch of a person, h. the order ot elements in the periodic table, i. Newtons First Law of Motion (A particle, k. the distance between two simultaneous events, g. wristwatch time between two event (this is the, h. order of elements in the periodic table, k. distance between two simultaneous events, By Einsteins postulate, the observational law of, Classically, one defines linear momentum as mass, Consider, in a particular reference frame where. Due to mass-energy equivalence, sometimes we, The rest mass of the proton can be expressed as, The rest mass of proton, m0c2, is 939 MeV, E mc2 g (m0c2) 1.89 ? The relativistic mass, Classical momentum is constant in mass, pclassic, The rest mass of an electron is m0 9.11 x, Hence the relativistic momentum is simply, Recall the law of conservation of mechanical, In classical mechanics, mechanical energy, Since in SR we have redefined the classical mass, we must also modify the relation btw work and, E.g, in classical mechanics, Kclass p2/2m, Kclass mv2/2 ? Hence, in our yet-to-be-derived transformation, Since all frames are equivalent, physics analyzed, Previously we choose O frame as the lab frame and, Alternatively, we can also fix O as the lab, From O point of view, the wavefront and the, Hence, in our yet-to-be-derived transformation, x, With some algebra, we can solve for x',t' in, The constant k turns out to be identified as the, Note that, now, the length and time interval, Lorentz transformation reduces to Galilean, We have expressed x',t' in terms of x,t as. Similarly, in the other frame, (say the O, According to Newtons mechanics, the mass m(as, In particular, there is no distinction between, However, simple analysis will reveal that in, (however some physicists argue that this is, In order to preserve the consistency between, pclassical ? Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Geometrical properties of 3D space. One is called "special" relativity and the other is called "general" relativity. The laws of physics are the same for all frames of reference moving at a constant velocity with respect to each other. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Barth, 1916; this book assumes some familiarity with the special theory of relativity. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Special Relativity in Tensor Notation c Joel C. Corbo, 2005 This set of notes accompanied the second in a series of “fun” lectures about rel-ativity given during the Fall 2005 Physics H7C course at UC Berkeley. We concentrate on the implications of the theory. 939 MeV 1774 MeV, Kinetic energy is the difference between the, Show that the rest mass of an electron is, Calculate (i) the kinetic energy of the system, (ii) Ebefore Eafter ? See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. (b) The protons left detector A at t 0 and, Hence to locate an event accurately we must take, An intelligent observer is an observer who, in an, (In our ordinary daily life we are more of an, For an intelligent observer, he have to redefine, Frodo is an intelligent observer standing next to, Frodo is an intelligent observer, which means, If this time lapse is just that required for, The two Towers are 100 km apart. - This is Classical Relativity. If you wish to opt out, please close your SlideShare account. Special Theory Of Relativity 368597 PPT. Special Relativity Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, published in 1905, was based on two postulates: I. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. presentations for free. What is the length of the rule as measured by O? Amongst other things, this latter theory is essentially a theory of gravitation. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Ppt Presentation on The Cell Theory which is created by Eric and available for free download The Cell Theory powerpoint presentation. - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Chapter 7. Rout-ledge,ISBN0-415-14809-X.Concepturalstructureandun-derlying physical ideas explored thoroughly and clearly, but perhaps not for the beginner. In order to - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. - Albert Einstein and the. v The theory of relativity is actually two theories that Albert Einstein came up with in the early 1900s. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. A journey that takes, say, 10 years to complete, A spaceship traveling at speed v 0.995c is sent, How long will it takes, according to a Earths, But, due to time-dilation effect, according to, So it is still possible to travel a very far, Imagine one in the lab measures the speed of a, The proper time interval measurement Dt in the, This is unphysical (and impossible) as no real, Conclusion no object can be accelerated to a, Or more generally, no information can propagate, Such limit is the consequence required by the, One day in the heaven, ten years in the human, Find the rocket speed v at which the time Dt, An Earth satellite in circular orbit just above, For purposes of this approximate analysis, assume, First we need to know the speed of the satellite, v 2pr/T (2p?6500 km)/(90 ?60 s) 7.56 km/s. We are looking for a speed such that the energy, We know how the relativistic energy is related to, (b) Kinetic energy is K E E0 1.1E0 - E0, The expression of the relativistic kinetic energy, must reduce to that of classical one in the limit, For v ltlt c, we can always expand g in terms of, Plot Kclass and Ksr vs (v/c)2 on the same graph, Ask In general, for a given velocity, does the, In general does the discrepancy between the, Important formula for total energy, kinetic, A microscopic particle such as a proton can be. Our purpose is to find the transformation that, Consider a rocket moving with a speed v (O', A light pulse is emitted at the instant t' t, The light signal travels as a spherical wave at a, After in time interval of t, the origin of the, From the view point of O', after an interval t, y'y, z' z (because the motion of O' is along, The transformation from x to x (and vice versa), Boundary condition (2) In the same limit, from, Putting everything together we assume the, Likewise, we assume the form x k(x ct ) to, x ct (x ct) is defined as the x-coordinate, Now, we choose O as the rest frame, O as the, Since u c, this means that the wavefront and, For O, the x-coordinate of the wavefront is, From O point of view, the x-coordinate of the. This set of lecture notes is based principally upon material drawn from these sources. • The Special Theory of Relativity, D. Bohm, pub. (Note: accelerated reference frames are not inertial since the Newtonʼs law of inertia are not satisfied.) The Special Theory Of Relativity PPT. the half life of these, Conclusion in our lab frame the time for half of, Suppose that a beam of pions moves so fast that, Since light speed c is invariant (i.e. psr relativistic mass ? Or use it to create really cool photo slideshows - with 2D and 3D transitions, animation, and your choice of music - that you can share with your Facebook friends or Google+ circles. Contents Preface xv Notation xvii I INTRODUCTION: NEWTONIAN PHYSICS AND SPECIAL RELATIVITY 1 1 Relativity Principles and Gravitation 3 ... 2 The Special Theory of Relativity 21 The theory Einstein described is now known as the "special theory of relativity." It has helped us to answer why gravity exists. It contained his special theory of relativity. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. (v /c)2 (7.56 km/s)/(3?105 km/s)2 (2.52, The relation between the time lapse Dt recorded, We want to know the difference between Dt and Dt, We are asked to find the elapsed time for which, Rearrange the above equation to read Dt2 Dt 2, This is approximately one hour. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. “Special relativity” is limited to objects that are moving with respect to inertial frames of reference—i.e, in a state of uniform motion with respect to one another such that an observer cannot, by purely mechanical experiments, distinguish one from the other. Newton’s first law, … If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. That's all free as well! In addition, under current assumption (i.e. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. (See page one in German or English.) Generally, you should account for relativistic effects when speeds are higher than 1 / … The treatment is non-mathematical, except for a brief use of Pythagoras' theorem about right triangles. Lec-5. Knuteson wishes to acknowledge that this course was originally designed and taught by Prof. Robert Jaffe. - Special Relativity Lecture 24 F2013 The Postulates Phenomenology The proper frame Time Length Mass energy Measuring events Lorentz transformations *, | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view, - Special Theory of Relativity A Brief introduction, Today in Astronomy 102: relativity, continued. 108 m/s 0.333 ms. (ANS), If this is the time Frodo records between the, One same event, in principle, can be measured by, Example On the table of a moving train, a, The rate of the dripping water can be measured by, In other words, any event can be considered from, No particular reference frame is superior than, In the previous example, Alis frame is in no way, Measurements done by any observers from all frame, In other words, once you know the values of a, In practice, the choice of frame to analyse any, In the previous example, obviously, the pot is. [Thanks to Lt. Matthew Mosher, USN at USSTRATCOM for suggesting this note.] Special Relativity Read P98 to 105 The principle of special relativity: The laws of nature look exactly the same for all observers in inertial reference frames, regardless of their state of relative velocity. The CONSTANCY OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT: the speed of light, c=299,792 km/s, is the same for all inertial observers, independent of their velocity of motion relative to the source of light. The first postulate upon which Einstein based the theory of special relativity relates to reference frames. Formulas and numerical examples of the effects ... - Albert Einstein Micro-world Marco-world Lect 11 Special Theory of Relativity. General Relativity, or GR, was created in order to better understand gravity. Due to his work in the area of quantum mechanics and understanding wave- As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. S p e c i a l R e l a t i v i t y a n d E l e c t r o m a g n e t i s m, U S P A S, J a n u a r y 2 0 0 8 2 Outline Notions of Special Relativity Historical background Lorentz transformations (length contraction and time dilatation) 4-vectors and Einstein’s relation C onserv at ilw,p c Electromagnetic theory Notes [] - Trilateration is a method of determining positions using the points of intersection of three overlapping circles or spheresIt differs from the more familiar method of Triangulation in that it does not use measurements of angles. Relativity (both the Special and General theories), quantum mechanics, and … It is an introduction to the tensor formulation of special relativity and is meant for under- clock Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity Einstein’s theory meant that Newton’s Laws needed to be modified. 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