Of the Different Human Races (1777) Immanuel Kant 3. From Geographical History of Human Beings and the Universally Dispersed Quadrupeds (1778) E. A. W. Zimmermann 4. The greatest riches of earth’s creation are found in this region and this is also where human beings must diverge least from their original form, since the human beings living in this region were already well-prepared to be transplanted into every other region of the earth. Determination of the Concept of a Human Race (1785) Immanuel Kant 5. We have identified four human races. However, we also wish to specify natural causes in those cases where we cannot become aware of any purposes. Publisher: Cambridge University Press. Scientific creationists, however, have a simple, Scriptural explanation for human diversity. Thus, in Kant’s account of the nature and origin of races in the 1777 essay, environmental factors like climate directly affect the seeds and predispositions in the “original lineal formation,” leading to permanent changes in these seeds, producing invariant racial differences (Of the Different Human Races, 21). Immanuel Kant: Physical Geography. I also count among the first of these, which we find primarily in Europe, the Moors (Mauritanians from Africa), the Arabs (following Niebuhr), the Turkish-Tatars, and the Persians, including all the other peoples of Asia who are not specifically excepted from then in the other divisions. Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime, trans. Mongolian races have low and broad noses at the root and bridge. How, then, are we to explain the particular location of the Negro race? The Kant-Herder Controversy. The concept of race is clearly important to him as he carries out this project. For external factors might well be occasional but not productive causes of those creatures that necessarily pass on the same characteristic features that they have inherited. For in the extreme northwest region of America, on the northern coast of Hudson Bay, the inhabitants are quite similar to the Kalmucks (a likely explanation for this is that the inhabitants of this part of the world might have originated in northeastern Asia, since the kinds of animals found in both of these regions are in agreement). Air, sun, and diet can modify the growth of the body of an animal. The races we see today are different from those of yesterday and will be different tomorrow. Kant was quite an accomplished scientist who developed the nebular hy… Thus someone from the same region is recognizable simply according to the features characteristic of any one from that province. In The Descent of Man, Darwin noted the great difficulty naturalists had in trying to decide how many "races" there actually were: Man has been studied more carefully than any other animal, and yet there is the greatest possible diversity amongst capable judges whether he should be classed as a single species or race, or as two (Virey), as three (Jacquinot), as four (Kant), five (Blumenbach), six (Buffon), seven … For example, in birds of the same species which can nevertheless live in different climates, there are seeds for the development of a new layer of feathers. In these essays Kant affirms that Doubtlessly, someone might ask how I can justify deriving the Kalmuck form from a people that has lived primarily in the far north or northeast when we can presently find them in their most complete development in a mild climatic zone. The base of these mountains is also buried under horizontal layers of sand. Blonds and brunettes are not, by contrast different races of whites, because a blond man who is the child of a brunette woman can also have distinctly blond children, although each of these deviations is always preserved, even when migration occurs frequently over many generations. The books of travel were relatively few, and the facts which they contained concerning the human mind as existing in different races, had not … This is the same sort of development that the sea Lapplander, a lineage deriving from the Hungarians, seem to have undergone. This occurred because the Negro race was cut off by this same sea. Such dissimilarity is of course often easily recognizable only to a keen observer, while others find it laughable. All the same, most of the currently known inhabitants of this region seem to be newcomers. The extreme, humid heat of the warm climate must, on the other hand, show quite opposite effects on a people that has lived under such conditions long enough to have become fully acclimated. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Kant: Review of Herder's Ideas on the Philosophy of the History of Mankind. Kant, Immanuel. Second race, Copper-red (America), of dry cold. The bulging, raised area under the eyes and the half-closed and squinting eyes themselves seem to guard this same part of the face partly against the parching cold of the air and partly against the light of the snow (against which even the Eskimo need snow goggles). I believe that the cause of these peculiarities is to be found in an ancient inland sea which kept Hindustan, as well as Africa, separated from other lands that are in close proximity. To account for such unity, we can introduce only a single natural genus, assume that all human beings belong to the one line of descent from which – regardless of their dissimilarities – they emerged, or from which they might at least possibly have emerged. Chronology of texts referred to. The Evolution Concept: The Concept Evolution. Alternatively, differing human beings might be viewed as similar to one another, but not related, and we would have to assume that there were many different local creations. For the strip of land that stretches in an only slightly broken continuous land mass from the Baikalia border to Mongolia, lesser Bokhara, Persia, Arabia, Nubia, and the Sahara to Cape Blanc, looks, for the most part, like the bottom of an ancient sea. Similarly, the inhabitants of the other side of the Indian peninsula, the Tokinese and Chinese, were possibly produced as mixed races when Hindustani blood was mixed with that of the ancient Scyths (in and around Tibet) and with either more or less that of the Huns. For Kant, the black race is "completely the opposite of the Americans," in that they are "full of affect and passion, very talkative, lively and vain... [and] have many motivating forces." 1780s Kant published three essays on the topic of human races: “On the Different Races of Man” (1775; rev. However, thereis less agreement regarding whether racism, even absent adeveloped race concept, may have existed in the ancient Greek andRoman worlds. Johann Gottfried Herder: Organization of the People of Africa. 6. 1777), “Determination of the Concept of Race” (1785), and “On the Use of Teleological Principles in Philosophy” (1788). This land is also fortunate to have the most perfect drainage system (draining towards two different oceans) of any of the regions lying in the similarly fortunate climatic zones of mainland Asia. The knowledge of Man in that large sense which Anthropology expresses, had made, in Kant's day, but small advances. Immanuel Kant. In ‘Of the Different Races’ Kant deploys Buffon’s definition to argue that there is only one human genus because human beings of all kinds ‘consistently beget fertile young with one another, no matter what great differences may otherwise be encountered in their shape’ (1777, 84–5) – that is, no matter how great the differences in the mere description of different human beings may be. The heavy iron content in the blood also seems to be necessary in order to prevent the enervation of all the parts of the body. (I am still including, in the northern part of this region, Tibet, which was, perhaps, the common place of refuge for humankind during the earth’s last great geological revolution, and, in the period following that revolution, a plant nursery for the re-vegetation of the entire earth.) For this reason, Buffon’s rule, that animals that produce fertile young with one another belong to one and the same physical genus (no matter how dissimilar in form they may be), must properly be regarded only as a definition of a natural genus of animals in general. Charles Caldwell was one of the earliest supporters of polygenism in America. However, if the deviation can no longer produce the original formation of the line, it would be called degeneration. "On the Different Races of Man." No matter what explanation one might accept, the greatest difficulty presented by the diversity of races on the surface of the earth is this: the same race is not to be found in similar regions of land at similar latitudes. For these reasons, the few rivers that we find in this region only flow a short distance and then dry up in the sand. The whole … This diminishment of life power can, however, also be seen as entirely natural for the effect of a cold region of the world. for the red-brown skin color (as an effect of the acidic air) seems to be just as suited to the cold climate as the olive-brown skin color (as an effect of briny bile of the juices) is suited to the hot regions of the earth. In today’s standards, Kant was definitely a racist in two respects: 1. This alternative is, however, a view that needlessly multiplies the number of causes. 3. In the first case, human beings belong not merely to one and the same genus, but also to one family. Neither chance nor general mechanistic laws could produce such matches. However, when a northern people is compelled to withstand the influence of the cold of this region for a long time, even greater changes must take place. Black (Senegambia) These seeds and natural predispositions appear to be inborn and made for these conditions through the on-going process of reproduction. Caldwell attacked the position that environment was the cause of racial differences and argued instead that four races, … Within the human race is diversity in skin color and other physical characteristics. Variations resemble each other, but they do not necessarily produce half-breeds when they mix with others. Produced by Johns Hopkins University Press in … These hidden measures also make possible the migration and transplantation of animals and plants. Race and racial differences are due to original specie- or class-specific variations in "natural endowments" so that there is a natural "germ" (Keim) and "talent" (Anlage) for each (separate) race. The mountains that we find in this region have been placed upon these flat regions and nowhere do the slopes of these mountains extend very far. Consequently, numerous seeds and natural predispositions must lie ready in human beings either to be developed or held back in such a way that we might become fitted to a particular place in the world. Source: Immanuel Kant, “Von der verschiedenen Rassen der Menschen” (1777), translated by Jon Mark Mikkelsen and published in Race and the Enlightenment: A Reader, edited by Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1997). In the work translated here he grapples with the subject of human difference, trying to create categories to explain variations in physical features and in cultural practices. The first has only the intent of bringing creatures under headings; the second has the intent of bringing them under laws. This form is characterized by its tender white skin, reddish hair, and pale blue eyes. However, all deviations surely require a lineal root genus. We must, therefore, venture to offer a history of nature, even if we are also – and rightfully so – hostile to the impudence of mere opinion. His essay on Anthropology from Pragmatic Point of View (1798) contains many geographical accounts of the races and ethnic groups of the world. An artificial division is based upon classes and divides things up according to similarities, but a natural division is based upon identifying distinct lines of descent that divide according to reproductive relations. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://blackcentraleurope.com/who-we-are/. If we bear in mind then that both animals and humans must have passed back and forth in this region between Asia and America int he most ancient time, that we find the same animals in the cold parts of both of these regions, that this human race first showed itself to the Chinese in a region beyond the Amur river approximately 1,000 years before the Christian era (according to de Guignes), and that it gradually drove other people of Tatar, Hungarian and other lines of descent out of their places of residences, then this account of the origin of this people from out of the cold regions of the world will not seem completely forced. Making use of these ideas, we wish to examine the entire human genus as it can be found all over the earth and to specify purposive causes to account for the appearance of deviations in those cases where natural causes are not readily discernible. This is to say that they could be the factors responsible for establishing a race. 4. Copper red (America) But when Kant considers the black race, indigenous to Africa, an entirely different problem arises. Therefore, a previously determined capacity or natural predisposition lies in it to produce, within a certain period of time, a thicker skin. We can, in fact, come to this conclusion without even taking into account the natural disposition of the native American, which reveals a half-extinguished life power. These features indicate the effect of the arctic climate on a people that were only recently driven into this region from a milder climate. Immanuel Kant: Of National Characteristics. Determination of the Concept of a Human Race (1785) Immanuel Kant 5. For this reason, we must view this sort of chance development as preformed. Part 2 – Kant’s on Race. However, the foremost case, namely, the derivation of the Americans as a people that has inhabited the northern most part of the earth for a long time but which has not yet fully acclimated itself to this region as would a distinct race, is confirmed completely by the suppressed growth of hair on all part of their body except the had and by the reddish, iron rust color that makrs this people when they live in the colder regions of this part of the world and the dark copper color that marks them when they live in the hotter regions. Herodotus reported already in his time that the Argippeans, inhabitants of a land situated at the feet of high mountains in a region that we can assume to be the Urals, were bald and that they covered their trees with a white covering (he was presumably thinking of felt tents). The disproportion between the full body height and the short legs of northern peoples is itself very appropriate for their climate, since this part of the body suffers more danger from the cold due to its distance from the heart. But over his career he seems to have become aware of his own contradictions, and his ideas appear to have evolved considerably. Immanuel Kant: Physical Geography. View all 8 citations / Add more citations. Something More About the Human Races (1786) Georg Forster 6. The nearest northern deviation to develop from this original form appears to be the noble blond form. This characteristic skin color and the fact that it is passed on to successive generations is, in fact, just as fixed for this people as is the black skin color of the Negro, and seems, together with other well-developed features and distinct natural dispositions, just as much to be the effect of a humid heat. Kant, Immanuel. 6. This claim is based on the observation that these people already display uniformly black hair, beardless chins, flat faces, and eyes placed within long slits that seem to be barely opened. Their land, which is protected to the north by a high mountain range, is cut through from north to south, to the tip of the peninsula, by a long row of mountains. The skin had to be oily, not only to lessen the too heavy perspiration, but also to ward off the harmful absorption of the foul, humid air. It is just as unlikely that chance or physical-mechanical causes could produce an organic body as that they might add something to the reproductive power of such a body, that is, as that they might effect the particular form or relationship among the various parts of a thing that can reproduce itself. We now find this form, in greater or smaller numbers, in northeastern Asia, but even more prominently in the American northwest, which can be explored outward from Hudson Bay. Stella Sandford - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (9):950-977. 2. The same four races will later be mentioned in the Menschenkunde (1781/82), as opposed to the announcement to Kant’s lecture Of the Different Human Races (as part of his lecture course on Physical Geography) where Kant mainly differentiates between the ‘white’, the ‘Negro’, the ‘Hunnish’ and the ‘Hinduish’ race. If so, the four presently existing races and the natural causes that account for their origins can be illustrated by means of the following summary: Lineal root genus 120 Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze Kant's racial theories, then, follow more closely those of Linnaeus than of Buffon. Those from Asian groups often have shovel-shaped incisors. For these reasons, rivers neither flow into nor out of these regions. 4. This article has two core objectives: first to challenge the conventional understanding of liberal international theory (which we do by focussing specifically on classical liberalism) and second, to develop much further postcolonialism’s conception of Eurocentrism. The reason for assuming that Negroes and whites are the base races is self-evident. This is shown by the fact that all inhabitants of the Pacific islands, except for a few Negroes, have beards. The Kalmuck race seems to be purest among the Khoshuts, to be mixed a little with Tatar blood among the Torguts, and to be mixed more with Tatar blood among the Zingari. This growth produced a thick, turned up nose and thick, fatty lips. A fixed human race could, therefore, have established itself in this region over a long period of time. Found in This is Race: An Anthology Selected from the International Literature on the Races of Man. – Maupertuis believes that we might cultivate noble stock of human beings in any province, a stock in whom understanding, diligence, and probity were hereditary. Conditions such as these will produce exactly the reverse of the Kalmuck form. Bauche calls the lands of this region plate formations. The only part of the earth that we can justifiably think to have the most fortunate combination of influences of both the cold and hot regions is the area between 31 and 52 degrees latitude in the old world (which also seems to deserve the name old world because of the people that inhabit it). They are: (1) the white race; (2) the Negro race; (3) the Hun race (Mongol or Kalmuk); and (4) the Hindu or Hindustani race. Indeed, this development of an enduring race took root only after an extended period of reproductive activity in the same climate. Indeed, this development has presumably been observed in the old Venetian nobility, particularly in the women. The term race or racial group refers to dividing the human species into groups. The most widely used human racial types are those based on visual traits (such as skin color, cranial, facial features, or type of hair). From Geographical History of Human Beings and the Universally Dispersed Quadrupeds (1778) E. A. W. Zimmermann 4. 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218 +1 (410) 516-6989 muse@press.jhu.edu ©2020 Project MUSE. However, in those regions where a race has become deeply rooted and stifled the other seeds, it resists further transformation, because the character of the race has become predominant in the reproductive powers. Factors such as these cannot, however, produce this change together with a reproductive power capable of producing such change without these causes. At this time the influence of cold and humid air, which drew the bodily juices toward a tendency for scurvy, produced a certain stock of human beings. Kant pits the term “race” against Hume’s and Forster’s assertion of different human “species.” Contrary to the biologically narrower “variety” (Varietät), “race” refers to determining a specific group’s heritable traits. I would explain this possibility in the following way. American views. We do not, for example, find east-Asian Indians in the hottest climatic regions of America and there are even fewer indigenous peoples in America that exhibit the form of the Negro. Kant on the different human races (1777) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is perhaps the greatest figure of the German Enlightenment but also among the most contentious for those studying the development of modern racism. Mongolian races originate from areas including Korea, India, Japan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Alaska, and Pakistan. Australoid races originate from different parts of Asia and Oceania. 1 – Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime (1764). Both leave their mark inevitably in mixed matings. It is, therefore, similar to the Asian-Indian race, which is also confined to its own land (except to the east, where it also appears in half-breed form). K Kant links these traits to different climatic conditions (e.g., … On the significance of climate and location for the formation of differences, see Kant, Physical Geography , AA IX, 314. THREE APPROACHES IN ISLAMIC SCIENCE: CASE STUDIES IN IRAN. from dry cold, Third race They are nevertheless already to a certain degree acclimated to this climate. Noble blond (northern Europe) We now have some ideas about these matters that at least provide us with reasons enough to counter the ideas of others who find the differences among the human genera so irreconcilable that they prefer instead to assume that there must have been numerous local creations of human beings. Such half-breed resemblances disappear, however, in only a few generations when members of the stock live in other places and change their diet (even when there is no change in climate). Kant's comprehensive and systematic works in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics have made him one of the most influential figures in modern Western philosophy. 3 – On the Use of Teleological Principles in Philosophy (1788) 1 – The Night is Sublime, the Day is Beautiful Even though some recent attempts to obscure, excuse, justify, and deny Kant’s racism fail, Kant should not be dismissed as a moral philosopher. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Of the immediate causes of the origin of these different races. For this reason, they are only variations of whites. Human beings were created in such a way that they might live in every climate and endure each and every condition of the land. John T. Goldthwait. Found in This is Race: An Anthology Selected from the International Literature on the Races of Man. 2 – Of the Different Races of Human Beings (1775). For once a race has established itself as the result of a long residency of its ancestral people in northeast Asia, or in the neighboring land of America, as has now happened, no further climatic influences could cause it to change into another race. The olive-yellow skin of the Asian-Indians, the true gypsy color that is the basis for the more or less dark brown skin color of the Asian peoples, is equally characteristic of these people and does not vary in successive generations. Those features that belong to varieties – which are, therefore, by themselves hereditary (even if not always) – can, through marriages that always take place within the same families, even produce, in time, something that I call the family stock. He divided people by race as a biological, immutable, and hereditary property, and 2. By the end of his life he was forcefully denouncing colonial conquest and slavery and mocking the self-important claims of Europeans. Thus, the mixing of Tartar and Hunnish blood in the Kara-Kalpaks, the Nagas, and others, has produced half-races. These feathers appear when such birds live in cold climates, but they are held back when they live in temperate climates. 5. On the Concept of Biological Race and its Applicability to Humans. The original text in German can be found here. 5. These features ultimately become rooted in the reproductive power so characteristically that they come near to forming a variation in the way that they perpetuate themselves. For only the original lineal formation can turn into a race. 8 In VA-Collins, we find no trace of a vertical classification of races. Proceeding in this way, Negroes and whites are clearly not different species of human beings (since they presumably belong to one line of descent), but they do comprise two different races. When, however, such development only concerns the size or the relationship of the parts to one another, I call them natural predispositions. A few years later, Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), celebrated as the symbol of the Enlightenment’s philosophy of progress and humanism, wrote his essay On the Different Races of Man (1775) in which he attempted a scientific classification of human races. I think, however, that even though such a scheme is, strictly speaking, certainly practicable, nature, in its wisdom, acts to hinder it rather well. His view rests on the possibility that an enduring family stock might eventually be established through the careful selection of the degenerate form the normal births. Clipping Our Dogmatic Wings: The Role of Religion’s Parerga in Our Moral Education. This race is peculiar to Africa (and in its most completely developed form to Senegambia). All development which causes the body only to squander its juices must eventually be impeded in so dry a region as this. The dominant scholarly position is that the concept of race is amodern phenomenon, at least in Europe and the Americas. Edited and translated by Robert B. Louden, University of Southern Maine, Günter Zöller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munchen. "On the Different Races of Man." In this essay, Kant connects race with common ancestry and certain bodily proper-ties. Skin Color and Phlogiston Immanuel Kant’s Racism in Context. We now justifiably account for the different colors of plants by noting that the iron content of certain identifiably distinct plant juices varies. We can, therefore, at least take all this tentative account of the origins of the real races. The cold hands of the Asian-Indians might well also be explained by a self-defense mechanism based-upon this process, or a similar one, that continually eliminates whatever it is that, through a certain organization (that shows itself in the skin), stimulates the blood. Although he is attentive to the possibility of fluidity and change over time he also undermines this by falling back on a schema of fixed racial characteristics that condemned certain peoples, Blacks above all, to an inferior status. If the sea Lapplander did indeed originate from a well-developed people that previously lived in the temperate zone, then they have already, in only a few centuries, acclimated themselves quite well to the peculiarities of a cold climate. The people of this stock would always be recognizable and might even be called a race, if their characteristic feature does not seem to insignificant and so difficult to describe that we are unable to use it to establish a special division. similarly, the wheat kernel must be more protected against damp cold in a cold climate than in a dry or warm climate. They will never achieve abstract concepts…the race of Negroes…can be educated, but only to the education of servants…the [indigenous] American people are uneducable.” Something More About the Human Races (1786) Georg Forster 6. For example, the Lapplanders, who are of the same line of descent as the Finns, that is to say, who emerged from the Hungarian line, have occupied their present place of residence only since the migration of the Hungarians (from east Asia). Those deviations which often, but not always, resemble one another may, on the other hand, be called varieties. At any rate, all of the noble women on the recently discovered island of Tahiti do have longer noses than is common. Further, these factors also explain how the Negro, as well as the Asian-Indian race, could survive without mixing with northern blood for such a long time. Australoid. Among whites, however, these acids and the volatile alkaline content are not reflected at all because the iron in the bodily juices has been dissolved, thereby demonstrating both the perfect mixing of juices and the strength of this human stock in comparison to others. In fact, according to many reports the inhabitants of this region look like true Kalmucks. The Kant-Herder Controversy. Further south, the face is indeed more open and higher, but the beardless chin, the uniformly black hair, the red-brown facial color, together with the coldness and insensitivity of the natural disposition – genuine remnants of the effect of a long residence in a cold region of the world, as we will soon see – continue from the far north of this part of the world to Staten Island. In Anthropology, History, ... Kant, Race, and Natural History. They will never achieve abstract concepts…the race of Negroes…can be educated, but only to the education of servants…the [indigenous] American people are uneducable.” Answer: The Bible does not explicitly give us the origin of the different “races” or skin colors in humanity. We bring you over 1000 years of Black history in the German-speaking lands and show you why it matters right now. Such development makes it possible for things to turn out well for the creature and for it to preserve itself continually. Similarly, there are no peoples native to Arabia or Persia that have the same olive-yellow skin color of the Asian-Indians, even though these lands are very much in agreement in climate and air quality, etc. We see, then, that the description of nature (i.e., the condition of nature at the present time) does not suffice to explain the diversity of human deviations. This form inhabited the northern regions of Germany and, if we believe other available evidence, the region that stretches further to the east up to the Altai mountains, a cold region filled with vast wooded areas. Kant details this racial taxonomy in his 1775 essay On the Different Races of Man. He also wrote on the different races of man. The influential work of classicist Frank Snowden (1970;1983), who emphasized the lack of anti-black prejudice in the ancientworld, led many scholars of race to conclude that racism did not existin that epoch. They also seem to produce a long-lasting development on the seeds and predispositions. Although Kant produced two writings on Anthropology (Anthropology From a Pragmatic Point of View, and On the Different Races of Man) this is almost wholly ignored in the modern evaluation of his historical importance and philosophical attitudes. In short, all of these factors account for the origin of the Negro, who is well-suited to his climate, namely, strong, fleshy, and agile. Yet despite the distinction generated between different races, Kant’s monogenetic account led him to maintain that the different races were part of a common human species. Joris van Gorkom - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (2):1-22. The unity of such a natural genus is, in other words, tantamount to the unity of its common effective reproductive power. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, https://blackcentraleurope.com/who-we-are/. Immanuel Kant (UK: / k æ n t /, US: / k ɑː n t /; German: [ɪˈmaːnu̯eːl ˈkant, -nu̯ɛl -]; 22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers. The more ability to reproduce a specific acquired character in just those cases where nothing purposive presents itself is already proof enough that a special seed or natural predisposition is to be found in organic creation. The causes lying in the nature of an organic body (plant or animal) that account for a specific development are called seeds when this development concerns a particular part of the plan or animal. 4 - Of the different races of human beings (1775) By Holly Wilson , Günter Zöller. This part of the face seems indeed to be so well arranged that it could just as well be viewed as the natural effect of the climate, since these features are to be found only infrequently in milder regions of the earth. Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime, trans. According to Ives, the common illnesses of Asian-Indians are clogged gall bladders and swollen livers. In actuality, there is only one race—the human race. 93. Skin Color and Phlogiston Immanuel Kant’s Racism in Context. This land could, therefore, have been dry and inhabitable in ancient times, since not only the eastern Indian peninsula, but also China (because its rivers run parallel instead of diverging from one another) must have been uninhabitable in those times of floods. In the work translated here he grapples with the subject of human difference, trying to create categories to explain variations in physical features and in cultural practices. Of the different races of human beings (1775) Immanuel Kant. White of brownish color, First race By means of a natural predisposition the protruding part of the face, which is the part of the face that is least capable of being covered by hair, gradually becomes flatter. These features would, therefore, be preserved even if such a people were to migrate immediately to a more temperate climate. Olive-yellow (Asian-Indians) Displacement into an arctic region, human beings had gradually to take on a smaller build. As Voltaire says: God – who created the reindeer in Lapland to eat the moss of this cold region, and who also created the Lapplander to eat the reindeer – is pretty good inspiration for the poet, but he does not provide much assistance to the philosopher, who is not permitted to abandon the chain of natural causes except in those cases where he clearly sees these causes connected to his immediate fate. Races are deviations that are constantly preserved over many generations and come about as a consequence of migration (dislocation to other regions) or through interbreeding with other deviations of the same line of descent, which always produces half-breed off-spring. Kant was mainly interested in the physical geography. from dry heat, 4. We want, therefore, to assume that this form is that of a lineal root genus. This stock will surely produce half-breed resemblances when it mixes with hereditary stocks foreign to it.
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