Becoming Who One Is Notes On Schopenhauer As Educator. Con người Schopenhauer là kẻ thành thật với hiện hữu và tự mình đón lấy khổ đau, giống như câu nói của bậc thầy Eckhard: “Con tuấn mã nhanh nhất đưa ta tới toàn thiện chính là sự đau khổ.” Ta chỉ có một cách duy nhất để sống thiện lành với nỗi thống khổ ở thế gian đó là: ôm trọn lấy nó và nói “vâng”! Maudemarie Clark traces Nietzsche's empiricism. Mục đích của văn hóa là tái sinh trong mỗi con người một vị thánh và một thiên tài. In "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks," he conceives of the philosopher as someone seeking to hear within himself the echoes of the world symphony and to re-project them in the form of concepts. << Previous Article. Contrary to Schopenhauer who wishes to free the intellect from the will, Nietzsche considers the intellect to be intrinsically connected with the will, that is "the intellect as essentially will-driven" (p. 35) and thus perspectival. With the great majority it is indolence, inertia, in short that tendency to laziness of which the traveller spoke. He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. Nietzsche frequently refers to Schopenhauer as his “true educator,” a topic explored fully in his essay “Schopenhauer as Educator,” published in 1874 as one of the Untimely Meditations. An invaluable digestion of Schopenhauer's musings on life, finding one's own path, zeitgeist etc. One of the highest forms of thinking that I have ever been a witness of. Consideration of “Schopenhauer as Educator”, published two years later, brings out Nietzsche’s growing hostility to education. It can not merely be studied, it must be lived. Oscar Levy, Vol. Đây là loại người hoạt động nhất, chỉ duy họ mới có thể tự chiêm ngắm chính mình. These themes come to a culmination in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which until the late 20th century was commonly read as … كتاب رائع، نيتشه كان مشغل شخارة بالكهربا للألمان هههههه, لقد قرأت لنيتشه من قبل كتاب هكذا تكلم زرادشت، أنه كتاب جميل و مميز لكنه صعب للفهم. Here's one great passage among many: “Let the youthful soul look back on life with the question: what have you truly loved up to now, what has drawn your soul aloft, what has mastered it and at the same … Schopenhauer wrote that the world was the result of the will. His courage will destroy his happiness on earth, he must be an enemy to the men he loves and the institutions in which he grew up, he must spare neither person nor thing, however it may hurt him, he will be misunderstood and thought an ally of forces that he abhors, in his search for righteousness he will seem unrighteous by human standards: but he must comfort himself with the words that his teacher … He began his career as a p. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher. Here's one great passage among many: “Let the youthful soul look back on life with the question: what have you truly loved up to now, what has drawn your soul aloft, what has mastered it and at the same time blessed it? There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Don’t ask, walk!”, Readers’ Top Histories and Biographies of the Last 5 Years. » Toute jeune âme entend cet appel de jour et de nuit, et il la fait frémir, car elle devine la mesure de bonheur qui lui est départie de toute éternité quand elle songe à sa véritable délivrance. is a platform for academics to share research papers. I always appreciate Nietzsche's insight when speaking of what philosophy is and what a true philosopher is. Arthur Schopenhauer was one of the most famous philosophers of the 19th century, and a significant influence on Nietzsche. Mais ce bonheur elle ne saurait l’atteindre d’aucune façon, tant qu’elle demeure prisonnière dans les chaînes des opinions et de la crainte. These dangers "threaten us all," but most people, Nietzsche thinks, lack the fortitude and vigor to truly brave and conquer them. The early essays on Schopenhauer as Educator and on The Uses and Disadvantages of History raise questions about the authority of the mentor and of the relation of humanistic culture to historical agency. كتاب ثقيل العبارات... كثير الحشو... ربما يتم عزو ذلك إلى كون الكتاب عبارة عن 4رسائل أو خواطر، يتحدث فيها نيتشه عن ما تعلمه من شوبنهاور.... رغم أ، الترجمة كانت جيدة... Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher of the late 19th century who challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality. ABSTRACT: On the basis of his metaphysics, Schopenhauer was led to advocate quietism and resignation as attitudes toward life. 5, Part I1 (London, 1909-1911). Nietzsche's books give the appearance of having been assembled rather than composed. One of Nietzsche's most compelling theories includes an investigation of what he calls slave morality. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. In Schopenhauer as Educator, Nietzsche highlights the relevance of identifying an exemplar or a model for one’s formation, as he also raises the issue of self-formation. أعتقد أن نيتشه في هذا الكتاب أراد تغيير مجتمعه و بلده و تقريبا كل شيء يتعلق بهما، لا أعرف السبب، لكن استطع. They are made up, in the main, of short, pointed aphorisms, and of essays seldom more than a few pages long.… And any given aphorism or essay might as easily have been placed in one volume as in another without much affecting the unity or structure of either. So far, this is my favorite Nietzsche read yet and one of my favorite philosophy reads in a long time. But what is it that constrains the individual to fear his neighbour, to think and act like a member of a herd, and to have no joy in himself? (Also see my video Burdens and Their Import- … Con người theo Rousseau, phổ biến nhất và được số đông tiếp thu nhiều nhất, có lẽ đây là con người của cách mạng, của sự vô thức điên rồ. He replied: ‘They have a tendency to laziness.’ To many it will seem that he ought rather to have said: ‘They are all timid. Be the first to ask a question about Schopenhauer as Educator. Still, for all his fierce criticisms of Schopenhauer (a style which Schopenhauer would certainly have appreciated, since he too was a noted user of the art of ad hominem attacks), Nietzsche continued to refer to him as his “great teacher”. Con người theo Goethe chỉ thích hợp cho một số ít người thuộc những kẻ trầm tư ở hàng ngũ cao vời khiến quần chúng không hiểu nổi. Nietzsche rig… Nietzsche nhấn mạnh hình ảnh về ba loại người. Start by marking “Schopenhauer as Educator” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Check if you have access via personal or institutional login. Tout ce que tu fais maintenant, tout ce que tu penses et tout ce que tu désires, ce n’est pas toi qui le fais, le penses et le désires. أعتقد أن نيتشه في هذا الكتاب أراد تغيير مجتمعه و بلده و تقريبا كل شيء يتعلق بهما، لا أعرف السبب، لكن استطع أن أشتم بشكل واضح بين سطور كتابه رائحة الحنق و الغضب و شئ من الكراهية للعادات و الأفكار التي كات سائدة في المانيا في ذلك الوقت. From fear of his neighbour, who demands conventionality and cloaks himself with it. هذا الكتاب هو الـ DNA لأفكار نيتشه، لم يلتزم نيتشه بعنوان كتابه بل استعرض اعجابه الكبير بشوبهاور هنا وهناك فقد صرح بذلك بقوله: حتى وأنا أكتب نصي الصغير عن شوبنهاور لم أكن ملزما نفسي بأي من عقائده؛ على الرغم من أنني ما أزال أؤمن كما كنت آنذاك، أن هناك الكثير للتعلم منه. Academic philosophers, he says, “elude the challenge of every great philosophy, which as a whole always says only: this is the picture of all life, and learn from it the meaning of your own life. اعتقدت بناءً على عنوان الكتاب أنّ نيتشه سيسرد محاسن ونقاط قوة شوبنهاور الذي تأثّر به واعتبره أستاذًا في الحقل الفلسفي ، لكن على عكس عنوان الكتاب واعتقادي ، كان لشوبنهاور فصل واحد من ثمانية فصول وكان فصلًا مساعدًا للفكرة الأساسية للكتاب التي كانت حول الفلسفة وصناعة العبقري .. تكلّم فيها بالتفصيل عن استقلالية المفكر وأهمية الثقافة والسلطات التي تحث على الثقافة فقط إذا كانت من مصلحتها، وأنّ هذا يسقط بالكلية أساس الفلسفة والثقافة الذين يجب أن يكونا حرّين عند التعاطي معهما لكي ينتجا لنا العبقرية .. بالمجمل هذا الكتاب أبهجني كثيرًا ، شعرت وأنا أقرأه بسعادة غامرة نادرًا ماتحدث بسبب كتاب .. ربما لأنّ محتواه كان فعلًا يعتمل في رأسي منذ زمن .. وكان يحتاج رجلًا قويًا وشعلة فكرية كنيتشه كي يستخرجه منه. Schopenhauer como educador, también conocido como la tercera Intempestiva de Nietzsche, es un libro en el que el autor expone qué supuso para él y para el mundo la figura de Schopenhauer, pero no sólo eso. يمكن القول بانه كتاب تعليمي بكل ما للكلمة من معنى، و موجه لكل شخص أراد أن يكون فيلسوف حقيقي و يعود بالفلسفة إلى عصورها المزدهرة، ليس كفلسفة الجامعة في ألمانيا و أوروبا في وقت كتابة الكتاب. Modesty, perhaps, in a few rare cases. Nietzsche rejected the metaphysical musings of Kant and Arthur and declared Hegel's idea of the State as God to be, in fact, dead. Iz ovoga nećete naučiti ništa o Schopenhaueru kao odgajatelju, naučit ćete samo što Nietzsche misli o odgajanju, znanosti i malo o njegovoj percepciji genija. ترك هذا الكتاب أثراً بالغاً عليه؛ إذ ساهم في صياغة رؤيته لذاته وتشكيل وعيه الفكري والأخلاقي حول الإنسان والآخر والحياة؛ خالقاً علاقة فريدة بين القارئ والكاتب . Kaufmann, in The Portable Read Niet's 'Schopenhauer as Educator' and Genealogy of Morals to begin the descent into the rejection of the superego and the transvaluation of values in favor of life-affirming personal responsibility. At one point, Nietzsche completely busts out against the whole entire establishment. ¿Es beneficiosa para la humanidad?¿Qué tipo de filósofos crea? >> Next Article how to express with simplicity something that is profound, without rhetoric something that is moving, and without pedantry something that is rigorously scholarly.” The philosophy of education and education of philosophy in this work is perhaps priceless. In this work, he is up to something similar. Nietzsche goes on to say: “He often chose falsely in his desire to find real trust and compassion in men, only to return with a heavy heart to his faithful dog again. Nietzsche's Revaluation of Schopenhauer as Educator. Nietzsche, Schopenhauer as Educator 3 the gentle, quiet rustling of nocturnal rain, it is imitation and worship of nature, where nature is disposed to being motherly and merciful, it is the perfecting of nature when it prevents her cruel and merciless attacks and turns them to good, when it draws a veil over the expressions of nature's stepmotherly disposition and her sad lack of understanding. He replied: ‘They have a tendency to laziness.’. The first is the “world as representation,” which is the world as it appears to the senses. Con người theo Rousseau, phổ biến nhất và được số đông tiếp thu nhiều nhất, có lẽ đây là con người của cách mạng, của sự vô thức điên rồ. OVER THE DOOR TO MY HOUSE NEW EDITION In "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks," he conceives of the philosopher as someone seeking to hear within himself the echoes of the world symphony and to re-project them in the form of concepts. من هو المربي؟ هو الشخص الذي تتشكل هيئته لنا و يعلوا صدى كلماته فتنقشع السحب السوداء الكثيفة المظللة على عقولنا و نفوسنا. Schopenhauer thì mới đọc một cuốn nên coi như cũng chưa biết gì, nhưng về Nietzsche thì cuốn này giọng đối thoại có nét châm biếm nói chung dễ tiếp thu hơn lối ẩn dụ kiểu núi băng chim ó. Ý tưởng thì quanh quẩn dăm cuốn cũng ngần ấy điều thôi, nhưng dễ vĩ cuồng nếu mức ảo tưởng cao cao một chút. Và có lẽ nào từ giờ đọc triết bét nhất cũng phải đọc tiếng Anh, không thì học mà đọc nguyên tác? Good lord, praise Nietzsche! To see what your friends thought of this book. Often referred to as one of the first existentialist philosophers along with Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), Nietzsche's revitalizing philosophy has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poets, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social revolutionaries. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Philosopher Schopenhauer thinks that contemplating beautiful art facilitates a calming, distanced sensation that gives people a break from the relentless striving or “ willing ” feeling that underscores reality. Et combien, sans cette délivrance, la vie peut être désespérante et dépourvue de signification ! Schopenhauer as Educator Quotes Showing 1-14 of 14 “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. For Nietzsche, in his example of Schopenhauer, achieving a true education is an enterprise fraught with "three dangers"---those of isolation, of crippling doubt, and of the pain of confronting one's limitations. » Toute jeune âme entend cet appel de jour et de nuit, et il la fait frémir, car elle devine la mesure de bonheur qui lui est départie de toute éternité quand elle songe à sa véritable délivrance. His writing included critiques of religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy and science, using a distinctive style and displaying a fondness for aphorism. Schopenhauer as Educator, published in 1876, is a short, very lively, accessible, thought-provoking philosophical work by Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche - Schopenhauer As Educator [ Collins] An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. To many it will seem that he ought rather to have said: ‘They are all timid. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is nothing like reading a history or biography book and being so completely transported to another time and place that you find... Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher. Like all his other writings, I very much enjoyed this essay. Mais ce bonheur elle ne saurait l’atteindre d’aucune façon, tant qu’elle demeure prisonnière dans les chaînes des opinions et de la crainte. Where does it lead? He began his career as a philologist before turning to philosophy. Nietzsche agrees with writer Stendhal that art’s great power is its ability to move, excite, and stimulate people. Nietzsche s influence remains substantial within and beyond philosophy, notably in existentialism and postmodernism. the attempted redemption of the humanities or education. “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. العالم إرادة وتمثلاً "كان أول لقاء يجمع نيتشه ب شوبنهاور. To provide a modest rasa of what a reader will find contained in its pages, here are several quotes along with my brief comments. Con người theo Goethe chỉ thích hợp cho một số ít người thuộc những kẻ trầm tư ở hàng ngũ cao vời khiến quần chúng không hiểu nổi. This is not a focus on the humanist subject but rather an exhortation to break free from conventionality, to be responsible for creating our own existence, and to overcome the inertia of tradition and custom: Slave morality rises forcefully with Constantinople (here you have the combination of imperialism with the Christian power of Constantine). Education in modernity is a lost cause, Nietzsche argues. In what follows, I examine and assess the grounds on which Nietzsche revised his opinion of Schopenhauer as educator of humanity. This article examines Schopenhauer’s influence on Nietzsche’s work. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher of the late 19th century who challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality. The second is the “world as will,” which lies behind the senses. And the reverse: only read your own life and comprehend from it the hieroglyphics of universal life.”, الكتاب مملوء بالاقتباسات حرفياً الى حد أن تعبت من تحديدها فقررت أن احدد الكتاب ( تقريبا ) من الجلده الى الجلده .. يصلح جدا أن يكون مدخلاً إلى الفلسفة نظرا لصغر حجمه .. وكما عهدنا اُسلوب نيتشه سلس وسهل .. ولكن يعيبه أنه المترجم قام بكتابة الكلمات بأكثر من ترجمه لأكثر من معنى وهذا ما شتتني قليلاً. As a young man, Nietzsche was a strong admirer of Schopenhauer's work, although he later broke with Schopenhauer over the idea of 'the will.' Adrian Collins in The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, ed. Nietzsche first became fascinated by philosophy when he read Arthur Schopenhauer’s The World As Will and Representation. For Nietzsche’s part, “Schopenhauer as Educator” emphasizes not Schopenhauer’s philosophy but “Schopenhauer’s way of expressing himself…. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. While most of his contemporaries looked on the late nineteenthcentury with unbridled optimism, confident in the progress of science andthe rise of the German state, Nietzsche saw his age facing a fundamentalcrisis in values. In this work, he is up to something similar. This essay demonstrates Nietzsche at his best. Nietzsche nhấn mạnh hình ảnh về ba loại người. Et combi. (Untimely Meditations, Schopenhauer as educator,” § 3.1) Nietzsche's philosophy is an existentialist philosophy. This chapter shows how Nietzsche develops Goethe's critique of Bildung. Schopenhauer as Educator. Welcome back. Thiên tài thì có thể chứ thánh, thánh kiểu gì không biết. هذا أكثر كتاب أحببته لفريدريك نيتشه حتى أنني أعدت قراءته أكثر من مرة، وهو ليس كتاباً أساساً بل مقال طويل كتبه في بداياته، ها هنا الرجل واضح وأفكاره واضحة ومميزة، ونهجه في البحث واضح ومميز، بعيد عن نهج المبالغات اللغوية التي سيعتمدها في نصوصه التالية، حيث الأفكار قليلة والثرثرة الجميلة العذبة هي سيدة العمل. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche The traditional categories of tragedy are nearly destroyed in the deepened subjectivities of Romanticism of the 19th-century German philosophers, Arthur Schopenhauer and his disciple Friedrich Nietzsche. نبدأ السنة الجديدة باستكمال قراءة واحد من أعظم الكُتّاب اللي قرأتلهم، متحدثًا عن واحد من أعظم العقول الفلسفية في العصر الحديث. He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. The philosophy of education and education of philosophy in this work is perhaps priceless. In the course of his career, Nietzsche reversed his estimation of Schopenhauer from initial agreement to final excoriation. I discuss Nietzsche's writing as a precursor to the Absurd notion of a human having to constantly embody what being an ideal human is. Tout ce que tu fais maintenant, tout ce que tu penses et tout ce que tu désires, ce n’est pas toi qui le fais, le penses et le désires. Vidim da je i Nietzsche izvor mnogih današnjih mitova (poput onoga o velikoj naprednosti Grka) koji se nekritički uzimaju u usta i stalno ponavljaju. " También es un tratado sobre la cultura y la educación: ¿Qué tipo de cultura promueve el Estado? We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. THE GAY SCIENCE (Hla gaya scienza") BY Friedrich Nietzsche 1 live in my own place, have never copied nobody even half, and at any master who lacks the grace to laugh at himself-l laugh. His writing included critiques of religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy and science, using a distinctive style and displaying a fondness for aphorism. He is right: men are even lazier than they are timid, and fear most of all the inconveniences with which unconditional honesty and nakedness would burden them. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (/ ˈ n iː tʃ ə, ˈ n iː tʃ i /; German: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈniːtʃə] or [ˈniːtsʃə]; 15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. وكانت هذه الشخصية تمثل له الراحة وسط عالم قلق. Schopenhauer argues that reality has two different aspects. So wrote Friedrich Nietzsche in his incisive essay from Thoughts Out Of Season, ‘Schopenhauer as Educator’ (1874). In the course of his career, Nietzsche reversed his estimation of Schopenhauer from initial agreement to final excoriation. by Regnery Pub. Cuộc đời đau khổ của một người dám sống là chính mình (và tiếc thay không thuận xã hội). توقعت أن كل كتابات نيتشه ستكون بلسان نبي تقليدي كما في "هكذا تكلم زرادشت"، لكن الأمر كان مختلف في هذا الكتاب الصغير جدا. A traveller who had seen many lands and peoples and several of the earth's continents was asked what quality in men he had discovered everywhere he had gone. There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. It considers how Nietzsche adopted some of his central ideas from Schopenhauer, how he exploited some of Schopenhauer’s positions to suit his own purposes, and how he developed some of his ideas as alternatives to Schopenhauerian positions. We’d love your help. Nietzsche states here that we all have a duty to help nature complete its goal of producing the highest examples of the human being—these will be the “new redeemers”—which he recognizes in superb instances of the philosopher, the artist and the saint (“Schopenhauer as Educator… Email your librarian or administrator to recommend adding this book to your organisation's collection. « Sois toi-même ! توقعت أن كل كتابات نيتشه ستكون بلسان نبي تقليدي كما في "هكذا تكلم زرادشت"، لكن الأمر كان مختلف في هذا الكتاب الصغير جدا. Và con người theo Schopenhauer, tất nhiên, đây là con người Nietzche ngưỡng mộ và luôn hết lời ngợi ca. With the rise of science, the Christian worldviewno longer held a prominent explanatory role in people’s lives, aview Nietzsche captures in the phrase “God is dead.” However, sciencedoes not introduce a new set of values to replace the Christianvalues it displaces. Có một số cái mình thấy hơi cực đoan nhưng về cơ bản rất hay. Và con người theo Schopenhauer, tất nhiên, đây là con người Nietzche ngưỡng mộ và luôn hết lời ngợi ca. Nonetheless, hu… David Conway Middlesex University In 1889 he exhibited symptoms of serious mental illness, living out his remaining years in the care of his mother and sister until his death in 1900. Although a reader can be forgiven for believing that it is the earlier philosopher in person that Nietzsche is referring to, the image is more a metaphor for Nietzsche’s own self-educative process, and his description of … Schopenhauer as Educator (" Schopenhauer als Erzieher "), 1874, describes how the philosophic genius of Schopenhauer might bring on a resurgence of German culture. He goes on to praise Schopenhauer for being a true philosopher. Where does it lead? يا حبذا لو يترجم مترجم هذا الكتاب المزيد من الكتب الفلسفية. Nietzsche describes education as knowing oneself--a task requiring almost herculean effort. يمكن القول بانه كتاب تعليمي بكل ما للكلمة من معنى، و موجه لكل شخص أراد أن يكون فيلسوف حقيقي و يعود بالفلسفة إلى عصورها المزدهرة، ليس كفلسفة الجامعة في ألمانيا و أوروبا في وقت كتابة الكتاب. Nietzsche gives special attention to Schopenhauer's individualism, honesty and steadfastness as well as his cheerfulness, despite Schopenhauer's noted pessimism. A traveller who had seen many lands and peoples and several of the earth's continents was asked what quality in men he had discovered everywhere he had gone. It is through the will that human beings find suffering, because their desires can never be satisfied. 4. نيتشه هو الشنب الحقيقى زى ما الخلايجة بيقولوا, مين ال قدامي ده واحد معرفوش نيتشه ايام اببراءة, « Sois toi-même ! SE Schopenhauer As Educator (1874), trans. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Don’t ask, walk!”, “There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Refresh and try again. Academic philosophers, he says, “elude t, So far, this is my favorite Nietzsche read yet and one of my favorite philosophy reads in a long time. Đây là loại người hoạt động nhất, chỉ duy họ mới có thể tự chiêm ngắm chính mình một cách vô tư, và họ sẽ làm bủn rủn những kẻ trầm tư và làm khiếp đảm đám đông quần chúng. Central to his philosophy is the idea of “life-. His works include From my Life (1858), On Music (1858), Napoleon III as a President (1862), Free Willand Fate (1862), My Life (1864), The Birth of Tragedy (1872), Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (1876), Human, All-Too-Human (1878), Beyond Good and Evil (1886), The Antichrist (1888) and Ecce Homo (1888). Nietzsche describes education as knowing oneself--a task requiring almost herculean effort. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. Richard Wag ner in Bayreuth. A key role for the Nietzschean educator is to reveal or liberate the true self. I argue that … Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883-1885), trans. In Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Idea (1819), much more than the social or ethical order is upturned. Mình đã đánh hơi thoang thoảng mùi nhất trí ngay từ lần đầu nghe và đọc Nietzsche rồi mà. By the will, Schopenhauer meant human wants, desires, and efforts. They hide themselves behind customs and opinions.’ In his heart every man knows quite well that, being unique, he will be in the world only once and that no imaginable chance will for a second time gather together into a unity so strangely variegated an assortment as he is: he knows it but he hides it like a bad conscience – why? Summary. I always appreciate Nietzsche's insight when speaking of what philosophy is and what a true philosopher is. لقد قرأت لنيتشه من قبل كتاب هكذا تكلم زرادشت، أنه كتاب جميل و مميز لكنه صعب للفهم. Nietzsche s influence remains substantial within and beyond philosophy, notably in existentialism and postmodernism. اعتقدت بناءً على عنوان الكتاب أنّ نيتشه سيسرد محاسن ونقاط قوة شوبنهاور الذي تأثّر به واعتبره أستاذًا في الحقل الفلسفي ، لكن على عكس عنوان الكتاب واعتقادي ، كان لشوبنهاور فصل واحد من ثمانية فصول وكان فصلًا مساعدًا للفكرة الأساسية للكتاب التي كانت حول الفلسفة وصناعة العبقري .. تكلّم فيها بالتفصيل عن استقلالية المفكر وأهمية الثقافة والسلطات التي تحث على الثقافة فقط إذا كانت من مصلحتها، وأنّ هذا يسقط بالكلية أساس الفلسفة والثقافة الذين يجب أن يكونا حرّين عند التعاطي معهما لكي ينتجا لنا العبقرية .. ب. And along the way Nietzsche doesn't hold back his opinion on other philosophers and statesmen who he sees as phonies. “I believed that, when the time came, I would discover a philosopher to educate me, a true philosopher whom one could follow without any misgiving because one would have more faith in him than one had in oneself” (SE §2). Central to his philosophy is the idea of “life-affirmation,” which involves an honest questioning of all doctrines that drain life's expansive energies, however socially prevalent those views might be. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. At the age of 24 he became Professor of Classical Philology at the University of Basel, but resigned in 1879 due to health problems, which would plague him for most of his life. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Đại khổ dâm giáo chủ Nietzsche.
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