Kill Team: Chaos Space Marine v1.2 1 CHAOS SPACE MARINES Codex Chaos Space Marines This team list uses the special rules and wargear found in Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Teleport there, get him unaware, and take him down so its team loses whatever effect it had there. In fact, let's do a quick comparison: Obsidius Mallex vs Shield Captain with Melee-focused Storm Shield and Guardian Spear! This is insane on a demolitions specialist. Pretty much there to die, and even then it doesn't do a good job of it. Not great on the Launcher but its not like your other models can really use the specialism. Kill the kill team, they rely on developed players, mercilessly target their best players with removal and you might get a conceede from them early on. With that said, they are going to be targeted quite a lot, so avoid throwing them wildly at the enemy, plus they could break with morale, due to how weak the rest of the team is. Get two hulks for stopping power. The rest need to bring the flies down before they arrive to melee. The archives of the Deathwatch detail every member's history, the oaths he has sworn, his areas of expertise, the alien races he has engaged and any quirks or flaws he may have. Once again, one single loadout, the chaos stave and a laspistol. And then on top of that, as a bonus, they get something that is an entire subfaction for some of the other Factions. Tzaangor [7pts]: Tzaangor blades, Zealot Also, beware of the flies. Veteran is also an interesting choice, where the ability to make a free move at the start of the game is very useful for putting your Bloodletter in position to make an early charge. You might take a few perms/deaths along the way, but that’s blood bowl. They consist of the four basic troop daemons – Bloodletters, Horrors, Plaguebeaerers, and Daemonettes, though you can take champions, banners, and instruments for each as well. Demolition specialist as Inexorable Advance invalidates making them Heavies. The Gellerpox Infected are pretty much MELEE ONLY. With that said, SotA units are not gretchins, they are considerably more expensive. This means that if it hits a marine with a 6+, a 5p unit can kill the marine on the spot. EliGE | Drxy. Condition is "Used" sold as seen. Chaos Players, your time is now. Otherwise, the enemy will teleport a mutant right behind it and kill it in melee or through grenades. Veteran is also a very smart option for Daemonettes, where the ability to make an extra free move before the game giving them 7″ prior to an 10.5″ charge gives them insane T1 reach. Taken by an Icon Bearer of the Dark God's daemon type - Khorne by Bloodletters, Nurgle by Plaguebearers etc. Do you think that most kill teams have too many rules and/or models? Grenades: Their short range means they're situational, especially given how slow Death Guard are. Blue Horrors lose a point of Strength and the shooting attacks that Pink Horrors have but are just as tough (T3) and have a 5+ invulnerable save. If set up right, a Berzerker Champion can get a total of 16 attacks in. Are you ever going to use this? This is pretty much the standard team, and people know this. If not, just focus on wiping most of the enemy team in one swipe. Flamers are on the weak side, more for defending against charges than an offensive weapon due to their 8" range. but the real beauty is the thunder hammer. Remember that your big strength is board control – that’s where you excel. So let's say 2/3 will surely get in. Still, as an alternative to the CSM team, I feel this should be better. So with a bit of luck, at least one attack enters. In case the model already has Feel No All Daemons have a 5+ invulnerable save, which makes them reasonably tough for the cost, and they can take an Instrument (+1 to charge or advance for same god Daemons within 6” of the icon) and an Icon (unique for every god). Combat Specialist to up his attacks to 3d3, or Zealot to help him wipe out anything on the charge. The best units to do this are the regular traitor guardsmen at 5p each, but with negavolt cultists and especially the psykers it won't be worth it. This trait wants to be good - but you don't have enough rapidfire weapons to make use of it. Both the Electropriest and the AoS Flagellants work well enough for the body (and the Mandrakes as well, but those are more problematic to work with, considering the machine bits you'll have to add later), and you can give each units two taser goads, one on each hand. Strats for playing against this faction go here. You can't charge the turn you use it, though. That is dangerous if it ever reaches melee. Use as more durable mobile cover for your Flail or Leader. So the choice is between plasma and heavy bolter. Bizarrely enough these guys are one of the only SM or CSM kill team units which can be Medics. 5++ aside, they are not particularly tough, T3 W1 is not particularly impressive. Put a pair of Poxwalkers in front of him, use this tactic and go and have fun out there, you little rascal you. Their Bloodletter icon lets Bloodletters within 6″ re-roll charges, making it essentially an auto-include if you’re bringing Bloodletters. 78,17 EUR + livraison . But they'll laugh off a lot of incoming heat before they die (bar the dice hating you) and if they get the chance, can do some *serious* killing. No need to overcomplicate things. Its hellfire flamethrower is 8", Assault D6, S5 -1 AP 2D. last edited by . The cheapest commander we can get at 26pts. Because he carries 12" heavy stubber equivalent and you shouldn't be charging any of those models, into combat if they're your leader as its a sure way to quickly lose your CP generation. Plague marines are disgustingly tough in every sense of the word, capable of eating small arms fire like popcorn. The Jimmy Neutron head is the most complicated part of it all, as there is nothing really similar within GW range. World Eaters might look nice with the +1 attack, but extra attacks don't do anything if you fail the charge. Prime candidate for Grandfather's Blessing. Would be really good if not for the fact that it comes at 2CP and that "Grandfather's Blessing" exists. Their invuilnerable save boosted with the stratagem will make a team of thunder heretics surprisingly tough. Traitor guardsmen are pretty much what you expect from regular GEQ, minus loadout variety. Shoot them back to death. After parting with their Swedish squad in September 2019, they entered the … Can be used on your own troops to heal the important ones, but the low warp charge and the MoP 2 manifests also makes this+psybolt good emergency spam for when when you get charged by something big and nasty. Plague Marine Champion with Power Fist, Plague Sword, and Plasma Gun. Either chainsword with bolt pistol or boltgun, with both frag and krack grenades for good measure. First, let's make one thing very clear. They fight like a melee-equipped veteran Marine for half the points, making them a great deal and a model more than capable of taking out elite models, particularly if you’re using the Cleaving Blow Tactic to boost their damage output. And "this ability" is all of Split, not just the placing of the Blue Horrors. Servants of the Abyss are one of only two factions, the other being Grey Knights, that can bring an entire team of psykers if you so choose. If you were wondering how to protect Grandaddy's favourite flail combat specialist, now you know. Eldar of all kinds will ignore most of the damage caused by the cultists (another reason to use the flamers with them, because something is eventually bound to get in). You only really have one model that benefits, the CSM gunner w/ heavy weapon - everything else in the team wants to be within 12" to charge or rapid fire. Then you make him your Combat specialist for another attack, giving him 5 attacks each time he fights. Two base attacks of S3 AP-1 D3 damage, if it hits, it will be rather strong. Astra Militarum. After all, their stats are the same and noone is going to bat an eye for seeing cultists with chaos marines instead of traitor guardsmen. 31p means almost 1/3 of a 100p list, so you better take care of it. Also, 4 models at most. Few, if any, enemies are T6 and going from S6 attacks to S7 doesn't help any other wound rolls. A strong unit overall, a SotA list should have one and no more, considering a single Rogue Psyker will take 20/100 points on a vanilla list. Have a big unit to deal with the hulks, maybe a stealth suit so the hulk's melee gets less accurate. That's it. Pink horrors may be one of the best objective catchers in the game, All units may prove useful depending on opponent and mission. With the +1 to charges and rerolls from the Instrument and Icon, they should get good use out of their Unstoppable Ferocity rule. Holding Objectives. Nurgle's Babies still don't have psykers in Kill Team, or a proper defense against psychic powers, and that's a fairly serious problem when use of the psychic phase has been expanded as much as it has, which will obviously mean that your opponent can easily bypass your high toughness and armour save, and put d3 wounds up against DR and flesh wounds. Read; Edit; History ; Like their loyalist brethren, the Chaos Space Marines have a grand amount of customization available to them. Though, to be fair, 4 should be enough to reliably kill most things, the power sword has AP3 and the power fist has Sx2, AP3 and D3 Damage. Games Workshop Warhammer 40k 5X Deathwatch Kill Teams each with 5 mixed weapon xenos killing specialist space marines. You can skip the Destroyers — plasma pistols aren’t worth it. livraison: + 22,33 EUR livraison . SotA need to charge first. Adeptus Astartes. With the Commanders Commentary restricting commanders to Level 1, Strength becomes basically pointless. The Greater Possessed and Possessed mush share a Mark of Chaos. 44,56 EUR + livraison . Servants of the Abyss are now officially out of Beta with publication of their official rule set in Kill Team Annual 2019. Note that once a Specialist Pink Horror splits, neither of the blue horrors retains a specialism so if your Horror leader splits, you lose the CP bonus. the only other option you have is krak grenades to crack harder targets. Lastly, we have the negavolt cultists. Be prepared to never get more support from GW again though. Morale shenanigans can be fun - but hard to pull off. The hulks and the flies are the key. The kroot hounds and krootox should go to deal with the leader first, then the hulks. And they will always outnumber you. Remember what we said about undersupported? It was slightly nerfed by the September 2018 errata, dropping the damage down to 1, so a slight performance dent. Got a big clump of melee with your Sorcerer touching a Terminator/Lychguard/Paladin/Custodes? On the other hand, it's not as useful as a unit blocker as the cursemite. Even considering how squishy it is, W4 means it could actually do an emergency charge if it needs to, and have a decent chance of killing something big. The regular marines have one relic, and ONLY one relic on the team. Apart from the Mutoid Vermin, your units are slow as hell. These guys cannot supplement an existing Chaos Marines force. then you pay 2CP for the Fury of Khorne strategem. All-out cultists is more interesting, though considering how squishy they are and with their pathetic weak guns and low morale, their only numeric advantage is numbers. Use the new chaos space marines box plus the axes and heads from the AoS Blood Warriors kit if you don't want them to be hilariously short. A decent force multiplier for toyr traitor guard by giving a traitor guardsman +2 advance and charge rolls a d they get to use his leadership. As a model that can sit back and generate CP, this is the clear favorite choice. The flagellant's heads are great if you like evil but goofy grins, but if you want something more scary-looking and visceral, you'll have to go to Dark Eldar masks. While in theory access to both marines and cultists should give you enough flexibility to adapt to many threats, the lack of options on their wargear stops them from being trully great. What would your best list … Admech and IG will need to spam tons of plasma against it, whereas everyone else will have bigger and tougher units to keep Malleux distracted long enough. Practically designed for killing GEQs. Basically DG get to all be Heavies for free, completely invalidating a specialism. Regular Chaos Marines are your run of the mill marines. As such, knowing what they can do is vital to their gameplay, otherwise no amount of Nurgle resilience is going to save you. By far the tankiest, strongest unit in the whole army, this won't be able to be played outside of Elites/Commanders games, costing around 125p. First, the Gellerpox Mutant, these are your basic grunts. The Servants of the Abyss are one of the unorthodox teams in Kill Team, alongside the Gellerpox Infected, the Elucidian Starstriders and the Kroot. Another fuck you after waiting so long. They're lackluster outside of their native Arena, but inside that format with tough bodies to hold points and cheap models to hold objectives they are still viable. This team is very CP expensive. Against the hulks, the same, but tenfold, considering they have W4 and can heal flesh wounds. nurgle: FOUL ENDURANCE All models in your team gain Feel No Pain (6+) special rule. Things like auspex and sniper specialism may help to counter the accuracy penalties here. And unlike GK only select TS models are psykers. Either way, here are a few suggestions to get the team up and running. For team composition, avoid space-marine only teams. However, considering how squishy the rest are, they might just try to kill everyone else to leave the commander alone and win by occupying more space in the map. Dark Legionnaires are just basic marines, so everyone will have had developed a way to deal with them, either in melee or at a distance. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. A full tempestus team with a couple of plasmas to deal with the hulks should be enough. This is difficult to deal with even if the new models become progressively more and more useless, and the increase in model count can make them a nightmare to deal with when they’re holding an objective. They’re only mediocre in melee, with a single S4 attack that re-rolls 1s to wound, but they’re 3 points less than a Marine scout and at T4 with a 5+ invulnerable save and a 5+ Disgustingly Resilient roll they’re quite a bit tougher. The Eyestinger Swarm is... interesting. The list can pivot between either an Iridescent Horror supported by a Demo Horror and a Comms Instrument if it’s up against armies with less shooting or more fragile targets where the Coruscating flames will be valuable, or it can swap out the Iridescent Horror for a Plaguebearer Leader who sits back and generates CP if it’s up against nastier shooting threats that can make having a Pink Horror leader too risky. Also, the Gellershift allows it to deep strike at 4" of an enemy unit, perfect for contesting objective points and to be a decent distraction before the big units come in. This thing can do a lot of damage, especially good against heavy armoured units. We're talking 5" of movement at most here. Only 2/6 chances of missing, and out of them, you repeat them, so pretty much you have 3 attacks guaranteed. The Nightmare Hulks are the heavy hitters of the team. Get as many cursemites and eyestinger swarms as possible. It's still L6, it's going to be at risk at all times, and be terrified after a wound or two). But where you want this guy is at a distance, throwing psybolts to units with high armour saves. Re-roll nerve tests give you extra chances at recovering and scoring points in the later stages of the match. Tyranids. It also only generates more hit rolls against its target, and you can still only target as many models as you have Attacks (so, basically, don't charge four models at once). Charging will compensate for its slow speed, and an extra attack and strength is going to be wonderful against pretty much everything. Strategies for playing as this faction go here, Strategies for playing against this faction go here. While most of them are shooting at the monster with the hammer, the rest can just run and reach melee in a turn or two. P. 0; P. PapaNasty Reply Quote. Since Psybolts target the nearest visible enemy model, control your lines of sight for some truly fantastic psybolt aiming. Shooting is a waste on this character, you should take a Strategist (it's never a wrong choice), Melee (especially if using Axe instead of Fist, to deal with nearly every enemy in melee) or Strength (if you're using a Fist and you hate to remember how wound roll work, now you always roll 2+), Would be really good if not for the fact that it comes at 2CP, plus you have other ways of getting +1 wound, mostly via the. So we're going to focus on vanilla first, and then a quick view of the commander. This immediately makes it the worst marines in the whole game, considering we don't have Legionnaire Gunners or access to dark relics. These vary from outstanding (Icon of Khorne) to merely decent (Icon of Nurgle). 44,56 EUR + livraison . With even fewer special and heavy weapon options than vanilla CSM, Servants of the Abyss are sorely lacking in ranged firepower. In this list we have a core of Pink Horrors go gum up objectives with Bloodletters acting as our forward melee threats. In Commanders/Elites, though, the strategy changes. They come with power swords that do 2 damage whenever you roll a 6 to wound and if they charge they get +1 Strength and +1Attack thanks to the Unstoppable Ferocity rule. The one exception to the above is Commanders. Only there to support melee units in case they are charged first or they charge at the flamers as the tiniest distraction carnifex ever. Also, this is taking into account that most of the units listed here have not been released separately as of yet. Usually this is 5+, but for Pink Horrors it’s improved to 4+. Give your leadership to one of the cultists and hide it from EVERYONE, to clear specialist slots. Bog-standard Plague Marine. Don't get cocky because they only have S2 T2, they are not there to kill you, they are there to stall you. Foul chaos warriors to death. Slow behemots with W4, they are the units focused on actually dealing damage directly, rather than through unorthodox ways. Flesh wounds are a thing, meaning that with your FNP you have three layers of saves, assuming anyone can hit and wound you in the first place. Plasma Pistol and Power First is probably the best combination if you're using him mainly to kill the Commander, because you have in both cases a rerollable 3+ to hit and at minimum a 3+ to wound. Come check out the rules for Chaos Elites in Kill Team! No 3W models and no 2+ Armour saves. Although Horrors are Psykers, they only have access to the Psybolt power. For 70p, it's quite overcosted, considering it's just a somewhat tough flamethrower user. It contains all the rules required to add these powerful hero characters to your Kill Team battles and campaigns at a variety of balanced skill levels and provides missions designed to showcase these miniatures in open, narrative and matched play. This is a fantastic ability, and almost borderline broken. To be fair, they are 8p per unit in comparison to the 3p per unit of the poxwalkers, but still, a save roll of 6+ pretty much pays for itself, considering how difficult it can be for the poxwalkers to prove their worth on the field. Bloodletters can have either the Combat or Veteran specialisms, and of these, Combat is a no-brainer. Something to keep in mind, the Split ability includes the line "If these models cannot be set up, this ability has no effect". It's fluffy, one-purchase and probably fun. Both of your commanders are Psykers, so you will already have 2 psykers on the board. SM and Co. have access to a plethora of weapons, but here going for generics may be the best. Also important. SotA will have problems with them, but that's where you want you negavolt cultists and your rogue psyker to carry your team, while the black legionnaires boost them and the rest deal with the cultists. Imperial Guard can have a decent amount of units to deal with the flies. Once we finish with the superhumans of the team, we go to the squishy ones. Finally, there's the Cultist Firebrand, the Commander of the Cultists of the Abyss. Badly. Les KILL team , c'est 99% du chaos de la NAF , faut pas chercher très loin... Jmgaming_ MP. The Gellerpox Infected have a lot of small units that could do a lot of damage by their side-effects, but when it comes to regular, reliable combat, they have way less options. Also keep in mind, if you're going against an Imperium army 6's still explode. Your insects have no disgustingly resilient, so if they die before arriving, the morale penalties are going to start to accumulate. Twistbray [8pts]: Tzaangor blades. The rest of the carnivores will throw volley after volley against the flies, while not being that bad in melee themselves. The Plaguebearers Icon Bearer reduces the leadership of enemy models within 6″ by 1, and can be helpful for forcing some failed Nerve tests, but the challenge will be getting him into position – he’s better as a deterrent for enemy chargers, who may find themselves cut off from other friendly models and suddenly surrounded by scary daemons and in danger of failing a Nerve test. Chaos Daemon kill teams were first introduced in White Dwarf a few months ago and overall they’re an interesting faction, albeit one that doesn’t quite feel fully fleshed out. Chaos Beastman are frightening against GEQ in melee due to their sheer amount of attacks. A team that can reliably take down marines while not sacrificing power against hordes is a good team against it. 1 Plague Marine Gunners with Blight Launcher. Just don't expect them to hurt something. Your movement isn't great and the extra advance at the start of the game will help your slowboy get where he needs to be. Fun times. This means that anything that could stop them from arriving to their objectives is good. Hell, considering the eyestinger's abilities, they probably could kill a marine or two alone. ++ Kill Team List (Thousand Sons) [100pts] ++ + Leader + Aspiring Sorcerer [18pts]: Leader, Warpflame pistol + Specialists + Rubric Marine [20pts]: Warpflamer. Only exception is maybe ditching the Horror Hornblower because it doesn't do much for them. The attacks that enter are S8 (S4x2), so the attacks will enter at 3+ (2+ if you use the veterans of the long war stratagem). Negavolts are surprisingly tough by combining invuilnerables and fanatical devotion. Kill Team: Chaos Daemons Rules from White Dwarf Natfka 7/13/2019 I just saw these floating around.... the new White Dwarf is coming up for orders right now and will ship on the 16th. Whilst your Dark Apostle has access to an armoury that’s not included in his kit or legal in 40K, his other Prayers are not represented. with, and the Hellfire Torch kills MEQs almost as well as a supercharged plasma gun at BS2+ and averages more damage per shot than a meltagun at 6" in a gamemode where you're guaranteed to run into multiwound models. Combat/Zealot aspiring champion, sniper plasma, heavy/demo heavy bolter, marine with the icon you want. Only there if you can't fit anything else in your team. On charge, they make 3 attacks of S5, though no AP due to them having just a regular chainsword. Not even your beastmen and guardsmen have the CSM keywords to be of use. Heavy heavy bolter will be able to move around the map without the hit roll penalty, although considering it has a 36" range, you might rather let it stand still and add the demolition's +1 on the wound rolls. Warhammer 40K Nurgle Death Guard Chaos Space Marines Myphitic Blight Hauler. Still overpriced compared to other factions, but at least its cheaper than Mallex which means you can fit more negavolts in missions with mandatory commanders. Unlike vanilla CSM, your marines can actually buff your mook horde and use them as literal meat shields. The close combat killer daemons. Each model type in a Chaos Daemons can take an Icon that grants special abilities to models within 6″. Pistols: Sidearms exclusive to a dedicated melee Champion. So put them to run, preferibly close to the Black Legionnaires in case of them needing a quick meatshield. CQB is where they need to be, what shooting they have is mostly just to keep the enemy's heads down while they get there. Being so cheap means more beastmen and negavolts while he synergizes well with having a ogyrn to take the hits for him. Now with the regular humans. And none of them have a reach beyond 8". A Lictor and Genestealer charge should be enough for tyranids to deal with the marines, but be wary of the counter-offensive if the astartes survives. Also, keep in mind that you'll have to do this FAST. Now if only anyone actually played Commanders... with the overall lowered leadership in kill team and the ability to target normal mooks this becomes much better than its 40k counterpart. Additionally, in Narrative Play games where the opponent has a higher point Kill Team, remember the fact that you get an additional 1 CP per turn, and use this as insurance against Grandfather's Blessing going wrong. This lack of flexibility is what makes this army difficult to be competitive with, though if competitive is what you want, you can check out the Elite slots. Also, i haven't tried them on Arena, but they are probably slightly better there. -2 AP on all the Rubric Marine's standard ranged weapons will eviscerate GEQ opponents and seriously threaten other MEQ targets. Meltagun is rather situational, considering it needs to be close to reliably hit (but when it does, it can turn into goop anything, D6 damage is great). Seriously, once they are stuck in melee, the eyestingers and the hulks can deal with them easily enough, so you better make use of your psyquic abilities as soon and as frequently as possible. This combination makes it the best sniper of your team, though it is probably somewhat mediocre compared to the choices of other teams. This trait is fantastic - except that you can't take the best melee unit in the faction, Berzerkers. Add more than that, and the attack goes through. The range benefit is also mediocre compared to the GK's +1 to Psychic tests, as the only psychic power your regular psykers have access to is Psybolt and 18" is already plenty of range on KTs small boards. Get stuff up the field as fast as possible as use tallyman's melee bonus to use your grisly horde to wipe out everything. On one hand, it's a much better version of the cursemite. It's also REALLY EXPENSIVE. Niche at best, but might come in handy one day. Generic Chaos in Kill Team is a bit of a mixed bag. To take advantage of all of the specialisms, you want a plasma sniper and a heavy/demo heavy bolter. They moved into Global Offensive in May 2018 with the signing of the Swedish team Enyoy. If a rule differs from the Codex, it will be clearly stated. This trait is extremely useful if you are playing more experienced players. So far all the Kill Team boxsets have included standard kits that fit within the 100 points limit. ), but the mortal wounds are no joke. Necrons can deal with them by just spamming necron warriors. The World Eater's legion trait is fantastic on this loadout. Will combine postage where possible so see other items. Splitting attacks on the Cleaver is more likely to successfully kill multi-wound units (like Primaris) than the Flail, even with the bonus hits. Meh. Zealot is too risky for it, considering the enemy will shoot at it frequently, and there are no really poweful shooting weapons at all that needs the Communications speciality). Horrors are a bit trickier – you’ll need one box each of Pink, Blue, and Brimstone Horrors to cover a squad, but you can also get by just buying Pinks and picking up a few spare blues and brimstones if you want to keep things light/cheap from a cost standpoint. Against an enemy melee team, Daemonettes offer a good source of control if you have the initative. Most teams are very capable of beating chaos kill teams. They all grant the same effect. If you see a line of cultists charging at you, shoot as many spam as possible to break it before it reaches you. ): Chaos Pact**, Slann, Underworld. The Gellerpox barely have any shooting. Choosing to remain loyal to the daemonic servants of one Chaos God will ensure that your kill team is highly proficient in one area, but at the cost of the flexibility offered by including a variety of Daemons. Run towards the enemy team to reach melee as fast as possible, psyker keeping the other psykers and annoying to hit units at bay. Do you dream about bargaining your soul in exchange for dark power from the warp? You can use only one per phase. 2 Plague Marine Gunners, each with Blight Launchers. And better yet, while GKs +1 would still be better, the range bonus can actually come into play with the 12" ranges on the Disciplines of Tzeench. Each of the Daemons you can choose from is specialized and competent at a role, and there’s no incentive or reason to go mono-god so unless you’re really set on only buying one box of models you’ll be taking mixed teams. Excluding the Icon of Wrath, Icons can affect friendly models of different Marks to Icon bearer. 3 … CSM will use massive amounts of cultists to deal with the flies. To be fair, it can re-roll its charges and consolidate 6", so it's great for blocking units in melee while the hulks actually hurt the targets. And they are terrible. welp I won't be watching this match because of timezone. Dispatched with eBay delivery – Packlink 2-3 days. A very limited model roster, fine for 100 points but with commanders you’ll find it tough against other armies such as SM who suddenly have loads of different models and lots of utility. Generic Chaos in Kill Team is a bit of a mixed bag. Alternatively, take Heavy for access to More Bullets. And for 10p, Twisted Brilliance gains you the ability of an extra CP that you can only use on GI tactics, a godsend for a team so relying on tactics. Regular marines will have enough firepower to deal with the traitor scum, while the units with basic equipment will pretty much always kill the cultists. Taken by an Hornblower of the Dark God's daemon type - Khorne by Bloodletters, Nurgle by Plaguebearers etc. Remember to always run with the hulks, otherwise they'll never reach their destination. 1 Plague Marine Gunner with Blight Launcher. With so few choices, you really don’t have to overthink things much here. Your best strategy is to use poxwalkers to give marines cover from heavier weapons. The idea is simple. Chaos cultists are close to Imperial Guardsmen in terms of stats, but have worse equipment overall. Iridescent Horror – Leader Plagueridden – Leader Pink Horror – Veteran Pink Horror Instrument – Comms Pink Horror – Demolitions Bloodreaper – Combat Bloodletter – Veteran, Pink Horror Pink Horror Pink Horror Pink Horror Pink Horror Pink Horror Bloodletter Icon Bloodletter Instrument Bloodletter Bloodletter Plaguebearer Plaguebearer Plaguebearer. Send cursemites against GEQs and eyeswarms against MEQs (careful to avoid to fight something with more than W2 for longer than necessary). The guy who gets the Beseech the Gods stratagem has to become an instant target, especially if the aspiring champion, the plasma or the heavy bolter have it, though keep in mind that these are already high priority targets, it just changes the focus of the first attaks. Again, pretty much everyone can do this effectively now, but some teams will have harder times than others. Unlike all other space marines, your Rubric Marines do not have Transhuman Physiology, meaning if they do take (flesh) wounds, or if you have to patch them up with a. Every unit that could realistically take it down will shoot at it, least it reach melee. Maybe you want to play an Elite match and you don't have enough minis, maybe you want to focus on spamming a particular unit, maybe you don't have the box and don't want to go through online sellers to get the stuff. It uses every model in the kit but one Guardsman, the Spindle Drones and the Ur-Ghuls. Tune in tomorrow for more from Kill Team: Elites, where we’ll be taking a closer look at the new additions for Imperium kill teams, including a brand-new Faction – the legendary Adeptus Custodes! As always, if you have any feedback or questions, or want to show off your own Daemon Kill Teams, drop us a note in the Comments below or feel free to email us at The Undivided relic boosts surrounding unit's leadership, Khorne's makes everyone re-roll charge rolls (very good for melee focused teams, of course), Nurgle's hurts enemy leadership, Slaanesh's makes surrounding allies get a DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR ar 5+, which is really good, probably better in melee than Khorne's relic, and Tzeench makes the bearer into a psyker that only attacks on a 6+ roll, but with no perils. Regular flamer, D6 attacks, 4S AP0, you know what it does. Using the Fully Charged stratagem will improve their invuilnerable saves in one, so moving them in groups is a good idea. Also, remember to use your tactics, they could be essential to break tougher teams. That and they will have more stratagems and faction atributes, whereas you are still waiting for an update. This means they will have access to way less units than the rest of the teams, considering they can drink from a massive pool of models and you have only exclusive boxed ones (and few kroot boxes). Might even get more as new BSF expansions are written and/or converted. Use this Tactic when a CHAOS DAEMONS model (other than a HORROR model) from your kill team is taken out of action. With access to both Chaos Marines and Chaos Cultists, you can be more flexible than the IG or Loyalist Marines and field Cheap Fodder CQC Cultists alongside Plasma Wielding Marines. Otherwise you'll be overrun. Though they are free, the moment there's cover and a wound, it will barely hit aything, plus if the enemy is going to shoot cultists, they will go for the gunners first. If you can, once Malleux is in melee and you still have the guardsmen, use them to occupy space and take objectives. After that, you'll either pick a couple of extra marines, and two flamer cultists, and as many regular cultist as you can with the remaining points. Will only happen occasionally (fittingly, the chance of exactly a 9 on 2d6 is 1 in 9), but costs you nothing in the meantime as you only have to pay once you can get the effect. AdMEch can use the infiltrators with the power sword to charge first and deny the enemy the chance of attacking first, the transuranic arquebus to obliterate whatever it sees, as well as the plasma guy (in fact let's just take this out of the way, PLASMA IS THE BEST COUNTER AGAINST MARINES OF ALL KIND, PERIOD), plus, ranger/vanguard spam is excellent against them. S5 vs T4 means that the attacks will wound at 3/6. 30 septembre 2016 à 15:06:12 . Warhammer 40K Nurgle Death Guard Chaos Space Marines Havocs Kill Team . However, it is still awesome vs horde armies, and the high number of attacks mean he can still take out individual high-wound models like Primaris, Aberrants and Lictors wiht some luck, and put a MAJOR dent in them if not. Gets your Psybolt to 27" with the Brotherhood of Sorcerers ability. Chaos Daemons Kill Teams If every model in your kill team has the ADEPTUS ASTARTES Faction keyword, you can use Adeptus Astartes Tactics. You could always pick a sorcerer and just make it count as one, but where's the fun in that? When it procs, you effective get to use Psychic Barrage for half price and without needing an Lvl 3 Psyker Specialism. Search Search. Probably not. Run towards the enemy team to reach melee as fast as possible, psyker keeping the other psykers and annoying to hit units at bay. 2020-10-09 20:01 #27. The regular cultists have access to the relics, but it's just not as good on them, considering the marines are much tougher and better armed. The bare bones is what you get. Kill Team: Commanders is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, introducing elite war leaders and experts in the art of battle – Commanders. ): Vampire. Mortal wounds should focus on Malleux as soon as possible, so first send the snipers to deal with the psyker covering it, then full focus on malleux. More to Explore {{post.title}} {{post.text}} Keep Reading . They're a lot more like plaguebearers than poxwalkers, but with different (non-plague) weaponry, an extra attack, and lower bravery. Still, there’s not enough value there to really consider them on your kill team over other options – Horror shooting is a nice add-on and not something you want to depend on or build around. insta-gib them before the battle's even started, a meltagun that you can use in Close Combat, there is a limit of four negavolts per team,,000/Tactics/Kill_Team(8E)_Chaos&oldid=713290. Kill Team: Heretic Astartes (Chaos Space Marines) (5) Cultist Champion (Leader) with Autogun (16) Aspiring Champion (Combat) with Powersword and Plasma Pistol (16) Chaos Space Marine Gunner (Sniper) with Plasma Gun (16) Chaos Space Marine Gunner (Heavy) with Heavy Bolter (17) Chaos Space Marine with Chainsword and Boltpistol and Icon of Wrath It has a flamer equivalent (Assault D6 S4 AP0) with a 6++ save (the regular mutants have better invuilnerable, lol), disgustingly resilience and a leadership penalty to closer enemies. This is bonkers. Using the basic cadian units, you could add more chaotic elements to them following the many examples of Lost and the Damned out there (spikes in the back, a cut head on their belt, skulls and bones attached to them, bandanas and masks, evil looking scars...). At least in vanilla Kill Team, they got a lot of shinny new toys in Elites and Commanders, but let's talk about the base game first. Now, this psyker works differently than regular psykers. 61,43 EUR. The Glitching is also a small unit, cheaper than the Gellerpox Mutant and with a maximum of 4 units. After that, the toughness specialism means that it will ignore a wound on a 6+, giving it plenty of chances of actually surviving a fighting round with a Custodes. The Instruments and icon bearers give you access to four different options for a Comms specialist. Fighting as if they charged changes a lot of combat math against aggressive teams and can make Daemonettes a real pain to fight. Plaguebearers can take the Combat or Veteran specialisms, and you’ll probably want to use them on other models that’ll be better-suited to early charges but the extra move from Veteran can be helpful for getting onto a midtable objective early on. The infiltrator's flechette can also be great against flies, plus its W2 can help it survive the odd mortal wound. They’re T3 with no special defensive or ranged abilities, so you need to do the work to set up charges, but they are blenders in melee. Sadly, you can't go on and daisy-chain the Voltagheist fields together for a wall of 4++/5+++. 9/4/2018. Finally, we reach the commander: Obsidius Mallex, the Chaos Lord. Having 2 doubles up on psykers when you can only use one at a time, but it also allows you to keep your CP gen out of the grinder while also having the Icon's psychic damage and a target to use the Comms buff on. General S5 T5 A4 and with weapons of S(user) AP-2 D2, you want this guy to go with the Zealot specialism. Maybe not as intended, but allows for the potential of multi-God Kill-teams. Veteran maybe? Sadly, the inability to consolidate 6" like the cursemite means it can't just go from unit to unit throwing mortal wounds. Elites gives TS basically nothing. Ever. Wounding at 2+ to a Custodes is really freaking good. The 1CP Hungering Warp Flame tactic makes Warp Flamers OP as fuck. And if you want meatshields, the traitor guardsmen might survive the odd 0-1 AP shot. After that, each wound will do a D3 damage. Unit of 5 Painted Chaos Death Guard Space Marines - Warhammer 40K. Each box of Plaguebearers, Bloodletters, and Daemonettes contains an entire squad, with instrument and banner options. Why take him over a Guard Sarge or Beastman? Don’t let Pinks splitting mess with your plans, since when they split they can manipulate their position, such as placing them directly into combat. The Bloodreaper is the champion option, and while it can have Leader, you are better off taking one with the Combat specialism to have a 3-attack melee monster. This looks great! Use the stratagem to increase the invuilnerable save of the negavolts. Killing a hulk is killing 1/3 of the team, the question is doing it without the fucking flies getting in the way. Its fluffy but its making a bad thing worse. Despite coming out after Elites and a God-specific subfaction for each of the 4 being a perfect fit, you get nothing. You get the same buff that GK get and it was a big buff to them! 55,83 EUR + livraison . with, and the Hellfire Torch kills MEQs almost as well as a supercharged plasma gun at BS2+ and averages more damage per shot than a meltagun at 6" in a gamemode where you're guaranteed to run into multiwound models. That wraps up our look at Chaos Daemons Kill Teams – not particularly complicated, but by no means weak. And let's emphasize the word "gimmick" here. livraison: + 13,93 EUR livraison . Then, you move the insects as fast as possible against the enemy units in melee. Give him the combat specialism for more attacks to try and overcome the power fist's -1 to Hit or go zealot if you want to smack someone with 4 Strength 12 attacks and then tap them with the chainsword for good measure. Finally, the Commander, Vulgrar Thrice-cursed. Actually got support after release unlike literally every other non-Core faction. Take the flies and get into melee as soon as possible. Strats for playing as this faction go here. The best gun with +20" they have is the lasgun, and everyone knows that shooting them at the longest possible setting is inviting trouble. The Rogue Psyker is difficult. Use as mobile cover and be very suprised if they actually kill anything. Also, the demo mutant is there in case of the enemy leader/key unit being hidden in the back. It's a fluffy Kill Team based on the Servants of the Abyss box that's out right now. Cool if you are fighting really massed infantry, if not then it is rather meh, especially for 2 CP. Generally you will be better serviced by Renegade Chapters for melee teams. Except to actually benefit from it you have to have 2 psykers in your team. You have room on your roster to swap all the Bloodletters for Daemonettes one for one, for when you want mobility, such as when facing melee-weak glass cannons like Guard and Tau. Solid when you can use it, but definitely not something to rely on happening. A specialist rogue psyker should be veteran, so it never gets affected by either wounds or leadership tests (because really, what else? At least the CotA Gunner has access to the grenade launcher, which gives the team some needed long range firepower, so that's the one you might pick up. Good thing too, they absolutely needed the buff. They generally work as Nurgle units with a general Disgustingly Resilient rule, which makes them quite tough on their own, but they also have a decent amount of gimmicks to play with. However, once their number starts to go down, they will lose if the hulks are still in the game. Bonus points for killing 2 or more enemy models with overcharged plasma. The cultist champion has access to a shotgun, which you're going to give to him considering that there's no point to it outside of it (maybe the extra leadership? They also come on 25mm bases, allowing more to get into combat than their plaguebearer brothers. The plasma is self-explanatory, re-rolling ones means that you can overcharge the weapon safely. Most of the actually worthwile tactics will cost you 2CP at best, and some even more than that. They can at least be effective at ranged with the plasma pistol, though is bett for melee when someone charges him. Once again, make a straight line with everyone: negavolts and Malleux at the front, cultist and traitor guardsmen behind Malleux to use the leadership and meatshield bonuses). While in theory access to both marines and cultists should give you enough flexibility to adapt to many threats, the lack of options on their wargear stops them from being trully great. Genestealer Cults. And in melee, take your pick. This will be especially bad in Commanders and Elite battles, where you will be outmanouvered to hell and back with little to no efford. Also, Death to the false emperor offers extra attacks at 6+, so chances of getting at least one 6+ are 4/6.
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