Feuillage : Persistant Floraison : Printemps. Bright blue flowers against tiny dark green holly leaves. Mein schöner Garten Fächer-Ahorn 3er-Set € 34,99 € 26,99. Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' is a bushy medium-sized evergreen shrub of broad, dense habit, with glossy oblong-ovate leaves and compact heads of small bright blue flowers in late spring. Deep vivid blue flowers in dense clusters cover the shrub in spring. Bei der Pflege von Säckelblumen hält man sich mit den Arbeiten zurück, die für andere Pflanzen lebensnotwendig sind. Pour sol drainé, voire sec. CEANOTHUS thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' California lilac, Blueblossom Available from £14.50. Ceanothus delilianus. Magnifique arbuste ornemental, le céanothe ‘Blue Mound’ est un sujet de choix pour tous les jardins. Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' Met charme en een opvallende kleur accentueert deze, in milde winters altijdgroene struik uw tuin of bloembak. Säckelblume 'Blue Diamond' Kostbares Juwel unter den Ziergehölzen. Californian lilac 'Blue Mound' Genus. Le Céanothe Blue Mound se plait au soleil, dans un sol ordinaire, acide à neutre (pas calcaire) et bien drainé. These impressive shrubs are frost hardy and are popularly known for their attractive foliage and flowers. Un apport de terreau sera le bienvenu. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. ... Blue Mound je menší odrůda latnatce s květy, jejichž barva je věrnou kopií barvy letní oblohy bez mráčku. 12,70 € Wie pflegt man eine Säckelblume richtig? Ceanothus. C. ‘Blue Mound’ Blue mound has brighter blue flowers and is another dense, evergreen variety with attractive oblong foliage. Floare tăiată da . Gewässert werden nur frische Pflanzungen oder bei extremer Trockenheit. 4.3 out of 5 stars 13 ratings. Abondante floraison printanière d'un bleu assez foncé sur un petit feuillage d'un vert foncé brillant. Ceanothus Blue Mound Dans votre colis : Pot de 3L. More Info. Plant size varies according to the time of year. De bladeren zijn ook in een zachte winter groen en decoratief en zijn intensieve blaue bloementrossen sieren het vanaf de late lente tot in de herfst!Een Tip voor potten & perken, op het terras, balkon en voor het huis. Plant in full sun with occasional to no summer water once established. We always dispatch the largest plant available on the nursery. Der beliebte Rosenbegleiter fühlt sich auch im Steingarten wohl. Common names for members of this genus are buckbrush, California lilac, soap bush, or just ceanothus. 20-25 cm hoog 'Ceanothus 'Blue Mound'' producttips Lots and lots of blue flowers resemble a red spire, sorry, no, a blue mound. Ceanothus Blue Mound. Blue Mound plants produce tight round clusters of vibrant blue flowers in spring and early summer. Krzewy widoczne są z daleka, obsypane niebieskimi kwiatami. Tige 50cm. (Ceanothus repens) Art.nr. Perioada de maturare a fructelor începutul lunii august începutul lunii septembrie . Ceanothus is a genus of about 50–60 species of nitrogen-fixing shrubs and small trees in the buckthorn family (). Le céanothe est l’un des plus beaux arbustes ornementaux grâce au bleu unique de sa floraison. Ceanothus 'Centennial' Darkest blue flowers bloom in spring and again in summer, glossy dark evergreen leaves, low groundcover shape. is a group of perennial shrubs native to the United States, that usually sport vibrant blue flowers, but sometimes also bloom in shades of pink or white. Write a review about the product “Ceanothus 'Blue Mound'” and win a National Gardening Gift Voucher of £25 ! A dense and bushy form of Californian Lilac, this popular plant has dark green glossy leaves. 'Blue Mound' è un Arbusto come esposizione preferisce il Sole il fiore è blu appartiene alla famiglia delle Rhamnaceae il suo periodo di fioritura è maggio - agosto raggiunge un'altezza massima di 120 - 150 gli accostamenti preferiti sono con per avere un buon risultato deve essere piantata con una densità di 1 piantine al m2. CALL. Na de bloei mag men de struik snoeien zodat hij mooi bossig blijft. Ceanothus repens 'Blue Mound' is een compacte rijkbloeiende struik met helderblauwe bloei in de lente en soms een lichte herbloei in het najaar. Sie wird etwa 250 cm hoch und bleibt sehr kompakt. Auf den ersten Blick erinnert die Pflanze an einen kleinen Fliederbusch, doch schon beim zweiten Blick wird jedem Pflanzenkenner klar, dass sich kein Fliederbusch mit so leuchtend blauen Blüten schmücken kann wie die Säckelblume ‘Blue Diamond‘. Für einen geschützten Standort geeignet, an denen das kräftige, immergrüne Blatt gut zur Geltung kommt. Ceanothus (Ceanothus spp.) CALL. Dense dark green foliage is attractive all Year round. Currently unavailable. Hauert Hauert Buxusdünger,1 kg Karton € 7,95 (€ 7,95 / 1kg) Diese Produkte könnten Ihnen auch gefallen. Ceanothus 'Blue … It tops out at 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 metres) in height. Variety or Cultivar 'Blue Diamond' _ 'Blue Diamond' is a compact, rounded to mound-forming, evergreen shrub with small, oval, glossy, toothed and veined, dark green leaves and spherical panicles of fragrant, blue flowers in late spring and early summer. En résumé, ce qu’il faut savoir : Nom : Ceanothus Famille : Rhamnacées Type : Arbuste Hauteur : 2 à 5 m Exposition : Ensoleillée et mi-ombre Sol : Ordinaire. Artikelbeschrijving Ceanothus stammetje 'Blue Mound' Een echt sierraad tussen de sierstruiken! CEANOTHUS impressus 'Puget Blue… Zurückhaltung ist ebenso beim Düngen angebracht. Sadi se pojedinačno ili kao cvatuća živica. They are formed in rounded, 3-4 cm long, terminal cymes and come out in early June and usually last for about a month. CEANOTHUS arboreus 'Trewithen Blue' Catalina ceanothus, Catalina mountain lilac Available from £14.50. Objevují se od začátku léta a keř je jimi doslova obsypán, takže na nějaký čas téměř zakryje olistění. Sadržaj paketa:1 kom . BALDUR Garten Immergrüne Säckelblume Blauer Ceanothus 'Blue Mound', 1 Pflanze Kalifornischer Flieder winterhart - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Qualités : Bac, couvre-sol, garnissage de talus. Będąc w Anglii nie sposób przeoczyć tę roślinę, ponieważ jest bardzo popularna i w wielu miejscach rozrasta się do imponujących rozmiarów. Ceanothus Ceanothus. Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' 15cm Pot Size by gardenexpert. Hauteur 65cm. Bloeit van mei tot en met de herfst bijna ononderbroken met volle, intensief blauwe bloementrossen. Végétation : Feuillage très sombre. Grows 10 feet tall by 15 ft. wide with deep green textured leaves on sturdy stems forming a large mound. Ceanothus hyb. Buy Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' online from Bowhayes Trees Store. A very useful garden shrub. 1 … 1m tall by 2m spread. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' Floraison : Fleurs d’un bleu indigo foncé en mai-juin. De bladeren zijn klein en glanzend groen. Plantez le Ceanothus Blue Diamond, un arbuste persistant au port compact, touffu, étalé, de croissance rapide. Le contraste de ses épis d'un bleu éclatant … Photinia-Hecke "Red Robin",1 Pflanze € 6,95. Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' ist eine gärtnerische Hybride (aus Ceanothus thyrsiflorus ?) mit lila- bis blaufarbenen Blüten. Rezistență la ger sensibil la ger rezistent la ger necesită protejare împotriva gerului . Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' Other names. Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' Floraison : Petits bouquets bleu ciel. Ursprünglich stammt das Ziergehölz aus Nordamerika. Ceanothus - 'Blue Mound' (Californian Lilac, Ceanothus): This lowering growing Ceanothus is a dense growing evergreen shrub that bears masses of tight clusters of light blue flowers in spring / early summer. Ceanothus Bluemound Botanical name. Ako najavljuju hladnije dane, biljku morate zaštititi. Zimzelena biljka, zimu podnosi do -15 oC. Softwood cutting produce roots quickly but are fragile and dry out quickly when not watched closely. Ceanothus 'Blue Mound’ is a dense bushy variety of Californian Lilac. Ceanothus ‚Blue Mound‘ der bis zu 100 cm hohe Ceanothus ‚Blue Mound‘ setzt mit seinen stechend blauen, nicht duftenden Blütenbüscheln und dem dunkelgrünen, glänzenden Laub willkommene Akzente im Beet oder Kübel C. ‘Autumnal Blue’ Autumnal blue, as the name suggests, flowers in late summer to autumn. Blue Mound is a low growing variety of blueblossom with absolutely amazing flowers that are not violet, not pale purple, just unbeatable sky blue. The spreading dense mound like form of this shrub makes it ideal as mass planted ground cover on poor dry soils. Květní laty jsou 3-4 cm dlouhé, světle modré. Le plus à craindre, est l'excès d'humidité dans le sol durant la période hivernale. CEANOTHUS 'Blue Mound' California lilac, Redroot Available from £14.50. The shrub produces clusters of small, white or blue flowers at the end of the woody stems during the spring season. Ceanothus Blue Mound . The blooms are a lovely sky-blue. Excellent rapport qualité prix. Propagate ceanothus shrubs by taking softwood cuttings in May or semi-hardwood cuttings in July. Végétation : 1,50 m de haut sur 1,50 à 2,50 m de large. Ceanothus gloriosus: Point Reyes Mountain Lilac. Die Säckelblume (Ceanothus) überzeugt mit kompaktem Wuchs, blauen Blüten und langer Blütezeit. Ceanothus Blue Mound - Broj artikla 32770 . Rating: * Your opinion about this product: * Please note: this review is about the product and not about the garden centre, delivery, etc. Expoziție umbră semi umbră soare . Jetzt bei Amazon.de bestellen! Ce céanothe fleurit de mai à juillet. Ceanothus 'BLUE MOUND' latnatec, zpododěr. Culoare roz (pink) Grows 12" x 6-8', sun-part shade, Hardy 5-10f. A garden favourite, Ceanothus are known and grown for their impressive flowering display.Whether growing a free-standing or a wall-trained shrub, a deciduous or an evergreen, here's all you need to know to get the best from your plant. Ceanothus Burkwoodii. : 3116. Levering omvat: 13 cm-pot, ca. Passend zu Blauer Ceanothus "Blue Mound",1 Pflanze. Hij is niet volledig winterhard en best is om hem op een zonnige beschutte plaats te planten. Variety or Cultivar 'Blue Mound' _ 'Blue Mound' is a mound-forming, evergreen shrub with oblong, finely toothed, glossy, dark green leaves and cymes of small, dark blue … Blauer Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' 1 Pflanze. Parfumat da . Zadivljujući prizor u kasno proljeće kada prekrasni, nebeskoplavi cvjetovi popune tamnozelene listove. (Ceanothus x delileanus) Az Észak-Amerika déli területein, elsősorban Kaliforniában őshonos táskavirág először a 19. század elején jutott el Európába, pontosabban Angliába, ahol máig népszerű ez dísznövény. Introducted in 1960 by Hilliers, it has the RHS Award of Garden Merit. A Suncrest Nursery introduction, this is a cross between two popular cultivars, Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' and Ceanothus 'Dark Star'. It produces dense clusters of bright blue flowers in early summer and again in early autumn. How to grow Ceanothus.
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